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Release Notes > Microsoft Dynamics 365
Release Notes

RingCentral for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral for Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Release Date: 5/30/2023
Release Date: May 2024
What's New
  • Support for E.164 format number search
Bug Fixes
  • Contact search results fixed
  • Contact matching in Call History page fixed
Version 2.0.14
Release Date: 5/30/2023
What's New
  • 10-digit dialing support in Canada
  • Call and Text to 988 support in Canada
  • Change the country name from “Turkey” to “Türkiye”
Version 2.0.12
Release Date: 05/25/2022
What's New
  • All brands are now available using the IDB framework
  • Performance improvement when using multiple tabs in Dynamics365
Version 2.0.11 (Hotfix)
Release Date: 03/10/2022
What's New
  • Fixed bug where app was unable to match Leads even after lead had been marked Searchable
Version 2.0.10
Release Date: 01/06/2022
What's New
  • Introduction of IDB framework for better branding support
  • more brand supporting, bug fixes
Version 2.0.9
Release Date: 10/22/2021
What's New
  • No longer passing actual end date to Dynamics when creating activity tickets
Version 2.0.8
Release Date: 09/17/2021
What's New
  • Support additional Brands, updates to brand icons
  • Bug fix for when auto logging of SMS is OFF but the app continues to log
  • Additional bug fixes
Version 2.0.7
Release Date: 06/14/2021
What's New
  • Supports assigning tickets to team role account
  • Support for App Branding
Version 2.0.6
Release Date: 04/23/2021
What's New
  • Choose to view or hide contact matches when receiving inbound calls in Dynamics.
What's New
  • New fields for call status, call duration, actual start, and actual end will populate after an activity is created from a call log. 
  • RingCentral will filter out inactive contacts or accounts when an inbound call is received for more accurate contact matching in Dynamics. 
Bug Fixes
  • Login page gets stuck on the loading screen.
Release Date: 24 September 2020
What's New
  • The record match setting now searches 10 digit numbers to better support multiple area codes with the same phone number. 
  • Details will open automatically when there is only one matched number for inbound calls. 
Release Date: 26 March 2020
What's New
  • Auto pop incoming call matching records in Dynamics
VERSION 2.0.1 Public Beta
Release Date: 6 December 2019
What's New
  • SMS conversation can be logged to Dynamics automatically or manually
  • Configure SMS  content logging settings
  • Attach call recording link to logs automatically
Improved from V2.0.0.1 Limited Beta
  • Introduced settings for pop up app on ringing call
VERSION Limited Beta
Release Date: 4 November 2019
What's New
  • New interface built on Dynamics latest CIF (Channel Integration Framework), support all unify UI apps in Dynamics
  • Brand new call log handling, log calls without leaving a current view
  • Access a combined message hub for SMS, voicemail, and fax
  • Remote control for calls happens in other devices (within the same RingCentral account)
  • Auto match Dynamics entities, supporting Contacts, Accounts, Leads
  • Navigate to logged activities from the app
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