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Release Notes > Contact Center User Hub > User Hub Fall 2020
Release Notes

RingCentral Contact Center User Hub | Fall 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Contact Center. For Contact Center Central Release Notes, please refer to this page.
Release Date: Fall 2020
This section has been updated to show information for the Fall 2020 release of RingCentral Contact Center. Features are subject to change between now and the final release date.
Encryption Enhancements
Encryption enhancements include the ability to enable end-to-end encryption for the native chat application from the contact all the way to the agent. These changes also provide encryption for all API calls further into the internal network rather than just to the firewall.
PCI Level 1 Support
All RingCentral Contact Center clusters are now certified for PCI Level 1.
Updated SAML Authentication Request Handling
SAML authentication requests now support SHA 256.
Features to be Released at a Later Date
New Monitor Calls Data Download Report
Customers can run a report that shows a list of interactions with agents or contacts that were monitored. This report lists who was monitoring the interaction and the length of time the interaction was being monitored.
New Report: Adherence Report
Managers will be able to focus quickly on potential or existing adherence issues for agents or activities using the new Adherence Report.
Features Added to this Release
To see the following features in detail, select the product in the filter on the New Applications and Features page.

Product in Filter

New Applications
My Zone
Partner Applications: Adapters
Tenant Management

Feature Title

Performance Analytics for Salesforce Einstein
Friendly Version Number Displayed on Info Page
Updates to Evaluations Page
Schedule Change Requests from the My Schedule Page
International Deployment
Download Media Files from Your CRM System
Migration to the MP3 Sound File Format
Parent Tenant Administrator Role
What's New in the Online Help
View All Option on Filtered Pages
The following pages now provide an easy, one-click option to view all of the filtered content:
  • Data Dictionary
  • Coming Soon
  • New Applications and Features
Controlled Release (CR) Documentation
Previously, users participating in controlled release programs had to use a separate help site in order to access online help for their CR product. Now, CR content is available in the main help site, although not included in any menus. Users in CR programs will be given a search term which will take them to the CR content for their program.
  • Emails were returning to the end of the queue without being offered to an agent, delaying email response time.
Auto Attendant
  • Calls to local numbers weren't routing to agents.
  • When a user tried to reset their password, the CAPTCHA code was blocked, preventing the password reset.
Developer Portal
  • User credentials were cached on the first login attempt, but there wasn't an option to enter different credentials.
  • Logging in to the Developer Portal sometimes returned an "Invalid AgentID" error.
  • The agent/skills documentation didn't match the actual JSON response.
  • Users couldn't log in to the Client Connector.
Omnichannel Session Handling
  • Escalating contacts from email to voice didn't open the Omnichannel Session Handling workspace. 
Personal Connection (PC)
  • When a Proactive XS script used the ExternalSkillID as a parameter, and when the parameter wasn't passed, the null value caused the VC to crash. 
Recording Pro
  • Sharing an interaction with more than one user would trigger multiple email notifications to all the users (instead of one email notification). 
  • The Agent List widget displayed all agents, even when team data access was restricted. 
  • Selecting the General Unavailable filter in the Agent List widget didn't return any results. 
  • The Agent Time Card report wouldn't generate if it had to process large amounts of data. 
  • Searching for a contact ID in the Contact History report didn't return results. 
  • The Skill Performance widget was incorrectly calculating the SLA value.
Security and Compliance
  • Cluster A32 experienced login failures for SAML SSO users.
  • The Terminate Agent Session action was not functioning properly; errors in the API call would cause the action to fail. Any scripts using this action must be opened and resaved for new changes to take effect. Be sure to open and save impacted scripts after updating Studio with the Fall 2020 release update.
Fall 2020 Cumulative Update 1
This cumulative update is included with the Fall 2020 release.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed in this update:
  • An error occurred when using the /services/v18.0/agents/{agentid} API for users created prior to the Summer 2020 release. 
  • Some user accounts were showing as locked in the ACD Users tab but were not showing as locked in the Admin Users tab. 
  • The Agent Issues dashboard was showing the Station ID which is unused for this dashboard. 
  • When downloading a list of existing users, special characters could become corrupted. 
Email Channel
  • Rarely, if an email action encountered an exception, the email stopped processing. 
  • Parked email contacts were sometimes becoming stuck when being transferred to a new skill. 
  • In the Contact Details section on the Email Domain page, the verification key was showing as incomplete. 
Personal Connection
  • With Automatic Call Detection disabled, when the Answering Machine button was activated in MAX, the call was marked as Answering Machine but the voicemail was not delivered. 
IEX WFM Integrated
  • The Agent Profile report was missing some events that occurred at midnight UTC. 
  • Using the Last 7 Days, Previous Month, or Previous Week date ranges in Custom Reporting were generating reports using incorrect dates. 
  • The Dialer Pending outstate status was not showing in the Agent State Log data download report. 
  • Offline agents were sometimes still showing in Supervisor View. 
Fall 2020 Cumulative Update 2
When logging in to Studio, you will be prompted to download the latest version. Please make sure you download the new version to avoid any issues. If you are in a closed environment, your agents will not be able to use Studio until you download the latest version for them.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed in this update:
Chat Channel
  • When copying the point of contact URL from one browser to another, the login screen sometimes launched instead of the chat window. 
  • The Chat Termination Countdown was timing out at 15 seconds instead of the specified value. 
Cloud Storage Services
  • Intermittently, files without metadata were getting stuck in active storage instead of migrating over to secure external access. 
Partner Tools
  • The Search Tenants function was not working for partner logins with pagination enabled. 
  • The script schedule page would not open in the user interface if the records table contained a large number of records. 
  • In the data download report Custom Report Data, the Master Contact ID column was no longer showing. 
Security and Compliance
  • When using authorize endpoint for generating the SWA OpenID authorize URL, the URL was being generated incorrectly. 
  • If a reading error occurred when trying to open a large script, the script would fail to open. 
  • If the Workflow Data action was included in a script, users were unable to toggle script locking. 
  • Occasionally when a script was modified, that change was not being logged in the script version history. 
Fall 2020 Cumulative Update 3
When logging in to Studio, you will be prompted to download the latest version. Please make sure you download the new version to avoid any issues. If you are in a closed environment, your agents will not be able to use Studio until you download the latest version for them.
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed in this update:
Cloud Storage Services
  • Files were sometimes getting stuck in active storage instead of being moved to secure external access storage.
Digital First Omnichannel
  • Rarely, the same case could be assigned to two different agents. 
  • The RunApp window was appearing as a pop-up instead of loading into a new tab in the existing browser window. 
  • An agent assigned to multiple outbound skills was not able to access the outbound skill drop-down when an outbound call was routed to them. 
  • The email editor was not allowing users to access all features in the UI, such as using spellcheck and copying text from some fields.
  • The Insert button for quick replies in the email editor was not working when using custom quick replies. 
  • MAX was sometimes launching as a gray screen for business units/tenants located on European clusters.
Omnichannel Session Handling
  • The Omnichannel Session Handling automation was displaying the Total Contact Count as null when UseTeamSettings was selected.
  • Users were unable to play recordings from the Contact History report. 
  • The longest wait time in the Queue Counter widget was aggregating the times rather than resetting the time with each state change. 
  • The Skill Control Notification History data download report was not displaying all relevant notification events.
  • Rarely, the Agent Timecard prebuilt report would calculate the Duration metric incorrectly.
  • The WaitForReply action was sometimes triggering multiple times. 
  • When the Teams tab in Supervisor refreshed, the screen defaulted back to the top of the page.
  • If a supervisor tried to use the takeover function to take over an active phone call from an agent using WebRTC, the takeover failed. 
  • The data in the Campaigns tab was not updating if the initial browser window was closed and then a new browser window was opened without clearing the browser cache. 
  • CallerFromSystem messages from the TextMSG action were visible to agents if they happened to reload the MAX agent after logging in.  
Digital First Omnichannel
  • Agents were unable to open .xlsx files attached to emails if there was a special character in the file title. 
  • Intermittently, after being logged in for more than an hour, some ACD and Reporting pages would fail to load. 
Minor Feature Release - Fall 2020
Agent for Salesforce
The following features are included in version 16.0 and are expected to be released in early November. Also, Agent for Salesforce will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 beginning with this release.
Initiate Outbound Messaging SMS Contact as New Contact
  • Agents using Messaging SMS will be able to initiate an outbound SMS contact without associating it with an existing contact.
Click-to-Dial Elevation
  • Agents will be able to use click-to-dial to elevate an interaction with an assigned Salesforce contact.
Agent Experience Enhancements
Agents will be able to:
  • Sort the skill list by skills, queue, and wait time.
  • Receive commitment reminders one minute before they are due.
Administrator Experience Enhancements
You will be able to:
  • Control the visibility of the Delete button in the commitment manager.
  • Sort agents by their name, the date, and the time they've spent in the queue.
Configure Task Creation for Omnichannel Session Handling Contacts with Elevation
  • You will be able to configure how to handle elevated contact task creation to capture all Omnichannel Session Handling activities in Salesforce.
911 Dialing
  • Agents in the United States using any outbound voice skill will be able to dial 911 and be routed to the National Emergency Center. This feature will be available in every agent application and will ensure compliance with Kari's Law.
Integrated Softphone Enhancements
  • You will be able to set the ring tone that is played when a call is presented to the agent. You will also be able to enable auto-accept, resulting in agents in the available state automatically accepting calls instead of having to manually accept them.
The following features are included in the November 2020 Minor Release.
Recording Statement
During a call, agents can record parts of the call. For example, agents can record when a customer gives consent for services.
There can be multiple recording statements for a single call.
Recorded statements should be saved as evidence in your CRM system, with a link to play back or download directly from your CRM system.
This feature requires Studio scripting. Professional Services can help you set up your script, but there might be a fee for this service. Contact your account manager to learn more.
Stereo Recording
Previously, only customers with Recording and QM Analytics/Interaction Analytics could use stereo recording.
For new customers, all voice interactions are recorded in stereo.
Stereo recording enables users to leverage analytic solutions, record speakers separately, and play back only one side of a call.
As part of the Spring ’21 release, all existing customers will record in stereo. Contact your account manager to learn more.
Interaction Analytics
The following features are included in the November 2020 Minor Release.
Dataset Sampling
You will have the option to view a sample of interactions per dataset, rather than all interactions. This will result in faster load times when you have a large amount of data. Indicators in a slider will inform you when you are in a percentage that results in the fastest loading times, intermediate load times, and when you are within a range that will result in longer load times. This will empower you to decide whether to wait a bit longer for results or decrease the sample size.
Quality Management
The following features are included in the November 2020 Minor Release.
New Report: Evaluations by Team
Previously, only customers with Recording and QM Analytics/Interaction Analytics could use stereo recording.
Managers will be able to receive evaluation insights across all channels and for all skills in the organization using the new Evaluations by Team report.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Coming Soon.
The report will provide the following information:
  • The average evaluation scores by team, as well as the average evaluation scores for agents within each team
  • The average evaluation trend for teams
  • The top and bottom performers in the organization/each team
  • The average evaluation scores by team for each channel
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Evaluation form
  • Team
  • Agent
In addition, users will be able to drill down to specific agent evaluation trends, play interactions from within the report while viewing the evaluation form, and export the report to Excel, CSV, or PDF formats.
To view/use this report, users will have to enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • Evaluations by Team
New Report: Evaluation Question Details
Using this new report, managers will be able to review questions from evaluation forms and all their associated data and identify evaluation trends in their organization.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Release Notes.
The report will provide a table with all raw evaluation question data from a specific evaluation form.
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Evaluation form
  • Team
  • Agent
In addition, users will be able to export the report to Excel, CSV, or PDF formats.
To view/use this report, users must enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • Evaluation Question Details
These permissions can be found in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
New Report: Evaluations by Section and Question
Using this new report, managers can receive evaluation insights across all channels by focusing on evaluation questions and the answers given by evaluators.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Coming Soon.
The report provides the following information:
  • A list of teams and agents and their average scores
  • The average scores on each section and question in an evaluation
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Evaluation form
  • Team
  • Agent
In addition, users can drill down to agent score trends and detailed scores, play interactions from within the report, and export the report to Excel, CSV, or PDF formats.
To view/use this report, users will have to enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • Evaluations by Section and Question
These permissions will be located in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
New Report: Evaluation Details
Using this new report, managers will be able to receive evaluation insights across all channels by focusing on evaluation workflows and details.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Coming Soon.
The report will provide a table with general evaluation data, such as the evaluation ID, date, score, as well as the evaluated agent and interaction information.
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Evaluation form
  • Team
  • Agent
In addition, users will be able to export the report to Excel, CSV, or PDF formats.
To view/use this report, users will have to enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • Evaluation Details
These permissions will be located in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
Reporting and Dashboards
The following features are included in the November 2020 Minor Release.
New Business Intelligence Reporting Tool
Reporting will be implementing a new BI (business intelligence) reporting tool, providing users with advanced data-analysis capabilities. The new tool will allow users to view and analyze information from their organization and receive actionable insights across teams and channels.
The new tool will provide the following updates:
  • New WEM BI reports, located in Reporting > Prebuilt Reports > General. Users will be able to search for the report they need.
  • 1 new out-of-the-box WFM BI report:
  • WFM Time Utilization
For more information, go to the Workforce Management section of the Coming Soon.
4 new out-of-the-box QM BI reports:
  • Evaluations by Team
  • Evaluations by Section and Question
  • Evaluation Details
  • Evaluation Question Details
For more information, go to the Quality Management section of the Coming Soon.
The BI reports will be displayed in a new report viewer. The viewer will provide the following functionality:
  • Multiple widgets displaying different views of the report data
  • Filtering for the complete report, as well as for each widget
  • Grouping data in one widget to affect the data shown in other widgets
  • Advanced sorting options for each widget
  • Drill-down capabilities to analyze data in more detail
  • Full report export to PDF
  • Full-page widget view and data export to Excel/CSV/PDF
To view/use the new BI reports, users will have to enable the Report Viewer permission.
In addition, each of the new BI reports will have their own permission. These will have to be enabled to allow users to view those specific reports.
All BI Report permissions will be available in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
Billing Attribute for BI Reports
A new attribute will be added to employee cards in Admin: Can view BI reports.
Employees with this attribute selected will be able to view the new BI reports. Customers will be billed for BI report usage based on the number of employees with this attribute selected.
Workforce Management
The following features are included in the November 2020 Minor Release.
New Report: Adherence Report
Managers will be able to focus quickly on potential or existing adherence issues for agents or activities using the new Adherence Report.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Coming Soon.
The report will provide the following information:
  • Adherence by activity
  • A bubble representation of adherence by agent
  • A grid summary of adherence by agent
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Scheduling unit
  • Agent
Users will be able to drill down to view a specific agent's adherence during a defined time period. The agent report will display the following information:
  • The agent's adherence trend, by hour, month, or day
  • The agent's adherence by activity
  • A grid breakdown of the agent's adherence
In addition, users will be able to export the report to PDF.
To view/use this report, users will have to enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • WFM Adherence Report
These permissions will be located in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
New Report: Time Utilization Report
Managers will be able to review the time utilization in their agents' schedules by activities, using the new Time Utilization Report. The report will incorporate data for both published and saved schedules, and provide insights on activity trends and time usage, enabling managers to optimize scheduling.
This report is part of the new BI reporting tool. For more information, see the Reporting section of the Coming Soon.
The report will provide the following information:
  • Utilization by Activity Type or by Activity Code
  • A trend graph of the total amount of time utilized for each activity / average utilization of each activity per agent
  • A table summary of time utilization for each activity by agent
  • A bar graph displaying the utilization of each activity by the day of the week
Available report filters:
  • Date range
  • Scheduling unit
  • Agent
In addition, users will be able to export the report to PDF.
To view/use this report, users will have to enable the following permissions:
  • Report Viewer
  • WFM Time Utilization Report
These permissions will be located in the Reporting Permissions in Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions.
Fall 2020 Cumulative Update 4
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed in this update:
  • The /contacts/active API endpoint was returning null values in the fileName field when using API v19.0.
  • The lastUpdateTime was rounding to the nearest second instead of keeping the millisecond value. 
  • The ACD and reporting applications were using a default idle timeout value instead of the customer specified value.
  • Downloading a large list of skills using the Download Existing Skills option resulted in an error instead of downloading the list.
Chat Channel
  • When an agent resized their browser window, the live chat window would also automatically open.
  • When a chat interaction was mistakenly requeued as a call, that contact would get stuck instead of the transfer being automatically rejected. 
  • Agents assigned to outbound skills were unable to set their disposition to Call Back - Schedule Time and then complete the interaction.
Personal Connection
  • If a contact was queued for a specific agent and then reskilled, the contact could sometimes get stuck in that agent's queue.
  • The Digital Engagement CDR data download report was not populating all of the digital contact data.
  • In custom reporting, when the date range Yesterday was selected, some of the data was being pulled from the wrong day. 
  • When using WebRTC, supervisors were unable to hear agents when using the Monitor or Coach feature.
  • Users were unable to launch Supervisor using Internet Explorer. 
Fall 2020 Cumulative Update 5
These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed in this update:
  • When duplicate team names or campaign names were present, the unassigned teams or campaigns list would show as blank.
  • The User audit history tab was showing changes to multiple metrics such as Rehire Status and Hire Date when a user changed only their profile email address.
  • Sometimes bulk uploading new users failed and displayed a "duplicated extension" error.
  • The GET/contacts​/chats​/{chatSession} API was not returning system messages with the rest of the data.
Engage QM Integrated
  • If a call was requeued to another agent and that agent conferenced in a third party, such as with a recorded message, and then disconnected from the third party, Engage QM Integrated ended the recording for the entire call instead of just the third party.
IEX WFM Integrated
  • When reloading historical data, the call volume was not being updated with the correct number of calls per interval.
  • After an agent logged into MAX using WebRTC, if they opened another application on top of MAX, the first call delivered would not ring.
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