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Release Notes

RingCentral Contact Center User Hub | Summer 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Contact Center User Hub. For Contact Center Central Release Notes, please refer to this page.

Summer 2023 Release – User Hub

This page shows features currently planned for the Summer 2023 release. Features are subject to change between now and the final release dates. Users will be able to access these features, depending on their permissions and purchased applications once their Contact Center has been updated.

The online help continues to reflect the previous version of the product being used by most customers.

How to Use This Page

Each feature description includes a table that states whether the following details apply to it. ✓ means that the detail applies to the feature and ✖ means that the detail does not apply to the feature.

Customer Request The feature was developed by customer request.
UI Change The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes.

When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.


On toggle — This is a major release. The feature automatically toggles on later in the release. If you've registered for Service Notifications, watch for one that indicates when that is.

On deploy — The feature is immediately available when the new release deploys to your environment.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the Contact Center apps you use.

Global Changes 

Changes to CXone Login Page

The CXone login page changed for some users. If you log in at either or, this feature does not affect you.

The Remember Me checkbox was removed.

Logos were moved to a different place on the page.

A Use Company Domain button was added. With this button, you can view your authentication pages by entering your company's custom domain name. Depending on your business unit configuration, you can see your business unit banner, marketing area, and single sign-on (SSO) profiles.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

What's New in the Online Help

Platform Availability Page

The Platform Availability page in the Platform Requirements section of the online help displays:

  • FedRAMP availability: The CXone apps available and not available for FedRAMP Moderate.
  • Regional availability: The CXone apps available in each supported region.

Enhanced User Resources and Success Guide for Interaction Analytics

The Interaction Analytics section of the online help now includes:

  • A Best Practices section that includes tips for optimizing your use of Interaction Analytics.
  • A reference page that defines key terms and metrics used frequently in IA.
  • A section with success guides to help you build tailored workspaces in IA to achieve your business goals.

Removed Applications and Features

Agent SMS Permission Removal

The SMS permission will be removed because it is not used.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

ACD Port Management Removed from Tenant Management

ACD port settings will be removed from Tenant Management. You will still be able to update ACD port settings in the ACD application. This change will remove potential syncing issues between the two applications.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

New Applications

CXone Guide

The following features are planned for release in July 2023.

CXone Guide lets you proactively engage with website visitors as they navigate your website.

Use Guide to create digital engagements that display assistance at known points of friction on your website. A digital engagement can appear in a pop-up widget with helpful text and call-to-action buttons to start a chat with a bot, offer a relevant article, display an entry point and more. Alternatively, the engagement can display a template with buttons for visitors to easily access preferred digital channels.

By offering strategic guidance at the right time, you can reduce struggle scenarios and improve conversion rates.

If you have licensed CXone Expert, use it to write concise, helpful articles as part of your guidance.

Contact Center now offers CXone Guide as generally available. Previously, it was in controlled release (CR) for a select number of customers.

Customers who have been using CXone Guide in CR will notice these features in the Summer 2023 release.


Page Improvements

The Dispositions and Unavailable Codes pages will have a new look and feel. The basic functionality of these pages won't change. The benefits of the updates will include:

  • Reduced loading time.
  • Increased security.
  • A more modern page design.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Activate and Deactivate ACD Skills with Bulk Upload

A Status column will be added to the ACD Skills Bulk Upload template. With this column, you will be able to activate and deactivate multiple ACD skills at once. The Status column will be available for both blank and filled-in templates. This update will save you time when updating ACD skills.

Customer Request
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Enlighten AI Routing Configuration in ACD Skills

If your organization uses Enlighten AI Routing, you will be able to choose your call routing strategy in the create and edit pages for inbound voice ACD skills.

This update is described in more detail in the Enlighten AI Routing section of this page.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Routing Attributes

In addition to ACD skills, you will be able to use routing attributes to narrow down the pool of agents who are eligible to receive an interaction. For example, you could use a routing attribute to define which language the agent must speak. You could require that the agent have a license or certification. This will give you more control over which agents an interaction can route to, without creating a lot of ACD skills.

To set this up, you will first apply attributes to your agent user profiles. You will then use Studio scripts to route interactions to agents. You will do this based on the ACD skill and the chosen attribute. At this time, you will be able to specify one routing attribute at a time.

This feature will become available later in the Summer 2023 release cycle.

Customer Request
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Routing Criteria Data Download Report

A new Routing Criteria data download report will show how the routing criteria of an interaction changed over time spent in queue. This report will let you see how your routing strategy is working and provide insight into the contact journey.

This update is described in more detail in the Reporting section of this page.

Customer Request
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Bullseye Range and Routing Attribute Support in More Studio Actions

The QueueVM and QueueCallbackStudio actions will support bullseye routing ranges and routing attributes. They will have the same routing parameters as the ReqAgent and UpdateContact actions.

This update is described in more detail in the Studio section of this page.

Customer Request
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House the ACD of New Tenants on Microsoft Azure  

This feature is only available in North America. You can house the ACD of new tenants on Microsoft Azure rather than on AWS. The decision to use Azure doesn't change Contact Center functionality. All other Contact Center applications continue to be provided on AWS. This allows for more flexibility in the initial setup of a tenant. For more information, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.

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ACD Channels

Trunk Group Specification for Manual Outbound ACD Skills

You will be able to select which trunk group a manual outbound ACD skill should use to deliver its call traffic. This will enable you to make the calling number visible to improve answer rates.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy


Improvements to Hierarchy Page

Several changes will be made to the Hierarchies page to improve user experience. You will be able to:

  • Drag and drop branches within a hierarchy.
  • Collapse and expand sections of the hierarchy.
  • Zoom in or out.

These changes will allow you to edit and create hierarchies more easily.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Ability to Restrict Email Domain Names

You will be able to restrict email domain names when creating users. If you enter a domain name outside of the allowed list, the user will not be created. This update will improve your security by only allowing access to users with authorized domains.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Editable Usernames

You will be able to edit employee usernames. This will allow you greater flexibility when managing employee accounts. Editing the username of an employee that is logged in can cause issues in Contact Center. The new username must be in the form of an email address. It cannot be a username that already exists in the same tenant. Logging out and logging back in with the new username will solve most problems, such as these:

  • My Profile lists the old username.
  • Navigation isn't working properly.
  • The employee cannot change other usernames.
  • The employee has refresh token issues.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Sync Employee Data Using SCIM

SCIM is a tool that allows you to securely sync user data between multiple applications. With SCIM integration, you will be able to use SCIM v2 compliant applications, such as Okta, to:

  • Create new users in Contact Center.
  • Update Contact Center user data.
  • Deactivate users in Contact Center.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Agent Application Permissions

Permission settings that are used for more than one agent application will no longer include "MAX" in the name. This will help avoid confusion about which applications the setting applies to.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Agent SMS Permission Removal

The SMS permission will be removed because it is not used.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

When enabled, the Agent Integrations employee profile attribute will allow agents to view the Activities section in Customer Card. The Activities section contains data from integrated CRMs. The number of employees with the Agent Integrations attribute enabled will be used to calculate billing costs.

This update is described in more detail in the CXone Agent and CXone Agent Integrated sections of this page.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Agent for Salesforce

See the Agent for Salesforce release history for a list of previous versions.

Record Type Field Added

When you set up task creation settings, you can configure a Record Type for Salesforce tasks. 

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Agent for Service Cloud Voice

The following features are planned for release in mid-August 2023.

Real-Time Transcription Support

Real-time transcription will be dependent on the use of APIs. If you have questions regarding transcription setup, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

Omni-Flows Support

Salesforce Omni-Flows will be supported. Users will be able to set up screen pops, data memorialization, and supervisor support using Omni-Flows.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Integrated Softphone Automatic Sign-In

When agents have the Integrated Softphone permission enabled, they will bypass the Voice Options screen and be logged in to Agent for Service Cloud Voice immediately. This will reduce the time it takes for agents to log in to Agent for Service Cloud Voice.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Standard Address Book Support

Agent for Service Cloud Voice will support standard address books. This will allow you to create address books that can be viewed and used in more than one agent application.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Performance Analytics for Salesforce Einstein Integration

Agent for Service Cloud Voice will support integrations with Einstein. This will allow Contact Center ACD data to be used for reporting within Salesforce.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy


Updated Performance for Reporting and Real-Time APIs

The following contact APIs will be updated to improve performance. Enhancements will include new fields, metrics, and standardized parameters.

  • /contact/states
  • /contacts/
  • /contacts/active
  • /contacts/completed

The final version of the release notes will include additional technical details.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

End-of-Life for Legacy API Authentication   

Legacy authentication methods were deprecated in 2022. With the Summer 2023 release, they moved to End-of-Life status and will cease to function between the Summer and Fall 2023 releases. If you have not already updated your app authentication, use the global authentication method  . There is only one token endpoint with the global method, /auth/token . This endpoint facilitates:

  • User authentication through OpenID Connect.
  • Other forms of authentication specified by OAuth2.0.

The endpoints in the following API groups were deprecated:

  • User Hub API > AccessKeys
  • User Hub API > ⦁ Authentication 

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Spawn Digital Scripts by Name and Service Token

This new API will allow you to spawn digital scripts by name and service token instead of the scriptId: <clusterApiUrl>/inContactAPI/services/v22.0/scripts/startDigital.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

API Support for Quick Responses

The following APIs will support quick responses:

  • GET /quick-responses: Retrieves a list of rich media that can be sent to a contact.
  • POST /quick-responses/{quickResponseId}/replace-variables: Replaces variables in message content.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Delete Digital Channels via API

This new Digital Engagement API will let you delete digital points of contact: DELETE /channels/:channelId.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

v3 Digital Engagement APIs to Route through the API Façade

The latest version of Digital Engagement APIs, v3.0, will be able to route through the Contact Center API Façade.

The API Façade provides a single access point for API calls. It also provides other benefits like avoiding cluster-specific URLs, stability, monitoring, and so forth. Learn more about the API Façade on the developer portal.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Expanded Digital Engagement API Support for Agent Applications

The following APIs will support agent applications like CXone Agent:

PUT /contacts/{contactNumer}/inbox-assignment inboxPreAssigneeCXoneId will accept an agent's UUID.
DELETE /customers/{customerId}/custom-fields/{customFieldIdent} A new endpoint that will remove the value of a customer custom field.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Digital Engagement API Support for Adaptive Cards

Digital Engagement APIs will be expanded to include adaptive card messages types. Adaptive cards are a framework that allows you to create interactive rich content, like displaying bank account details or airplane tickets. The following APIs will be expanded:

  • /channels/{channelId}/outbound: Lets you send an adaptive card.
  • /contacts/{contactNumber}/messages: When retrieving message history, the list includes adaptive card messages.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Bot Builder

Bot Insights

This section of Bot Builder will replace the existing Learning section. In the left navigation menu, there will be a new icon for Insights. This section will allow you to analyze data about how customers are interacting with your bot. It will contain the following tabs:

  • Dashboard: This tab will display several predefined widgets. Each widget will show different data about your bot's interactions with customers, such as number of inbound or outbound messages, conversation length, or number of unique customers.
  • Journeys: This tab will display a visualization of how the customer's intent progresses through a conversation.
  • Conversations: This tab existed in the Learning section and will function the same within Insights.

Customer Request
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You will be able to add tags to conversations. This functionality will be available in two ways:

  • As a bot action while you are building a story or rule.
  • As a button in the Review Conversations section.

The Dashboard has a widget for tags, and you can search conversations based on what tags are applied to them. There is also a tab in the Preferences section to manage all your tags in one place.

Customer Request
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UI and UX Improvements

There will be several improvements to where features are located, including:

  • Logs will be removed from the left navigation menu. Instead, the Activity Log will be accessible through a tab in the Preferences section.
  • The talk to your bot feature will be moved out of the Learning section. Instead, it will be available from a new button at the top of each page, near the Train and Stage button. You will be able to share your bot from this new location as well.

Cloud Storage Services

Multi-Region Storage

You will be able to select scheduling units you want to exclude from a forecasting job. This way, you can reallocate their workload to other scheduling units when you generate a staffing plan.

The policies set in Life Cycle Management rules will be consistent for all your regions. If you set call recordings to archive after 30 days, call recordings in all regions will archive after 30 days. The files will be archived in the same region where they were stored.

The Classics, Inc. contact center is based in Oregon, United States. Other locations are in Frankfurt, Germany and Sydney, Australia. When agents in any region log in to Contact Center, they are logged in to the platform based in Oregon. Classics, Inc., has enabled multi-region storage to store their call recordings in compliance with privacy laws in the EU and Australia. Their regional storage rules specify that call recordings must be stored in the same region where the agent handled the call.

  • When an agent in the Frankfurt location handles a call, the call is recorded in the base region of Oregon. The call recording is then physically stored in the Frankfurt location.
  • When an agent in the Sydney location handles a call, the call is recorded in the base region of Oregon. The call recording is then physically stored in the Sydney location.
  • When an agent in the Oregon location handles a call, the call is recorded in the base region of Oregon. The call recording is then physically stored in the Oregon region.

Call recordings in all three regions have the same Life Cycle Management rule. They archive after 90 days. When this occurs, the files are archived in the same region where they were stored.

When you retrieve files from long-term storage, Cloud Storage Services will search all your files in all your regions.

You will create multi-region storage rules based on a filter, which may include any combination of team or agent, or ACD skill. Files generated by the sources you specify in the filter will be stored in the region of your choosing.

Multi-region storage won't be compatible with environments using custom storage or custom KMS.

Multi-region storage won't be supported in China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong due to data sovereignty restrictions in those regions.

You will need a special license to use this feature. Contact your Contact Center Account Representative for details.

Customer Request
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CXone Agent

These features will be available later in the release cycle, in August 2023.

Launch CXone Agent from the CXone App Selector

Currently, agents can only access CXone Agent by navigating to its direct URL. With the Summer 2023 release, you will be able to configure a permission to make CXone Agent available through the app selector inside Contact Center.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

Additional CRM Integrations

CXone Agent will support integration with Pega, Salesforce, and SAP. This will be in addition to the current support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Work Items

Work items will be available in CXone Agent. Work items are custom tasks that often include external links. They appear in agents' inboxes.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Inbox Sorting

Agents will be able to sort the digital interactions in their inboxes by:

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity will appear at the top. Clicking Last Updated again will display the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.
  • Created Date: The newest interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Created Date again will display the oldest interactions at the top.
  • Unread: Unread interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Unread again will display read interactions at the top.

Inbox sorting will not apply to phone calls or voicemails, which will always appear at the top of the agent's inbox.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Productivity Report

The Productivity report will be available inside CXone Agent. It will show agents how long they and their team spent in Available, Working, and Unavailable states. It will have the same features and functionality as the Productivity report in MAX.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Tags and Notes for Digital Messages

Agents will be able to add tags and notes to individual messages in digital interactions. Tags are configured in Digital First Omnichannel.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Search for Digital Interactions

A search bar will be added to the top of Agent for Microsoft Teams, allowing agents to search for digital interactions and contacts. Clicking on an interaction in the search results will display a preview of the interaction. Clicking on a contact in the search results will display the contact's customer card.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Rich Message Fallback Text

Rich messages are responses that include advanced content, such as list pickers, that allow contacts to click an option as their response. If the rich message cannot render to the contact, fallback text will be displayed. This fallback text will be plain text describing the rich message. Any links in the rich message will be included in the fallback text.

For this release, agents will not be able to select rich messages from Quick Replies  . Rich messages will need to be sent through a bot or API.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Directory Search in Email Fields

Directory entries will appear when agents enter text in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of email drafts. Agents will be able to select a contact from the results. You will be able to configure a permission to enable or disable this feature.

Customer Request
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Copy and Paste Images into Email Drafts

Agents will be able to copy and paste images into the body of an email draft. They will also be able to drag and drop images into the email draft to include them as attachments.

Customer Request
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Response Timers for Digital Interactions

Digital interactions will display timers to agents. These timers will show:

  • How long the contact has been waiting for the agent's response.
  • How long the agent has been waiting for the contact's response.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Conference More than Three Parties

Agents will be able to conference with up to eight parties total.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Hide Inbound Hangup

When enabled, the Hide Inbound Hangup permission will hide Hang Up from the agent's voice control panel. The agent will not be able to end inbound calls.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

UI and UX Improvements

Home and Assignment will be removed from the left menu to simplify agents' experience.

Customer Request
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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute will allow agents to view the Activities section in Customer Card.

This update is described in more detail in the Admin section of this page.

Customer Request
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CXone Agent Embedded

These features will be available later in the release cycle, in August 2023.

Additional CRMs

CXone Agent Embedded supports an embedded experience with Kustomer, and Salesforce. This is in addition to the previously announced support for Microsoft Dynamics, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Work Items

Work items are available in CXone Agent Embedded. Work items are custom tasks that often include external links. They appear in agents' inboxes.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Inbox Sorting

Agents can sort the digital interactions in their inboxes by: 

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity will appear at the top. Clicking Last Updated again will display the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.
  • Created Date: The newest interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Created Date again will display the oldest interactions at the top.
  • Unread: Unread interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Unread again will display read interactions at the top.

Inbox sorting does not apply to phone calls or voicemails, which always appear at the top of the agent's inbox.

Customer Request
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Productivity Report

The Productivity report is available inside CXone Agent Embedded. It shows agents how long they and their team spent in Available, Working, and Unavailable states. It has the same features and functionality as the Productivity report in MAX.

Customer Request
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Tags and Notes for Digital Messages

Agents can add tags and notes to individual messages in digital interactions. Tags are configured in Digital First Omnichannel.

Customer Request
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Search for Digital Interactions

A search bar at the top of CXone Agent Embedded allows agents to search for digital interactions and contacts. Clicking an interaction in the search results displays a preview of the interaction. Clicking a contact in the search results displays the contact's customer card.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Rich Message Fallback Text

Rich messages are responses that include advanced content, such as list pickers, that allow contacts to click an option as their response. If the rich message cannot render to the contact, fallback text is displayed. This fallback text is plain text describing the rich message. Any links in the rich message are included in the fallback text. This is a fixed issue.

For this release, agents are not able to select rich messages from Quick Replies  . Rich messages need to be sent through a bot or API.

Customer Request
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Directory Search in Email Fields

Directory entries appear when agents enter text in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of email drafts. Agents can select a contact from the results. You can configure a permission to enable or disable this feature.

Customer Request
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Copy and Paste Images into Email Drafts

Agents can copy and paste images into an email draft to include them as attachments. They can also drag and drop images into an email draft.

Customer Request
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Response Timers for Digital Interactions

Digital interactions display timers to agents. These timers show:

  • How long the contact has been waiting for the agent's response.
  • How long the agent has been waiting for the contact's response.

Customer Request
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Conference More than Three Parties

Agents can conference with up to eight parties total.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Hide Inbound Hangup

When enabled, the Hide Inbound Hangup permission hides Hang Up from the agent's voice control panel. The agent cannot end inbound calls.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

UI and UX Improvements

Home and Assignment are removed from the top menu to simplify agents' experience.

Customer Request
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Agent Integrations Employee Profile Attribute

The Agent Integrations employee profile attribute allows agents to view the Activities section in Customer Card.

This update is described in more detail in the Admin section of this page.

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Agent for Microsoft Teams

These features will be available later in the release cycle, in August 2023.

Work Items

Work items will be available in Agent for Microsoft Teams. Work items are custom tasks that often include external links. They appear in agents' inboxes.

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity will appear at the top. Clicking Last Updated again will display the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.
  • Created Date: The newest interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Created Date again will display the oldest interactions at the top.
  • Unread: Unread interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Unread again will display read interactions at the top.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Inbox Sorting

Agents will be able to sort the digital interactions in their inboxes by:

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity will appear at the top. Clicking Last Updated again will display the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.
  • Created Date: The newest interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Created Date again will display the oldest interactions at the top.
  • Unread: Unread interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Unread again will display read interactions at the top.

Inbox sorting will not apply to phone calls or quamails, which will always appear at the top of the agent's inbox.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Productivity Report

The Productivity report will be available inside CXone Agent. It will show agents how long they and their team spent in Available, Working, and Unavailable states. It will have the same features and functionality as the Productivity report in MAX.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Tags and Notes for Digital Messages

Agents will be able to add tags and notes to individual messages in digital interactions. Tags are configured in Digital First Omnichannel.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Search for Digital Interactions

A search bar will be added to the top of CXone Agent, allowing agents to search for digital interactions and contacts. Clicking on an interaction in the search results will display a preview of the interaction. Clicking on a contact in the search results will display the contact's customer card.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Rich Message Fallback Text

Rich messages are responses that include advanced content, such as list pickers, that allow contacts to click an option as their response. If the rich message cannot render to the contact, fallback text will be displayed. This fallback text will be plain text describing the rich message. Any links in the rich message will be included in the fallback text. This is a fixed issue.

For this release, agents will not be able to select rich messages from Quick Replies  . Rich messages will need to be sent through a bot or API.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Directory Search in Email Fields

Directory entries will appear when agents enter text in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of email drafts. Agents will be able to select a contact from the results. You will be able to configure a permission to enable or disable this feature.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Copy and Paste Images into Email Drafts

Agents will be able to copy and paste images into the body of an email draft. They will also be able to drag and drop images into the email draft to include them as attachments.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Response Timers for Digital Interactions

Digital interactions will display timers to agents. These timers will show:

  • How long the contact has been waiting for the agent's response.
  • How long the agent has been waiting for the contact's response.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Conference More than Three Parties

Agents will be able to conference with up to eight parties total.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Hide Inbound Hangup

When enabled, the Hide Inbound Hangup permission will hide Hang Up from the agent's voice control panel. The agent will not be able to end inbound calls.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

UI and UX Improvements

Home and Assignment will be removed from the left menu to simplify agents' experience.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

CXone Agent Integrated

These features will be available later in the release cycle, in August 2023.

Additional CRM Integrations

CXone Agent Integrated will support integration with Pega, Salesforce, and SAP. This will be in addition to the current support for Kustomer, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Work Items

Work items will be available in CXone Agent Integrated. Work items are custom tasks that often include external links. They appear in agents' inboxes.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Inbox Sorting

Agents will be able to sort the digital interactions in their inboxes by:

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity will appear at the top. Clicking Last Updated again will display the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.
  • Created Date: The newest interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Created Date again will display the oldest interactions at the top.
  • Unread: Unread interactions will appear at the top. Clicking Unread again will display read interactions at the top.

Inbox sorting will not apply to phone calls or quamails, which will always appear at the top of the agent's inbox.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Productivity Report

The Productivity report will be available inside CXone Agent. It will show agents how long they and their team spent in Available, Working, and Unavailable states. It will have the same features and functionality as the Productivity report in MAX.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Tags and Notes for Digital Messages

Agents will be able to add tags and notes to individual messages in digital interactions. Tags are configured in Digital First Omnichannel.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Search for Digital Interactions

A search bar will be added to the top of CXone Agent, allowing agents to search for digital interactions and contacts. Clicking on an interaction in the search results will display a preview of the interaction. Clicking on a contact in the search results will display the contact's customer card.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Rich Message Fallback Text

Rich messages are responses that include advanced content, such as list pickers, that allow contacts to click an option as their response. If the rich message cannot render to the contact, fallback text will be displayed. This fallback text will be plain text describing the rich message. Any links in the rich message will be included in the fallback text. This is a fixed issue.

For this release, agents will not be able to select rich messages from Quick Replies  . Rich messages will need to be sent through a bot or API.

Customer Request
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Directory Search in Email Fields

Directory entries will appear when agents enter text in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields of email drafts. Agents will be able to select a contact from the results. You will be able to configure a permission to enable or disable this feature.

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Copy and Paste Images into Email Drafts

Agents will be able to copy and paste images into the body of an email draft. They will also be able to drag and drop images into the email draft to include them as attachments.

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Response Timers for Digital Interactions

Digital interactions will display timers to agents. These timers will show:

  • How long the contact has been waiting for the agent's response.
  • How long the agent has been waiting for the contact's response.

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Conference More than Three Parties

Agents will be able to conference with up to eight parties total.

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Hide Inbound Hangup

When enabled, the Hide Inbound Hangup permission will hide Hang Up from the agent's voice control panel. The agent will not be able to end inbound calls.

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UI and UX Improvements

Home and Assignment will be removed from the left menu to simplify agents' experience.

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ScreenAgent Connectivity Check Tool

You will be able to download a tool to check that network configuration is set correctly for ScreenAgent to work properly. Users will be able to use the tool before or after installing ScreenAgent. The ScreenAgent Connectivity Check tool will improve the customer experience and troubleshooting capabilities.

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CXone Supervisor

Unified Interface

To simplify the experience, the Insights and Live Monitoring pages will be unified to a single page called Live Monitoring. On this page, you will be able to view insights and monitor and manage agents.

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Evaluating Agents in Real Time

You can now start evaluating agents while they are handling interactions.

The option to evaluate will only be available if you have a Quality Management license. 

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Agents View—Bulk Actions

In the Agents view, supervisors will be able to:

  • Assign or unassign multiple skills to an agent.
  • Activate or deactivate multiple skills for an agent.

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Streamline Supervisor Applications

Previously, the legacy Supervisor application was available from the Contact Center app selector menu. Supervisors will now be able to access the legacy Supervisorapplication from CXone Supervisor.

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Agent Next State

Supervisors can now view the upcoming state of agents in addition to their current state.

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Interactions View: Likelihood to Buy

In the Contacts view, supervisors can view an agent's behavioral scores in real-time focused around sales effectiveness (likelihood to buy) under the RTIG tab.

This feature is only available if you have a Real-Time Interaction Guidance license.

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Learn More About Advanced Capabilities

An icon will be displayed next to any advanced features that require additional licenses. When you hover over the icon, a tooltip will provide you with more information about the value you can gain from these features. Supervisors will be able to share this information with their colleagues by email.

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Workforce Management

Reallocate Scheduling Units

You will be able to select scheduling units you want to exclude from a forecasting job. This way, you can reallocate their workload to other scheduling units when you generate a staffing plan.

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Forecast Enhancements

The interface is updated in forecasting jobs:

  • Historical and Forecast data (steps 2 and 3): Filter by deferrable or real-time WEM skills.
  • Staffing (step 5): New filtering labels.
  • The graph in all steps: Can display up to six items at a time, the data in the graph loads faster, and each line is more recognizable.

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Exporting WFM Data via CSV

Currently, exported data begins downloading immediately. With this release, you will download the CSV file after you get an email with a download link. This will apply when exporting Real Time Adherence (RTA) data and staffing data in a forecasting job.

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Improvement to Schedule Generation

Before this release, shifts were not created when the following three conditions were met:

  • Agents are assigned to a weekly rule.
  • The weekly rule contains a daily rule with varying shift start times.
  • Agents are partially available during these varying shift start times.

With this release, shifts are created for time slots where the agents are available and fall within the shift start-time range.

Shifts will not be generated if agents are unavailable during the shift start time range set in the daily rule.

This change enhances the interpretation of scheduling rules and creates valid shifts for agents.

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Schedule Optimization with Lunch and Break Activities

Improve net staffing with one click of a button. With the WFM Advanced license, managers will be able to set up schedule optimization rules. These rules will automatically generate a daily plan that adjusts the lunch and break activities for the scheduled agents.

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Mapping of Missing Out-of-the-box (OOTB) States

The out-of-the-box agent states are mapped between WFM and the Contact Center ACD.

With this alignment, Real Time Adherence (RTA) and Adherence Reports reflect all out-of-the-box states.

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Moving Agent Availability to the WFM Application

Agent availability moved from the Admin application to the WFM application. This is a new screen called Agent Configuration, and it can be accessed from WFM > Setup. Earlier, it was accessible as a tab in the employee profile of the Admin application.

The scheduling is streamlined by bringing all required parameters into the same application.

It is now easier for supervisors to update agent information.

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Support for Partial Time-Off on Non-Published Days

Agents can now request partial time-off on unpublished days. This was not supported earlier. The request is possible depending on:

  • Existing activity configuration.
  • Agent time-off balance.
  • Auto approval rules.

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My Zone - Interval-Level Self-Service for Time-Off (TO) Requests

This feature is available to users with an Advanced license.

Agents can now see interval-level time-off opportunities on their schedules in My Zone.

Two types of time-off slots are available based on the staffing conditions during the interval:

  • Auto-approved time-off slots.
  • Time-off slots needing approval.

Agents have more schedule flexibility while meeting business staffing needs.

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Users with visual, motor, hearing, or cognitive impairments will have an improved experience on the agent pages in My Zone. A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) that complies with WCAG 2.1 level A & level AA Accessibility standards will be available. VPAT is a document that explains how information and communication technology (ICT) products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation meet (conform to) a certain accessibility standard.

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Enhancement to New Year Time-Off Rules

Earlier, manual edits to the time-off rules were only effective through the end of the calendar year. In the new year, managers needed to attach agents in the scheduling unit back to the time-off rule. With this release, time-off rules remain attached to agents when the new year begins, even after manual edits.

This saves time for managers and prevents tedious tasks.

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Multi-Factor Authentication for the Mobile App

The mobile app supports multi-factor authentication for agents when logging in. This authentication is set at the organizational level, providing enhanced mobile app security. 

To access this feature, update to the latest version of the app.

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Schedule Change Requests for the Mobile App

WFM lets agents request schedule changes using the mobile app. Agents can request schedule updates anytime and anywhere, providing them flexibility.

To access this feature, update to the latest version of the app.

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Digital First Omnichannel

Queue Creation and Migration to ACD Skills

You no longer need to switch between the ACD skills page and DFO routing queues page to configure digital skills, or routing queues. You can create, edit, activate, and deactivate digital skills and routing queues in ACD. You can set the service level and goal for contact delivery. You can also configure settings for contact and agent response times. Setting response times is only available for CXone Agent.

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Support for Full Life Cycle of Digital Contacts in Studio

You can now create scripts that route digital contacts through the ONRELEASE action. This allows you to create scripts that support the full life cycle of digital contacts. Previously, digital scripts only supported contacts from the BEGIN action up to the REQAGENT DIGITAL action.

Workflow Automation (WFA) remains an important tool to use together with digital scripts. WFA rules allow you to put conditions on certain events and actions happening with digital contacts, interactions, and more.

This update is described in more detail in the Studio section of this page.

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Changes to Digital Points of Contact

Studio scripts now fully control the assignment of digital contacts to digital skills. Digital points of contacts have been changed to require a default digital skill and script. This functionality is the same as for ACD points of contact.

If you currently use digital scripts, you must modify your digital points of contact and assign a default digital skill. If a script isn't already assigned to the digital point of contact, you must also assign one.

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New Studio Actions for DFO

New actions are available in Studio for use in digital scripts.

This update is described in more detail in the Studio section of this page.

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Real-Time Translations

DFO allows you to integrate RWS Language Weaver for automatic language translation. This allows agents using MAX to send and receive translated messages in real time. You must purchase the language pairs from RWS that you want agents to be able to use. Then you can enable automated language translations on the Points of Contact Digital page.

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Email Enhancements

The following features enhance the experience of using Contact Center email in DFO:

  • Display name for email addresses: You can personalize a name for each existing outbound email address. This allows your recipients to easily recognize messages from you and increases the likelihood that they will read the email. You can view and edit the display name from the email channel settings page.
  • Force TLS 1.2: You can set each existing outbound email address with a requirement for TLS 1.2 as an added layer of security for email channels using SES. When enabled, mail from that address is only sent after an encrypted connection is established. If the recipient's email server cannot establish an encrypted connection, mail is not sent to that recipient. You can view and edit this setting from the email channel settings page.

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SMS Settings Enhancements

The process for configuring Contact Center SMS channels in DFO is the same as other channels. This makes channel administration more consistent. You can:

  • See a list of all your existing Contact Center SMS channels.
  • Rename existing channels.
  • Easily toggle manual outbound flow.

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Textel International Support

DFO supports inbound and outbound SMS messages using international numbers through Textel. Textel is a third-party alternative to the native Contact Center SMS solution.

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Device Capabilities Detection for Apple Messages for Business

DFO can detect the capabilities of a contact's device. It creates a device fingerprint, where it stores data about what type of rich messages the device can receive. This means that if a contact's device doesn't support a rich message, they receive a message with fallback text.

Without this functionality, the contact would receive an error message telling them to update their device. This feature will help avoid that error message and ensures your contacts get the information they need.

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Migration to Cloud API for WhatsApp

DFO no longer uses a third-party integration service for WhatsApp. It connects directly to the Meta Cloud API. WhatsApp has a new button on the Points of Contact Digital page labeled WhatsApp (Cloud API), but the functionality remains the same.

To migrate, you need to temporarily disable multi-factor authentication, log in with your WhatsApp business account, and fill out a migration form for information you would like to move over. This migration makes the WhatsApp integration more consistent with other channels. Refer to  WhatsApp documentation  for more information.

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Adaptive Cards

You can configure interactive messages and rich content for the contact to engage with in a chat conversation. The adaptive cards message framework allows bots to send forms, cards, buttons, and other interactive elements in DFO chat messages. You can configure this with custom CSS and JS in the chat channel settings.

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Visitor Inactivity Tracking Improvement

The Visitor is Inactive condition in Workflow Automation now has a maximum of 60 minutes. This frees up storage space from inactivity events where the chat window has been inactive for a long time.

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Accessibility Compliance

DFO chat includes improvements to be compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA.

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Unified Web SDK and DFO Chat Production Version

Any new features or enhancements added to DFO Chat in this and future releases will also be added to Web SDK.

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Enlighten AI Routing

ACD Skill Configuration

You can configure Enlighten AI Routing for inbound voice ACD skills. This allows you to manage Enlighten AI Routing from directly within Contact Center.

To do this, you will use a new Routing Configuration section on the create and edit ACD skill pages. It will contain an Evaluation Criteria drop-down field with two options:

  • Skill Proficiency: Calls route to the available agent with the highest proficiency in the ACD skill. This is the default routing strategy for the Contact Center ACD.
  • Enlighten AI: Calls route to the available agent with the best predicted outcome for the Enlighten AI metric that you select. Selecting Enlighten AI enables the Enlighten AI Focus Metric field. You will use this field to select a metric to prioritize in your routing strategy. For example, if you choose Average Handle Time, calls will route to the available agent that Enlighten AI Routing predicts will have the lowest handle time for each specific caller and situation. The available metrics will be Average Handle Time and Average Talk Time.

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IEX WFM Integrated

Add-On: Enhanced Strategic Planner (ESP)

Enhanced Strategic Planner (ESP) is a purchasable add-on for IEX WFM Integrated. It enables automated long-term contact center planning. ESP is well-established tool for users of IEX WFM and IEX Cloud. This release, ESP will be generally available for organizations using IEX WFM Integrated.

ESP offers these benefits:

  • Ability to build what-if scenarios for long-term planning. It includes options and explanations of staffing and budgeting impacts.
  • Ability to plan long-term staffing by site, location, or internal/outsource type. It's based on real data from your contact center.
  • Ability to quickly see how your changes impact staffing requirements, service level, ASA, and occupancy.

ESP supports many channel types based on your WFM skills. This includes both voice and digital channels. It can use long-term forecasts created in IEX WFM Integrated or import external forecasts. ESP then uses those forecasts to create long-term plans, including plans for multi-step workflows. For more information on enhancing your IEX WFM Integrated system with ESP, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.

If you used Enhanced Strategic Planner in controlled release, you'll notice this new feature.

Upgrade to IEX WFM v7.5

During the Contact Center Summer 2023 release cycle, upgrades to IEX WFM will begin for existing IEX WFM Integrated environments. Each of the remaining features in this section is a key feature of IEX WFM Integrated v7.5. Your Contact Center Account Representative will contact you about scheduling your upgrade.

You can see a video overview of IEX WFM Integrated v7.5 features here.

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Ability to Delete Long-Term Forecasts

A new Delete Long-term Forecast view will allow you to delete unneeded long-term forecasts generated for BUs, CTs, EGs, BU Sets, CT Sets, and EG Sets. You must have the Modify permission for the forecast entity to delete it.

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RCP Generation Messages and Alerts

Supervisor users now receive alerts regarding the status of their process generations. The alert messages state whether the generation succeeded or failed. The Alerts button displays the number of status messages for completed processes submitted by the logged-in user.

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Linking Supervisors and Agents

Sometimes an agent also functions as a team lead or other type of supervisory user. Currently, these users can only switch between WebStation and Supervisor WebStation if they log out of one and in to the other. With this release, you will be able to link the Supervisor and Agent user accounts so that the user can switch back and forth more easily. A new "Switch to..." selection will appear in the User Menu of either WebStation application for these users. The linking is 1-to-1; that is, one agent to one supervisor and vice versa.

This is especially useful if your company uses either Single Sign-On (SSO) or LDAP authentication. This feature makes SSO possible even with IEX WFM functionality that prevents an agent's external ID from being the same as a supervisor's login ID, even when the agent and supervisor are the same person.

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Single Sign-On (SSO) Improvements

The new Supervisor WebStation - SSO Configuration page gives you a simple interface to configure SSO. Users with permission to the page can load the SAML configuration into IEX WFM Integrated and update it when needed.

In addition, the RCP Login page will provide users with two options:

  • Log in with SSO: This option is selected by default if SSO is enabled for your IEX WFM Integrated tenant. If RCP SSO is enabled, only the master user can log in with a password. All other users must use SSO.
  • Log in with Password: If RCP SSO is disabled, all users must log in with a password.

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Enhanced Adherence Export Files

The following file exports with adherence-related information were enhanced from one-minute to one-second precision:

  • Agent Adherence Detail
  • Agent Adherence Summary
  • Agent Adherence by Attribute Detail
  • Agent Adherence by Attribute Summary

Adherence details in Export modules are calculated at a more granular level. These details will differ from similar metrics in IEX WFM Integrated out-of-the-box reporting.

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Simultaneous Bidding in Time Off Manager

Time Off Manager supports simultaneous bidding by time off rule. This option enables you to define time off rule bids with dates open for bidding, request types, and bidding sort order. Remaining features in this section are associated with the Simultaneous Bidding feature.

Agents with TOGs assigned to the time off rule can bid for time off during the open bidding date ranges. Administrators process the time off bids after bidding closes.

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New Simultaneous Bidding Page

The new Supervisor WebStation - Simultaneous Bidding page allows supervisors to see and export all simultaneous bid requests from agents for the selected TOG, time off rule, and bid name. This page includes the agent MU and bidding order. It also shows the status, priority, date, type, and more for each time off bid request.

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Updates to Time Off Rules View

The Bidding Rules view was updated as follows to support the Simultaneous Bidding feature:

  • A new tab called Additional Settings was added. These sections from the Bidding Rules tab will move to the Additional Settings tab:
    • Master from date
    • Master to date
    • Agent WebStation: The Allow weeks to be converted to individual days option does not apply to Time Off Rules that use simultaneous bidding.
  • The Bidding Rules tab has a new section, Bidding options, with these options:
    • Submit requests on a first come, first served basis: This is the same as the Agent requests must be in order option unchecked in prior releases.
    • Submit requests in sequential order: This is the same as the Agent requests must be in order option checked in prior releases. It will be the default setting for new time off rules.
    • Submit requests by preference for simultaneous bidding
  • The Bidding order section was renamed Bidding sort order. It will only be available when Submit requests in sequential order is selected.
  • The Request types section is available when Submit requests on a first come, first served basis or Submit requests in sequential order is selected.
  • A new Simultaneous bidding options section will be added to define time off rule bids when Submit requests by preference for simultaneous bidding is selected.

When your IEX WFM Integrated tenant is upgraded, any existing time off rules have the previously chosen options updated as follows:

  • If Agent requests must be in order was selected, Submit requests in sequential order will be selected.
  • If Agent requests must be in order was cleared, Submit requests on a first come, first served basis will be selected.

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New Process Simultaneous Bids Window

The new Process Simultaneous Bids Window automates the process of assigning time off to selected agents. After agents submit time off bid requests and bidding closes, supervisors run this process to assign time off to selected agents. Agents receive time off based on the TOG and time off rule, time off allotments, agent time off summary parameters, and agent remaining time off balance.

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Updates to RCP Navigation Menu

If you have access to the Process Simultaneous Bid menu item, it was added to the RCP Time Off Manager menu under Time Off Manager.

If you have access to the Simultaneous Bidding menu item, it was added to the RCP Time Off Manager menu under Process Simultaneous Bids.

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Updates to Users and Permissions View

The Users and Permissions > Menu Permissions > Time Off Manager page was updated to add the new Process Simultaneous Bids and Simultaneous Bidding menu items and permissions. Both permissions default to No.

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Updates to WebStation and Supervisor WebStation

Request Time Off View:

  • For time off rules that use simultaneous bidding, these updates affect the Request Time Off page (add or edit):
    • Bid name is a new, required field.
    • Priority is a new, required field.
    • Wait List is no longer available as a time off type.
    • Week is no longer an available length for agents when the Request type is Force full weeks for the selected Bid name in the time off rule.
    • The Supervisor WebStation Only save request if all days can be granted option is not available.
    • For full day and partial day requests, End date is disabled and its value set to the start date.
  • Simultaneous bidding requests have a status of Submitted on the Request time off - confirmation page.
  • The Request time off link won't appear:
    • For agents or supervisors when there are no bid names open for bidding.
    • For supervisors when they do not have permission to enter preferences on behalf of agents. This comes from the time off rule definition.

My Time Off Text View:

The new Bidding table on the My Time Off Text View displays the agent’s time off bid requests for the selected time off rule. These time off bid requests are those entered for time off bids open for bidding. The time off bids are defined in time off rules that use simultaneous bidding.

In the Bidding table, users can:

  • Cancel time off bid requests for time off bids open for bidding. Supervisor users must have permission to enter preferences on behalf of agents.
  • Change the priority of time off bid requests for time off bids open for bidding. Supervisor users must have permission to enter preferences on behalf of agents.
  • Click Edit to edit time off bid requests

Time off rules that use simultaneous bidding do not show the Cancel column in the Planned table.

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Interaction Analytics

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

You can limit the data users can see by teams or skills. You can configure this in your RBAC settings in the Admin application. Users not configured to view specific teams or skills can see all current data in IA for the tenant.

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RBAC for AutoDiscovery

If you use AutoDiscovery, you can limit the data users can see based on teams or skills they are assigned to. You can configure this in your RBAC settings in the Admin application. Users not configured to view specific teams or skills can see all current data in AutoDiscovery. AutoDiscovery is only available to users with Interaction Analytics Advanced or Interaction Analytics Premium.

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New Filters for Search

The Search page has new filter options you can use to search all of your available data. You can search by resolution status and additional metrics. If you have Interaction Analytics Premium and Enlighten use cases, you can filter your search by your Enlighten metrics.

You can also choose which fields you want to view and how they are arranged when viewing interactions.

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Capability to Save Searches

You can save a search as public or private. You can select saved searches from a drop-down to view search results again. This helps you avoid having to configure the same search settings multiple times.

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Multiple Dialects Per Tenant

You can apply multiple dialects of the same language to your tenant. For example, you can apply both European Spanish and Latin American Spanish to your account. This increases transcript accuracy when you have callers from different countries. You need to contact your Contact Center Account Representative to configure these dialects for you.

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Updates to Activity Audit Report

You can view Interaction Analytics events in the Activity Audit report. The report includes events such as editing a category or configuring custom sentiment or the company profile.

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Improvement to English and International English Transcripts

A new transformer technology is used to improve the accuracy of transcripts for English and international English.

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Interactions and Playback

Interactions Enhancements

  • You can export search query results with their metadata. To maintain application performance, up to 500 results can be exported to a file. There is a new permission for this feature. See Export Search Results.
  • Improvements to the Team, Skill, and Category filters allow you to quickly find and select filter values when there are many options. See Refine Search Results.
  • You can start playback by double-clicking a segment in the search results. See View and Play Interactions.

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Agent Permissions

Permission settings that are used for more than one agent application no longer include "MAX" in the name. This helps minimize confusion about which applications the setting applies to.

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SMS Permission Removal

The SMS permission has been removed because it is not used.

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Minor adjustments to the native ACD chat window improve the experience while using a screen reader.

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My Zone

My Zone - Interval-Level Self-Service for Time-Off (TO) Requests

This feature is available to users with an Advanced license.

Agents can now see interval-level time-off opportunities on their schedules in My Zone.

Two types of time-off slots are available based on the staffing conditions during the interval:

  • Auto-approved time-off slots.
  • Time-off slots needing approval.

Agents have more schedule flexibility while meeting business staffing needs.

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Enhancements to Recent Interactions

The Recent Interactions page includes an option to view your interactions from the last 90 days.

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Users with visual, motor, hearing, or cognitive impairments now have an improved experience on the agent pages in My Zone. A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) that complies with WCAG 2.1 level A & level AA Accessibility standards is available. VPAT is a document that explains how information and communication technology (ICT) products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation meet (conform to) a certain accessibility standard.

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Application Settings

A Settings page has been added to NEVA, where you can configure settings for the captured applications used by agents. There are two tabs under the Settings page: Applications and Categories. The Applications tab contains a list of all the applications that agents used. A user with the right permissions (for example, a business analyst) can set display names for applications, set idle threshold (the time without key/mouse activity before counting idle time) per application, and assign a defined category at the application or team level. The Categories tab allows you to define categories for classifying applications according to business means. For example, Productive/Non-Productive. You can add, edit, and delete categories.

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Partner Applications


Improvements in Directory Sync and Presence Sync for Microsoft Teams

  • Support for More Users in Azure Directory: Previously, Directory Sync for Microsoft Teams had a limitation of 20,000 users in Azure. Starting with this release, Microsoft Teams Directory now supports up to 40,000 users. This allows more users to access resources from your organization.

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  • Limits on Creating Presence Event Subscriptions: Previously, Presence Event subscriptions were created for all users in the Microsoft Azure directory, including those who aren't part of the directory created in Contact Center. Now Presence Event subscriptions are only created for users who are part of directories created in Contact Center. This change reduces the number of subscriptions and makes it easier to manage them.

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  • Ability to View Programmatically-Created Users: On the Account Mapping page, you can now view users created for subscriptions by the program. This includes information such as user information and subscription status. This helps you assess the health status of the subscription.

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Setting Change for Adapters for Zoom

On 1 June 2023, Zoom deprecated support for the JWT app type for server-to-server authentication. If you set up Adapters using JWT for authentication, you must change to a Server-to-Server Oauth app type. Choosing Server-to-Server Oauth as the app type lets you securely integrate with Zoom APIs. It also lets you get your account owner access token without user interaction.

This applies only to existing customers.

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Tenant Management

Branding Profile Enhancements

There are minor UI changes to branding profiles in Tenant Management. These changes include:

  • Updated brand logos.
  • Branding profiles are not visible on the Tenants or Partners pages after you deactivate them.

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ACD Port Management Removed

ACD port settings have been removed from Tenant Management. You can still update ACD port settings in the ACD application. This change removes potential syncing issues between the two applications.

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Voice Quality Metrics

Distribution Tile for Call Direction

A new distribution tile for call direction has been added to enhance the user experience. This feature allows you to:

  • View a distribution of call directions.
  • Apply filters on this widely used metric.
  • Analyze call direction data.
  • Identify trends and potential issues.

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Improve Scalability and Resiliency

Auto-scalability has been introduced to improve resilience. It provides these benefits:

  • Regional redundant services and multi-zone failovers. These can reduce your downtime, and they are able to better support a large number of requests.
  • Data loads more quickly.

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Personal Connection

Studio Action for Gryphon Rest APIs

If you subscribe to the Gryphon real-time automated Do Not Call (DNC) and TCPA compliance platform, you can gain access to a new Studio action. This Studio action replaces the previous SOAP action with a RESTful action. It checks various DNC registries for compliance at the point of dial. The registries it checks includes federal, state, and others.

The Studio action will apply appropriate exemptions and block non-compliant calls. This will ensure that organizations are compliant with DNC and TCPA regulations. The Studio action applies appropriate exemptions and blocks non-compliant calls. This ensures that organizations are compliant with DNC and TCPA regulations.

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Enhanced Support for Managing Calling Lists and DNC Records

Previously, Contact Center had support for 500,000 calling lists and do not call (DNC) records. Now, Contact Center provides support for up to 1,000,000 inventory records encompassing both active calling lists and DNC records. This enhancement enables Contact Center to handle larger lists more efficiently, resulting in reduced processing times and improved overall performance.

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Quality Management

Editing Completed Evaluations

This feature allows managers and supervisors to correct or modify answers in evaluation forms for completed evaluations. Agents are notified when their evaluations are edited. The new scores of the edited evaluations are reflected in reports and dashboards.

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Evaluation History

With this feature, evaluators can view the history of an evaluation from its creation date. This feature is accessible from all the locations where the evaluation form can be accessed. It is available only for newly created evaluations after the feature is enabled.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Evaluation Transition

This enhancement simplifies the evaluation state name for completed evaluations and deleted evaluations. For example, completely reviewed and auto acknowledged state are named as complete.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Form Header Update

With this feature, the evaluation form displays the contact number in the header of the evaluation form template, which helps to identify the interaction.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Evaluation Points Update

During an evaluation or review of a completed evaluation, evaluators can view the possible points per question, along with the actual points scored.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Critical Questions

With this feature, evaluators can enable the N/A option in a critical question when creating a new form template or updating an existing one. This helps evaluators understand whether the critical question is relevant to the evaluation.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Calibration as Evaluation Type

While reviewing their tasks in My Zone, evaluators can see if the tasks in their list are evaluations or calibration requests in the Evaluation type column.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle

Status Filters in QM

With this filter, you can view the listed quality plans and forms based on their different statuses: active, inactive, and expired.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

QM BI Report Enhancements

  • You can filter on agent skills for some QM reports.
  • The data in some QM reports is updated when evaluations are edited.
  • A new evaluation status/display of Completed is added to the Evaluation Details and Evaluation Question and Answer Details reports.
  • New workflow statuses of Completed and Deleted have been added to the Evaluation Details and Evaluation Question and Answer Details reports.

This update is described in more detail in the Reporting section of this page

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Additional language support

Quality Management now supports European Spanish and Dutch as additional languages.

For QM Advanced processes such as Quality Planner, Form Manager, and Dashboard widgets, you can apply European Spanish and Dutch when selecting a category.

This feature is a part of the QM Advanced license.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle


Users with visual, motor, hearing, or cognitive impairments now have an improved experience on the agent pages in My Zone. A Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) that complies with WCAG 2.1 level A & level AA Accessibility standards is available. VPAT is a document that explains how information and communication technology (ICT) products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation meet (conform to) a certain accessibility standard.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Real-Time Interaction Guidance

Support for More Concurrent Agents and Supervisors

Previously, Real-Time Interaction Guidance (RTIG) supported up to 6,000 concurrent agents and 600 supervisors. Now, RTIG supports up to 10,000 concurrent agents and 1,000 supervisors. This allows you to use RTIG with more agents and supervisors at the same time.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

New Behaviors in Reports

You can now view Sentiment and Likelihood to Buy behaviors in Real-Time Interaction Guidance reports.

This update is described in more detail in the Reporting section of this page.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

International English Support for Sales Effectiveness

Previously, Sales Effectiveness was available in North American English only. Now, Sales Effectiveness also supports International English and you can enable Sales Effectiveness behaviors for RTIG profiles in that language locale.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Access to Profile Updates History in Agent Assist Hub

Real-Time Interaction Guidance audit logs is a new feature that lets you view the history of profile updates in Agent Assist Hub. This gives you access to information such as the modified field, the modifier, and the field's new and old value. You can now sort the update history by user and date.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Reporting and Dashboards

Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

Storage Tab Available in Contact Center Billing Report

The Storage tab in the CXone Billing report was temporarily disabled for back-end updates. It is available again with this release.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Enhancements to RTIG Report

This report will be split into two reports:

  • The Real-Time Interaction Guidance - Displays phrase alerts, the quantity of alerts, and the number of contacts. It also displays alerts and phrases for ⦁ sentiment andsales effectiveness metrics.
  • The Real-Time Interaction Guidance - Displays alerts and behavior score details. This will include all alerts, the quantity of alerts, and the number of contacts. It will also include behavioral scoring.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

Conformance Metrics in WFM Adherence Report

The Adherence report includes conformance metrics. These metrics show the amount of time agents spent in different scheduled activities. This helps managers evaluate agent productivity by day, week, or month.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Mapping of Missing Out-of-the-box (OOTB) States

Out-of-the-box agent states are mapped between WFM and the Contact Center ACD. With this alignment, the Adherence report reflects all out-of-the-box states.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Quality Management BI Report Enhancements

  • ACD Skill filter and column: You can filter by ACD skill in these QM reports:
    • Evaluations by Section and Question
    • Evaluations by Team
    • Evaluation Details
    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details
    • Evaluation Question Details
    • Evaluator Analysis

The Skill column in those reports displays the skill for each evaluation.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

  • Updating for edited evaluations: When the score or answers of a completed evaluation are edited, they are updated in these reports:
    • Evaluations by Section and Question
    • Evaluations by Team
    • Evaluation Details
    • Evaluation Question and Answer Analysis
    • Evaluation Question and Answer Details
    • Evaluation Question Details
    • Evaluator Analysis

Additionally, the Last Modified By column in the Evaluation Details report shows the name of the user who most recently edited the evaluation.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

  • Completed evaluation status/display status: A new status called Completed appears in::
    • The Evaluation Status column in the Evaluation Details report.
    • The Display Status column in the Evaluation Question and Answer Details report.

The Completed status is replacing the following statuses:



Completed Reviewed

The Completed status is only assigned to evaluations that occur after the Summer 2023 release. Evaluations completed prior to this release keep their existing statuses.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

  • Completed and Deleted workflow statuses: New Completed and Deleted statuses appear in:
    • The Workflow Status column in the Evaluation Details report.
    • The Workflow Status column in the Evaluation Question and Answer Details report.

They are replacing the following statuses:



Completed Acknowledged

Completed No Review

Completed Reviewed


Deleted - Completed

Deleted - Completed Acknowledged

Deleted - Completed No Review

Deleted - Completed Reviewed

Deleted - Submitted

The Completed and Deleted statuses are only assigned to evaluations that occur after the Summer 2023 release. Evaluations completed prior to this release keep their existing statuses.

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Updates to Activity Audit Report

You can view Interaction Analytics events in the Activity Audit report. The report includes events such as editing a category or configuring custom sentiment or the company profile.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

Data Download Reports

Routing Criteria Data Download Report

The Routing Criteria data download report shows how the routing criteria of an interaction changed over time spent in queue. Routing criteria include: 

  • ACD skill
  • Bullseye routing range
  • Routing attributes

This report lets you see how your routing strategy is working and provides insight into the contact journey.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Prebuilt Reports

Improvement to Contact History Report

This report more accurately displays the contact IDs and master contact IDs for segment recordings. This makes it easier to view data for all segments tied to a contact.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Custom Reports

Hide Column Names in CSV Files

Previously, when you exported a custom report to a CSV file, column names were included automatically. With this release, you can select an option to hide them.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy


Bullseye Range and Routing Attribute Support in More Actions

The QueueVM and QueueCallback actions now support bullseye routing ranges and routing attributes. They have the same routing parameters as the REQAGENT and UPDATECONTACT actions:

  • HighProficiency: The high end of the ACD skill proficiency range an agent must be in to receive a contact.
  • LowProficiency: The low end of the ACD skill proficiency range an agent must be in to receive a contact.
  • RoutingAttribute: An attribute to use for routing. Contacts route to agents who have both the chosen ACD skill and value for this parameter.

This update lets you use bullseye routing and routing attributes in more of your routing scripts.

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Support for Full Life Cycle of Digital Contacts

You can now create scripts that route digital contacts through the ONRELEASE action. This allows you to create scripts that support the full life cycle of digital contacts. Previously, digital scripts only supported contacts from the BEGIN action up to the REQAGENT DIGITAL action.

Workflow Automation (WFA) remains an important tool to use together with digital scripts. WFA rules allow you to put conditions on certain events and actions happening with digital contacts, interactions, and more.

Buffer protection is built in to digital scripts to protect against DDOS attacks or viral posts.

The following important differences between digital scripts and ACD scripts remain the same:

  • Digital scripts only work with digital points of contact.
  • Digital contacts keep the same contact ID throughout the entire life cycle in Contact Center. There are segments under the contact ID for each agent that handles the interaction. This means that the contact ID and master ID are the same for digital contacts.
  • Digital interactions can last hours, days, or even months. Digital scripts support this by going to sleep when no action is needed. When an action is required, the script wakes up, then goes back to sleep unless the interaction ends.
  • Digital scripts are not tied to a specific channel media type the way ACD scripts are. However, they only work with Digital First Omnichannel points of contact.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle

Changes to Digital Points of Contact

Studio scripts now fully control the assignment of digital contacts to digital skills. Digital points of contacts have been changed to require a default digital skill and script. This functionality is the same as for ACD points of contact.

If you currently use digital scripts, you must modify your digital points of contact and assign a default digital skill. If a script isn't already assigned to the digital point of contact, you must also assign one.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

New Actions for Digital First Omnichannel

New actions are now available in Studio for use in digital scripts. They allow you to:

  • OnAssignment: Start an action when a contact is assigned to an agent. It includes the ability to see if the contact was transferred directly from one agent to another. This action is similar to ONANSWER.
  • ONUNASSIGNMENT: Start an action when a contact is unassigned from an agent but not closed.
  • GET DIGITAL MESSAGE: Retrieve an inbound digital message. This action is similar to GETEMAIL.
  • DIGITAL EMAIL: Send an email through a digital email point of contact.
  • GET TAG: Return tags from all messages currently associated with a contact.
  • FORWARD DIGITAL EMAIL: Redirect an email message to another recipient.
  • UPDATE CONTACT STATUS: Update the status of Digital First Omnichannel cases. Possible statuses are Open, Pending, Escalated, Resolved, and Closed.
  • TEXTMSG: Send messages to a contact and not wait for a reply. This action will allow you to have a script or virtual agent send messages to contacts.
  • UPDATE CUSTOM FIELD: Update custom fields in customer cards or contact custom fields.
  • CREATE CUSTOM FIELD IN A CONTACT: Create custom fields for customer cards.
  • POST NOTE IN CUSTOMER CARD: Add a note to a customer card.
  • GET CUSTOMER: Retrieve a customer record.
  • UPDATE CONTACT: Update a digital contact with a new priority or targeted proficiency range.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Action for Gryphon Rest APIs

If you subscribe to the Gryphon real-time automated Do Not Call (DNC) and TCPA compliance platform, you can gain access to a new Studio action. This Studio action replaces the previous SOAP action with a RESTful action. It checks various DNC registries for compliance at the point of dial. The registries it checks includes federal, state, and others.

The action applies appropriate exemptions and blocks non-compliant calls. This ensures that organizations are compliant with DNC and TCPA regulations.

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Supervisor (Legacy)

Application Navigation Change

To streamline the Supervisor workspace experience, the Supervisor (legacy) icon has been moved under the CXone Supervisor icon.

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Virtual Agent Hub

New Supported Virtual Agent Providers

You can now integrate text- and voice-based virtual agents from the following providers with Contact Center:

  • Amazon Lex V1 and V2
  • Google Dialogflow CX

This release increases the options for virtual agent and bot integrations natively supported in Contact Center.

Customer Request UI Change
Availability On deploy

Release Adjustments

These features are adjustments to those previously announced.

Changed Features

Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page and an explanation of what changed.


API Support for Quick Responses

Two new quick response APIs were listed under Digital Engagement API support for CXone Agent. They are not specific to CXone Agent and are now separated out as a standalone enhancement.

Expanded Digital Engagement API Support for Agent Applications

The following API updates were listed as specifically supporting CXone Agent. They can be consumed by any agent application, not only CXone Agent.

PUT /contacts/{contactNumer}/inbox-assignment


Will accept an agent's UUID.

DELETE /customers/{customerId}/custom-fields/{customFieldIdent}

A new endpoint that will remove the value of a customer custom field.

Cloud Storage Services

Multi-Region Storage

This feature was announced with the ability to use the DNIS of call and screen recordings to apply multi-region storage rules. Filtering files by DNIS for regional storage purposes will not be available in Summer 2023.

CXone Agent

Additional CRM Integration

This feature was announced as support for integrating CXone Agent with Pega, Salesforce, and SAP. For the Summer release, Salesforce will be the only CRM added. Pega and SAP will be added in a future release.

CXone Agent Integrated

Additional CRM Integration

This feature was announced as supporting integrating CXone Agent Integrated with Pega, Salesforce, and SAP. For the Summer release, Salesforce will be the only CRM added. Pega and SAP will be added in a future release.

CXone Supervisor

Agents View—Bulk Actions

This feature was announced as an advanced feature to be available for a limited time. This feature will be generally available and will be part of the CXone Supervisor basic offering.


Chat Enhancements

A security update involving HTML functionality on the agent side of a chat was announced specifically for MAX. It will instead be available in all agent applications.

Partner Applications - Voice Quality Metrics

Voice Quality Metrics Deployment to Three Additional Regions

It was previously announced that Voice Quality Metrics would be deployed in Canada, Japan, and the UK regions to support continuous WebRTC session monitoring. Deployment for these three new regions will be partial. Support for SIP interactions will be added in a later release. With this release, you will only be able to analyze the agent leg, or side, of interactions for agents who use MAXIntegrated Softphone.

Reporting and Dashboards

Enhancements to Real-Time Interaction Guidance Report

This feature was previously announced as an enhancement to the Real-Time Interaction Guidance report. Instead, that report will be split into two new reports. The previously announced enhancements will now only appear in the Real-Time Interaction Guidance-Behaviors and Phrases report. A separate report called Real-Time Interaction Guidance-Phrases, will not display data for sentiment or sales effectiveness metrics.

Features Removed from This Release

Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page. These features will not be part of the Summer 2023 release but may be part of a future release.


Require Manual Accept

The Require Manual Accept setting will be added to the Details tab in ACD Skills. When enabled, it will require agents to manually accept or reject interactions for that ACD skill.


API to Support Secure Forms in Agent Quick Responses

Two new endpoints will support secure forms in the quick responses available to your agents.

Expanded Digital Engagement API Support for Agent Applications

The following API will support CXone Agent: POST /channels/{channelId}/recipients/last-contact

Cloud Storage Services

Prioritized Hold and Release on Interactions

As of the Spring 2023 release, you can place holds on interactions in active and long-term storage. The held interactions are safe from automatic or manual deletion. While an interaction is held, any life cycle rules that have not yet run for the interaction won't execute. Users can still retrieve the files while they are on hold. To request a hold or a release of an existing hold, you can search for interactions based on a date range and Contact ID as the primary criteria, or you can do an advanced search using team, agent, skill, and DNIS. The maximum Contact IDs per hold request is 500. The user creating the request must include a request name and a reason for creating the hold. All interaction hold and release activities are tracked in the Contact Center system.

You cannot put a hold on a interaction stored in a Secure External Access (SEA) bucket.

CXone Agent

Require Manual Accept

When enabled, the Require Manual Accept setting will show options for Accept and Reject to the agent when they receive an interaction. The agent will need to manually accept or reject the interaction. You will be able to configure this at the skill level.

CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams

Require Manual Accept

When enabled, the Require Manual Accept setting will show options for Accept and Reject to the agent when they receive an interaction. The agent will need to manually accept or reject the interaction. You will be able to configure this at the skill level.

CXone Agent Integrated

Require Manual Accept

When enabled, the Require Manual Accept setting will show options for Accept and Reject to the agent when they receive an interaction. The agent will need to manually accept or reject the interaction. You will be able to configure this at the skill level.


Require Manual Accept

When this setting is enabled on an inbound ACD skill, agents who are on an active voice connection in MAX will have to manually click Accept or Reject for any incoming contacts. This will allow agents to have complete control over when or if they accept an incoming contact.

Interactions and Playback

Interactions Enhancements

You will be able to search and filter by groups. A new Group will be available in the search results.

Features Added to This Release

To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the right.

Agent for Salesforce

  • Record Type Field Added


  • End-of-Life for Legacy API Authentication

CXone Agent

  • Launch CXone Agent from the CXone App Selector

Digital First Omnichannel

  • Real-time Translations

Partner Applications - Adapters

  • Support for More Users in Azure Directory
  • Limited Creation of Presence Event Subscriptions
  • Ability to View Programmatically-Created Users
  • Setting Change for Adapters for Zoom

Real-Time Interaction Guidance

  • Support for More Concurrent Agents and Supervisors
  • New Behaviors in Reports
  • International English Support for Sales Effectiveness
  • Access to Profile Updates History in Agent Assist Hub


  • New Actions for Digital First Omnichannel

Cumulative Update Features

Cumulative Update 2


In addition to ACD skills, you can use routing attributes to narrow the pool of agents who are eligible to receive an interaction. For example, you could use a routing attribute to define which language the agent must speak. You could require that the agent have a license or certification. This gives you more control over which agents an interaction can route to, without creating a lot of ACD skills.

To set this up, you apply attributes to your agent user profiles. You then use Studio scripts to route interactions to agents. You do this based on the ACD skill and the chosen attribute. At this time, you can specify one routing attribute at a time.

Summer 2023 Cumulative Update 2

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.

New Feature

This cumulative update includes the routing attributes feature.

For details, see the Cumulative Update Features section in the new features section of the release notes.


  • In rare cases, when an agent transferred a call that was being recorded to an external party, the recording would continue on the transferred call.


  • The GET /agents API endpoint contained incorrect data for the isSupervisor field.
  • The stateCode field didn't populate in the agent list or the agent details APIs.

Digital First Omnichannel

  • Agents handling a digital chat couldn't place a manual outbound call.

Summer 2023 Cumulative Update 3

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


  • In Omnichannel Session Handling-enabled environments, agents periodically experienced call delivery failures.
  • When a script transferred a call to another skill, and that script included the LOGRECORDINGPRO Studio action, the wrong SIP endpoint was assigned to the call.
  • When contacts initiated a CXone-powered chat from a company's website, allowed the chat to time out, and used the same browser tab to navigate to a different company's website and initiate another CXone-powered chat, the history of the first chat appeared in the new chat window.
  • For chat ACD skills that use a v2 chat profile and an embedded script, the contact's pop-up window for the chat was blank.

Personal Connection

  • The Details tab of a Personal Connection skill didn't show the assigned DNC group.
  • In very few environments, the dialer would sometimes fail.


  • The Performance Management Agent States report always showed a duration of 0
  • The Monitored Calls data download report was blank.


  • The Snippet editor didn't support reserved characters like periods and parentheses. Using these characters produced an error message.
  • When a user exported a trace file and viewed it in a text editor, redacted variables were not hidden.

Feedback Management August and September 2023 Release

These features will be available later in the release cycle with deployments beginning on August 19, 2023, and completing September 10, 2023. We will send an email notification to your organization with your upgrade dates.

Updated Text Analytics Charts

Text analytics charts have been updated for improved display. Throughout the application, we have updated the term theme to topic. 

Automated Text Analytics with Taxonomy 

Currently, Automated Text Analytics analyzes text from your survey comments and places them into broad categories at one level. New implementations can be configured with a taxonomy to tag comments into specific sub-categories at deeper levels. This will let you easily view comments related to specific issues and see patterns in your data. 

For example, you could have a top-level category like Customer Service. That could have a subcategory of Agent. That could break down into specific issues like Professionalism and Product Knowledge. This lets you see all comments related to agent professionalism or knowledge. 

You will be able to export the tagged comments into your third-party BI tool for further analysis. This will help you improve your customer experience and make more informed decisions. 

For clients that already are using Automated Text Analytics, adding the taxonomy feature requires a new implementation of Text Analytics with your new custom taxonomy. Reach out to your account manager for information on the commercials and process for a new implementation.

Manual Survey Entry Page Updates

With these updates, agents will be able to prioritize calls to customers who haven't responded and record feedback over the phone. This can improve response rates and customer loyalty. Updates to the page will include: 

  • Ability to customize your organization's workflow. You will be able to set it as the home page for your agents. 
  • Ability to select the display and order of 10 fields on the page to help agents prioritize their work list.​
  • Ability to include the survey language and invitation substatuses in an export.
  • Ability to configure custom invitation substatuses to help manage the Manual Survey Entry workflow. For example, call again later. Agents will apply customer invitation statuses from the list you create. 
  • Ability for agents to update contact details. 
  • Support for all system fields in the filter. 

Modern Survey Display Improvements 

Changes to the Modern survey themes will make it easier for respondents to understand and answer the questions. The changes will include improvements to Scale question horizontal alignment. Horizontal scale will be best displayed with only two or three anchor labels. The first label will always be left-aligned​. The right label will always be right-aligned​. The middle labels will always be center-aligned.

If you need a label for each rating, you can display the scale vertically to make the labels easier to read on small screens:

August 2023 Minor Release Notes  - User Hub

This page has been updated to show the products and features in the August 2023 Minor release of Contact Center. Features are subject to change between now and final deployment.


If your environment uses scripts where the SNIPPET Studio action runs REST APIs, the functionality of these scripts may have been negatively impacted by the Summer 2023 release.

What to do if you've been impacted

The SNIPPET Studio action lets REST APIs return up to 32 KB of data. This limit prevents cluster instability and outages. However, the limit wasn't previously being enforced in certain cases. For example, when the HTTPRequest Header contact length in the response wasn't populated. In the Summer 2023 release, the limit is strictly enforced.
To reduce the size of your returned data: 
  • Filter the data in the API response. For example, if you're using the NICE reporting API to get contacts, you can filter the results by the startDate and endDate of the contact. This API call also allows you to return and limit a top count of items. Refer to the API documentation that came with your script integration to determine what filtering you can use.
  • Update the API request to return only the data you need. For example, if you're using the NICE reporting API to get contacts, you can use the contactId or agentId fields to return only relevant data. Refer to the API documentation that came with your script integration to determine what data limits you can use.
  • If you can't do either of the previous options, build middleware.
If you can, use the REST API action instead of the SNIPPET action for your REST APIs. REST API has the same return limit of 32 KB, but it can handle a heavier load.

How to Use This Page

Each feature description includes a table that states whether the following details apply to it. ✓ means that the detail applies to the feature and ✖ means that the detail does not apply to the feature.

Customer Request The feature was developed by customer request.
UI Change The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes.

When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.


On toggle — This is a major release. The feature automatically toggles on later in the release. If you've registered for Service Notifications, watch for one that indicates when that is.

On deploy — The feature is immediately available when the new release deploys to your environment.

Learn about the platform requirements and FedRAMP support status for the Contact Center apps you use.

Global Changes

In-App Walkthroughs, Surveys, Sliders, and Tooltips

Contact Center now displays these kinds of pop-ups:

  • Feature walkthroughs: Tutorials explaining how to use new features. You can click through a walkthrough to learn how a new feature works from directly within Contact Center.
  • Surveys: Single-question surveys for providing feedback about Contact Center.
  • Release sliders: Notifications outlining the new features in each release. You can click through a slider to read about each of the features included.
  • Tooltips: Hover text explaining features, fields, and so on.

When you log in to Contact Center after the August 2023 Minor release deploys, you will notice a release slider announcing the new features included in the release.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

New Applications

Gryph Compliance for Contact Center

Gryph Compliance for Contact Center integrates Gryphon into Contact Center. It can protect your organization from violating dialing compliance rules. It checks outbound phone calls in real time against federal, state, legal, and company do not call (DNC) lists and rules. This includes DNC, Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), and consumer debt collections.

The GRYPHON DNC V2 Studio action applies legal exemptions and opt-outs. It then allows or blocks contacts.

Gryph Compliance for Contact Center includes these optional add-ons:

  • Access
    • CRM integration: Integrates CRM telephony and reporting with Gryph Compliance for Contact Center. It uses downloadable packages for Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and HubSpot. Other CRM integrations are available with advanced compliance.
    • Web service license: Manages certifications for marketing compliance. It also manages proprietary opt-in and opt-out data across campaigns and channels. The web service and API feed support large workloads. They tie into existing processes and workflows.
  • Control
    • Multi-channel support: Enforces compliance rules across all channels and outreach methods. This includes phone, SMS, email,  and mail.
    • Zip code-based locating: Uses the contact's zip code to determine their location instead of their area code.
    • Contact frequency controls:  Sets call attempt thresholds for contacts and campaigns. It can set these based on the day, the rolling calling window, or whether it's a landline or wireless phone number. This helps protect against overdialing.
  • Data
    • Real-time EBRs and consent:  Applies available EBR exemptions to:
      • - Federal and state DNC lists
      • - Ported and wireless number block data

This happens as part of real-time compliance and collections web services certification. They are not separate data processes.

  • Litigator and plaintiff blocking: Finds and blocks phone numbers of:
    • Known TCPA and DNC litigators
    • Professional plaintiffs associated with consumer protection and have state and federal court filings.

This can help you cut exposure and litigation.

  • Internal DNC expiration: Expires opt-out records from your internal DNC list according to federal and state requirements.

You need a license to use Gryph Compliance for Contact Center. You can bundle the access, control, and data add-ons, or you can use them individually. If you're interested in buying a license, contact your Contact Center Account Representative.

Customer Request UI Change Availability On toggle


The NEVA applications suite is a set of artificial intelligence-powered products that enhance and optimize contact center employees’ performance. It contains the following applications and features:

  • NEVA Assist: This AI-powered tool enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of contact center agents by providing real-time contextual guidance and automation of processes.
  • NEVA Data Collection: This feature gathers comprehensive information on user actions performed on an agent's desktop, such as button clicks, copy/paste actions, and more. The collected data is used to surface coaching opportunities by providing visibility into employees' desktop daily routines, revealing productivity gaps, and identifying top/bottom performers.
  • NEVA Discover: This AI desktop analytics tool provides a scientific approach to streamlining contact center daily processes. It compiles data for user input actions like mouse clicks or keyboard actions.
  • NEVA for Compliance: This integrates the NEVA client with Contact Center Recording for call tagging and to allow recordings to be paused and resumed. It assists organizations with compliance matters such as PCI compliance, consumer protection, privacy assurance, and internal policy adherence.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On deploy

CXone Guide

CXone Guide lets you proactively engage with website visitors as they navigate your website.

Use Guide to create digital engagements that display assistance at known points of friction on your website. A digital engagement can appear in a pop-up widget with helpful text and call-to-action buttons to start a chat with a bot, offer a relevant article, display an entry point, and more. Alternatively, the engagement can display a template with buttons for visitors to easily access preferred digital channels.

By offering strategic guidance at the right time, you can reduce struggle scenarios and improve conversion rates.

If you have licensed CXone Expert, use it to write concise, helpful articles as part of your guidance.

CXone Guide is now generally available. Previously, it was in controlled release (CR) for a select number of customers.

Customers who have been using CXone Guide in CR will notice these features in this release:


CXone Supervisor Permissions

  • A new permission, Monitor screen without contact, is now added under Supervisor > General Permission. When enabled, supervisors can monitor screens of the logged-in agents even if they are not handling an ongoing contact.
  • Previously, supervisors needed different permissions to manage skills from different tabs:
  • To edit skills from Agents tab: Admin > General Permission > Employees: Edit.
  • To edit skills from Skills tab: ACD > Contact Settings > Skills: Edit.
  • In this release, supervisors need one permission to manage skills: ACD > Contact Settings > Skills: UserAssignment.

For more details about these features, select the CXone Supervisor filter on the top right.

Customer Request
UI Change Availability On toggle


Feedback Management Interactive Feedback API

This feature is available now. You can use the interactive feedback API to gather survey feedback. The API sends each question to your system and then returns the responses to Feedback Management in real time.

The API lets you enable surveys for each third-party digital touchpoint contacts use to interact with your brand. This includes legacy existing chat systems and internet-connected devices.

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CXone Supervisor

View Historic Agent Activity

Previously, supervisors were able to view an agent's activities for the last 24 hours only. In this release, supervisors can now select a longer time period to view an agent's activities and states. They can also print or export the data as a CSV file.

Customers who have been using CXone Supervisor in controlled release can now view contact information in a separate Contacts tab under Agent Activity.

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Screen Monitor Logged-In Agents

Previously, supervisors were able to monitor agents' screens while they were handling contacts. In this release, supervisors can monitor screens of logged-in agents even if they are not handling an ongoing contact.

To monitor logged-in agents' screens, supervisors must have Supervisor > General Permission > Monitor screen without contact: On.

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Change in Permission for Skill User Assignment

Previously, supervisors needed different permissions to manage skills from different tabs:

  •  To edit skills from Agents tab: Admin > General Permission > Employees: Edit.
  • To edit skills from Skills tab: ACD > Contact Settings > Skills: Edit.

In this release, supervisors need one permission to manage skills: ACD > Contact Settings > Skills: UserAssignment.

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Workforce Management

Intraday Real-Time or Deferrable Data

You can now display Intraday data by either real-time or deferrable skills.

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Feedback Management

Some of these features are already available. The ones that are not yet available will begin deploying in mid-August.

Automated Text Analytics with Taxonomy

Previously, Automated Text Analytics analyzed text from your survey comments and placed them into broad categories at one level. In this release, customers beginning the implementation process can opt for a configuration with taxonomy. With it, you can tag comments into specific subcategories at deeper levels.

For example, you could have a top-level category like Customer Service. That could contain a subcategory called Agent. That could break down into more specific issues like Professionalism and Product Knowledge. These granular categories let you see all comments related to specific issues and see patterns in your data.

You can export the tagged comments into your third-party BI tool for further analysis. This can help you improve your customer experience and make more informed decisions.

To use this feature, you must purchase professional services to configure your custom taxonomy. Contact your Contact Center Account Representative to begin.

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Updated Text Analytics Charts

The UI for the text analytics charts has been improved. If your environment uses the new automated text analytics with taxonomy feature, the charts can drill down.

Throughout the application, including in these charts, the term theme changed to topic.

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Manual Survey Entry Page Updates

Agents can prioritize calls to customers who haven't responded and record feedback over the phone. This can improve response rates and customer loyalty.

Updates to the page enable you to customize the page for your organization's workflow. Updates include:

  • Ability to set it as the home page for your agents.
  • Ability to select the display and order of 10 fields on the page to help agents prioritize their work list.​
  • Ability to include the survey language and invitation sub-statuses in an export.
  • Ability to configure custom invitation sub-statuses to help manage the Manual Survey Entry workflow. For example, call again later. Agents apply customer invitation statuses from the list you create. ​
  • Ability for agents to update contact details.
  • Support for more system fields in the filter.

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VOC Basics Course

The course includes seven modules to help users understand the basics. These are critical to success of the design and execution of a direct feedback program. The modules focus on:

  • Considerations and best practices related to VOC success factors
  • Governance and organizational readiness
  • VOC design, KPIs, and metrics
  • VOC methodologies and analytics
  • Reporting and action

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Email Invitation Open Status Reporting

This feature is available now. You can monitor the open status of an email invitation. This lets you confirm delivery and better track customer engagement.

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Interactive Feedback API

This feature is available now. You can use the interactive feedback API to gather survey feedback. The API sends each question to your system and returns the responses to Feedback Management in real time.

For more details about this feature, select the API filter on the top right.

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Modern Survey UI Improvements

This feature is available now. The scale question horizontal alignment has been improved. Horizontal scale is best displayed with only a low, high, and middle label. The first label is always left-aligned​. The right label is always right-aligned​. The middle label is always center-aligned. If you need a label for each rating, you can display the scale vertically to make the labels easier to read on small screens. These updates make it easier for respondents to understand and answer the questions.

The classic survey feature is not available for new customers.

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Extended Latin America Support for ElevateAI Technology

This feature is available now. Support has been added for:​

  • Brazilian Portuguese​
  • Latin America Spanish High Accuracy

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Survey Follow-Up Orchestration in Agent

This feature is available now. When a customer completes an email survey, an alert goes to an email address you specify. If you want to route the alert to an agent for follow-up work, you can specify an email address that connects to an email skill or channel. This feature can improve issue resolution time and improve customer satisfaction.

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Academy Updates

This feature is available now. The online training academy has been refreshed with new content and videos. This enables your staff to learn to use Feedback Management with online lessons, quizzes, and hands-on exercises. Three role-based courses were updated: End User, Follow-Up Owner, and Program Manager.

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2023 B2B and B2C Benchmarks Available

This feature is available now. The Research area of the application contains the B2B and B2C benchmarks for 2023. You can use the benchmarks to see what drives satisfaction in your industry.

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Summer 2023 Cumulative Update 5

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


  • Points of contact no longer supported the pound symbol (#) in the name. 
  • When an administrator tried to turn everything off in the team Contact Handling settings while in single contact mode, an error appeared. 
  • In some environments, adding or editing dispositions to an ACD skill caused the system to time out. 


  • In v27.0, the agents/state-history call returned a 500 error. 

Digital First Omnichannel

  • In rare cases, a digital skill would have an Audit History Modified By value of Not Applicable.
  • Sometimes the skills in Supervisor showed long wait times or counts that didn't match the numbers in DFO.
  • When cases weren't being properly closed out, the growing list of active contacts slowed down processing.

Personal Connection

  • System-applied dispositions sometimes changed to No Disposition, especially for calls with a short duration. 
  • XS scripting stopped correctly mapping the source to the outbound skill. It returned the error "The mapped destination type(s) does not match those allowed for the skill." 


  • In the Contact History report and on the Interactions page, some outbound calls were missing their call recordings.
  • Some contact IDs didn't appear in the Contact History report.


  • The WHISPER action caused errors and resulted in crosstalk and dropped calls.
  • In scripts run for MAX, the INDICATE action couldn't enter the Off state.
  • For DFO chat, internal events began happening in a different order, causing the ONASSIGNMENT action to not trigger as expected.
  • In scripts for Personal Connection ACD skills, the WAIT action was sometimes ignored, causing all interrupting contacts to be stuck in queue. 
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