In the case of social networks, the engagement rate tends to represent the proportion of client messages handled more than the contact rate.
Where the rate of contact is the ratio of the number of threads to at least one conversation on the total number of threads, the engagement rate is the ratio of processed (responded and assigned) messages on all incoming messages (replied, archived, and assigned).
On chat, a discussion thread corresponds to a single client conversation. On social networks, however, a discussion thread often gives rise to several client conversations. Thus, on social networks, the scale of the discussion thread is no longer representative of the contact rate, and it is then necessary to rely on the scale of the message. You calculate the engagement rate that meets this need as follows:
Engagement rate = (assigned + replied) / (new + assigned + replied + ignored)
You can also calculate engagement rate using the following alternative formula. This formula shows a rate of commitment more favorable to the agents, as it reflects the rate of messages seen and activated by agents:
Engagement rate = (assigned + replied + ignored) / (new + assigned + replied + ignored)