Release Notes

RingCentral Contact Center User Hub | Summer 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Contact Center User Hub. For Contact Center Central Release Notes, please refer to this page.
Release Date: Summer 2021

Summer User Hub – 21.2

Global Changes

Global Authentication Service Enhancements
A new global authentication service has been in early release since the beginning of 2020. The Summer 2021 release will increase the scalability and redundancy of this centralized login service. It will provide a unified login process for the entire suite, including integrated applications. It will operate system-wide, with the only exceptions being where there are system differences (such as FedRAMP). This release will fully implement the OpenID Connect standard, including discovery and other requirements. No authentication flows will change with this release.

Release Adjustments

These features are adjustments to those previously announced.

Changed Features

Management of Roles, Users, and Agent Occupancy Moved to Admin and ACD Applications
This UI change was not made: 
The Edit assigned users button on the pages for each role on the Digital First Omnichannel Admin Users > Roles page and the Roles > Edit Role page in the Users section.

Features to be Released at a Later Date

Native AMD Detection and Delivery
Answering machine detection and identification functionality, previously available only through the Laydown action, will be natively available in AMD Management. This will provide improved detection of answering machines and accurate delivery of messages without requiring a custom script.
Navigation Redesign
Navigation in the RingCentral Contact Center portal and Tenant Management portal will change for a simpler, more intuitive navigation experience.
Side navigation bar:
  • Folders will be open by default so you can see all options when you open an app.
New app selector:
  • A new grid icon located on the left side of the title bar will launch all apps from one location. This includes both apps that open inside the browser instance and those that launch in a separate window.
  • When you hover over an app in the app selector, an "opens in new window" icon will appear if it launches in a new window.
  • Since all apps will be linked to the app selector in the title bar, the app selector in the side bar navigation will be removed.
  • The icon indicating which app you are currently in will also move from the side navigation bar to the title bar, to the right of the new app selector.
Newly Redesigned Software Download Page
We will introduce a newly redesigned software download page driven by a global service with files sourced from the United States. This will ensure export control compliance related to software downloads.
Wallboard Sharing Limiting
New share settings will be able to limit who can see different Wallboards in the Launch Wallboard Menu. This ensures that users will only be able to see data that they have access to.
Agent Contact Performance BI Report
This report will display an agent's performance from the viewpoint of a contact that the agent interacted with. Both ACD and digital data will be available in this report.
MRCPv2 as Default
The media server will use the modern MRCPv2 as the default protocol to communicate with Nuance ASR engines. This will allow further development and performance enhancements in the future.

Features to be Released at a Later Date

Integrated Softphone Browser Support

End-Of-Life Notifications 

End of Support for Internet Explorer in MAX
MAX will no longer operate in Internet Explorer (IE) beginning with the Summer 2021 release. Microsoft stopped supporting IE in November, 2020. MAX users will need to switch to a supported browser prior to this release.
If you need more time to switch browsers, you can enable the previous version to have continued access to the Spring 2021 version for a short time. After the Fall 2021 release, no version of MAX will operate in Internet Explorer.

New Applications and Features


Restricted Access to Users Based on RBAC Settings
In areas of the ACD app where you can view or select users, you now see only users you're permitted to see. Below these lists and tables, you see the number of users you have access to view in addition to the total number of users hidden from your view.
Agent Messaging
When you create a new message and select a To option, the Everyone option is now Everyone (Accessible Teams Only).


Hierarchy Manager
You can create a hierarchy, or a visual representation, of your organization. It shows how parts of your organization relate to each other, like a family tree or organizational chart. Your tenant may contain multiple hierarchies.
All hierarchies start with a root node. You can connect the root node to child nodes, and those child nodes may contain more child nodes. Node types include organizational units, scheduling units, and teams.
The root node is always an organizational unit node, and it connects to nodes of any of the three types. You can add members to organizational unit nodes but not to scheduling unit or team nodes.
Restrict Access to Users Based on RBAC Settings
You can control the visibility of user data using the Views feature in Admin Security. Up until now, you have been able to control the visibility of interactions by teams using Views. With this release, you can now use Views to limit the users that an employee can see. When someone performs a task in the ACD application or WFI that exposes user data (such as names) they are only able to see the users allowed by their view. The UI displays a message indicating the total number of visible users and the number of users hidden from view.
New Permissions for Interactions Application
New permissions for the Interactions application:
  • You can control the visibility of categories and sentiments for the interaction in the Player using the Can view sentiments and categories permission.
  • In RIngCentral Contact Center, go to  Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions, the permission is under  Search & Playback > Player.
  • You can control the accessibility of the recordings from the  Recording tab in the Contact History Report using the Can access recordings permission.
  • In RingCentral Contact Center, go to  Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions, the permission is under  Search & Playback > Contact History Report.
Configure Recording for Voice and Screen
Previously the Can be Recorded attribute was used to record the employee for both voice and screen.
With the Summer 2021 release, the attribute has been split into Can be Recorded (Voice) and Can be Recorded (Screen). These options enable more granular control and flexibility over what can be recorded for an employee and played back.
For existing customers with a screen recording license, both these attributes are automatically selected.
For existing customers with a voice recording license, the Can be Recorded (Voice) attribute is automatically selected.
These attributes are visible only if your system includes Recording (for voice)/Recording Advanced (for voice and screen).

Agent for Salesforce

The following feature is included in version 18.0 and is expected to be released in late July.
Configure Agent for Salesforce to Display Text or Icons
You will be able to configure whether Agent for Salesforce displays icons or text.


Cloud Storage for Email
Your organization's email messages and attachments are now stored in the cloud. This affects all newly logged emails after your BU is updated to the Spring 2021 release; older messages will remain on the server. You can apply conditions for active and long-term storage of email messages and any attachments.
Verified SMS Messages for Android
You can configure Contact Center to send verified SMS messages for customers using Android devices. When verified SMS is configured, SMS messages received on Android platform devices now display message preview text, the Google verified badge and your organization's logo. This improves engagement and transparency with your customers. Open and click-through rates are four times better for messages with these features, and they support brand recognition. This content is visible to all customers using Android devices. For your customers using other mobile platforms, such as IOS, verified SMS messages display in the standard SMS format.
This feature is available for Omnichannel SMS, Personal Connection Proactive SMS, and Digital First Omnichannel SMS channels.

Performance Management

The following features are expected to be released in June.
Game Results on Wallboards
You can display results of Gamification games on wallboards.
Challenges Tab Updated
In Gamification, the Challenges tab offers additional information for challenges that are in progress.
Digital Template
A default digital dashboard template is available if you have purchased a digital integration to Performance Management. This Dashboard shows your digital and ACD data in a single view. You can also copy the Dashboard and modify it to your specifications.
Automatically Join Players Setting
There is a new Eligibility setting in Gamification. When selected, agents are not required to join from the games module to participate. The setting is not selected by default.
Games Module Copy Changes
The Games module displays the end date of a game interval and the game's end date. 
Revert Game Payout
You can revert coin payout after a game is finished without creating a ticket.
New Share Option
When sharing, only the creator can see and publish changes. The permissions access of the recipient is used to determine what is visible.


Widget Performance Updates
Loading data into ACD widgets added to the Dashboard are streamlined for better load times and responsiveness.

Interaction Analytics

User Interface Changes
Your experience is more unified with interface updates that enhance the RingCentral Contact Center look and feel. These changes affect:
  • Filters
  • Widgets
  • Workspace Editor
  • Category Templates
  • Interactions Modal
Create or Update Category using AutoDiscovery Phrases
Users can select an AutoDiscovery topic and use its phrases to create a new category by selecting a category folder where the new category will be created, or add its phrases to an existing category by selecting a category to be updated.
Access AutoDiscovery from a Dataset Workspace
AutoDiscovery can now be accessed from a dataset workspace, and you can return to that dataset workspace directly from AutoDiscovery.


SMS for Omnichannel Session Handling (OSH)
The native SMS offering is available for OSH elevations. This includes elevations from an SMS interaction to a phone call and email as well as from most other channels to SMS.
Log Out when Browser is Closed
There is a new Security Profile permission that, when enabled, logs out MAX agent sessions when the MAX window is closed. This ensures correct tracking of agent state and improves customer experience by not routing a call to an agent who is listed as available but has closed the browser without logging out.
Integrated Softphone Refusal Reason
When an agent does not accept an incoming call, the refusal reason is displayed as "No Answer". This ensures correct tracking and reporting.
End of Support for Internet Explorer in MAX
MAX no longer operates in Internet Explorer (IE) beginning with the Summer 2021 release. Microsoft stopped supporting IE in November, 2020. MAX users will need to switch to a supported browser prior to this release.
If you need more time to switch browsers, you can enable the previous version to have continued access to the Spring 2021 version for a short time. After the Fall 2021 release, no version of MAX will operate in Internet Explorer.
Integrated Softphone Browser Support
When used with MAX, Integrated Softphone is now supported for use in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

Media Services

New System Dispositions Indicating Blocked Robocalls
In support of the Personal Connection feature:
New system dispositions indicate that a call was blocked due to suspicion of being an unwanted robocall. This enables you to take corrective action to increase answer rates. These blocked calls are associated with the TRACED Act passed by the United States Congress, and the feature is available only in the United States.
STIR/SHAKEN Attestation
In support of the STIR/SHAKEN Personal Connection feature:
Your outbound calls automatically receive a B-level attestation when originating from your network. The system elevates validated caller ID numbers to A-level attestation. A-level phone numbers yield higher answer rates. This potentially improves business results as people gain confidence that they are not receiving unwanted robocalls. This feature is in compliance with new guidelines from the United States FCC, and the feature is available only in the United States.
Nuance ASR Engine 11 as Default 
Contact Center uses the Nuance 11 engine as the default ASR engine. This allows further development and performance enhancements in the future. No updates to your scripts are necessary.

Personal Connection

STIR/SHAKEN Attestation
In accordance with the United States FCC mandate to implement SHAKEN signing, we have received signing authority and signs all calls initiated from RingCentral Contact Center with Full (A-level) attestation. The system verifies all caller ID values being used to confirm they align with the businesses using them. Unresolved concerns with unverified caller IDs will result in downgrading the traffic for them to B-level attestation.
The Global Caller ID field within each Business Unit must contain a valid phone number that belongs to you. This is the value RingCentral Contact Center uses to verify the business entity. If you want to display an anonymous presence on a call, you can override the caller ID at the skill or record level with a blank caller ID.
A-level phone numbers yield higher answer rates. This potentially improves business results as people gain confidence that they are not receiving unwanted robocalls.
This feature is available only in the United States.
New System Dispositions Blocking Robocalls
New system dispositions track the required feedback from carriers related to call blocking efforts. If the call is blocked by customer request or by analytic engines, they must return a specific SIP message. These surface as two new outcomes and are controlled by the user on the Retry Management page.
This enables you to take corrective action to increase answer rates. These blocked calls are associated with the TRACED Act passed by the United States Congress, and the feature is available only in the United States.

Quality Management/Quality Management Analytics

New Filters in Quality Planner
When creating a quality plan, QM Managers can now query for interactions based on:
  • CSAT score—a percentage score or score range based on customer feedback.
Keep in mind, this filter is only available for users with Feedback Management.
Assign Ad-Hoc Evaluations
Managers can now assign an interaction to a specific evaluator for evaluation, directly from the Interactions application.


Recording License
The CXone Recording license, as it's known today, has been renamed CXone Recording Advanced. Recording Advanced enables you to record voice and screen. You can use the interactive search and playback experience that you are familiar with today. All current Recording users are automatically moved to the Recording Advanced license.
We now offer a new license—CXone Recording. This new license enables you to only record voice (no screen) and access basic recording features. You can manage recording policies, access interactions from the Contact History report, and play back interactions using the Recording Player.
Configure Recording for Voice and Screen
Previously the Can be Recorded attribute was used to record the employee for both voice and screen.
With the Summer 2021 release, the attribute has been split into Can be Recorded (Voice) and Can be Recorded (Screen). These options enable more granular control and flexibility over what can be recorded for an employee and played back.
For existing customers with a screen recording license, both these attributes are automatically selected.
For existing customers with a voice recording license, the Can be Recorded (Voice) attribute is automatically selected.
These attributes are visible only if your system includes Recording (for voice)/Recording Advanced (for voice and screen).
Continue Recording Interactions for External Phone Numbers
For recording policies, a new setting is now available to continue recording an interaction when an agent transfers the call to an external phone number. This enables better visibility and analysis into the entire customer journey beyond the agent portion of the interaction.
Playback Contact for an Elevated Interaction
You can now see the interaction journey and play back the entire contact for an elevated interaction. This way, you can play back or view the full contact in one player window.
Integration with Feedback Management
Customers with Feedback Management can now view the customer's satisfaction percentage in the Interactions application's search results. This percentage also displays additional information such as the survey score, the survey name, and the survey channel.
There is a filter to limit your search results according to the CSAT percentage.
The CSAT information is available only if the customer answered the primary question (contact center satisfaction question) in the survey.
New Filters in Quality Planner
When creating a quality plan, QM Managers can now query for interactions based on:
Player Enhancements
Enhancements for the Player include:
  • While playing back a segment for a multi-segment interaction, you now have an option to play back the entire contact.
  • In the Player, you must enable the Can view sentiments and categories permission to see the categories and sentiments for an interaction.
In RingCentral Contact Center, go to Admin > Security > Roles and Permissions, the permission is under Search & Playback > Player.
ScreenAgent Enhancement
ScreenAgent supports up to 10 parallel screen recordings (voice and digital) for the same agent. Check if you're using ScreenAgent version 2.1.40 and up. To upgrade your ScreenAgent version, see ScreenAgent.


Business Intelligence (BI) Reports

Favorite Reports
Users can now define favorite reports in the Reporting application. Favorited reports appear at the top of the Reports list, allowing users to find them quickly and easily.
ACD Prebuilt Reports
Some prebuilt ACD reports have been added to BI reporting. BI reports contain widgets displaying relevant metrics and charts.
List of Teams Report
The new List of Teams report provides an easy location to view all teams and their associated configuration.
List of Unavailable Codes Report
The new List of Unavailable Codes report displays a list of all default and custom unavailable codes and the configuration for each.
List of Campaigns Report
The new List of Campaigns report displays a complete list of campaigns that have been created and the configuration for each.
Interaction Analytics: Analytics Category Statistics
The Analytics Category Statistics report will allow supervisors or managers to follow up on their teams and agents' performance according to specifically defined categories, such as billing, tech support, etc., and can be used to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Prebuilt Reports

Call Quality Explorer Report
Empirix Data, an optional add-on to this report, has been renamed CXone Voice Diagnostics.

Data Download Reports

Transfer Report
The Transfer data download report displays a list of contacts that have been transferred from one agent to another. This report includes participating agents, associated skills, and contact details.
Voice Agent Set for Digital Report 
The Audit History data download report displays a list of all administrative changes that occur in the platform. Any changes to campaigns, skills, teams, and agents will be displayed here. 
Audit History Report
The Voice Agent Set for Digital report is a new data download report that allows you to show the date during a given billing period when a voice agent was configured with a digital skill. This allows you to reconcile your billing questions without having to request the information you need.

Data Connector

Data Connector
A basic data connection through the Performance Management servers enables you to export data via API, SFTP, or email subscription. This may facilitate exporting non-ACD data to your external system, such as data from Engage QM Integrated. This data connection does not include access to the Performance Management interface.


Web-Based Action Editors Check for Active User Sessions
Studio prompts you to log in again if your session times out while you're configuring an action in a web-based editor. For example, if you were configuring a VoiceBot action through the Virtual Agent Hub and your session timed out, Studio would prompt you to log in again before closing the editor. Historically, work would be lost if a session timed out while you were actively working in these editors.
Dynamic Action Editor Titles 
Titles of action editor windows display the name of the action you're configuring. This makes scripting smoother as multiple actions can launch the same type of editor, and therefore could be mixed up. For example, the Play Properties editor launches from both the Play and Menu actions. If you have both of these actions in a script, you can see whether you are configuring the Play or Menu action.
New Actions
Chatblindxfer transfers chats to any business unit or server cluster using a chat point of contact (POC) URL as the destination.


Context-Sensitive Help
There is an icon in the Supervisor interface that opens the online help directly to the Supervisor section of information. This makes it easier and faster for users to find the help they need.

Voice Access

Smart Connect Expansion
Smart Connect solutions are now available for international users. 

Workforce Management (Enterprise)

Multi-skill Scheduling by Scheduling Unit
Managers can now create schedules for single or multiple scheduling units using multi-skill scheduling. This enables managers to optimize scheduling.
Filter Intraday Data by Scheduling Unit
Users can now filter in the Intraday Manager and view data for specific scheduling units. This allows WFM managers to focus on their own scheduling unit KPIs and staffing.
Export Intraday Data
Users can now export Intraday Manager data to a CSV file for further analysis or custom reporting.
Exported data includes all metrics and columns, organized by scheduling unit and skill.
"What If" Forecasting
“What If” Forecasting is the first feature offered as part of the new WFM Advanced, which adds capabilities to meet more complex WFM needs.
While forecasting, managers can create an alternate forecast by clicking the "What if..." button. This allows managers to make changes to the original forecast and see how these changes will affect scheduling.
Managers can view the main and alternate forecasts in a grid or graph and even view a comparison of both.
If the manager decides to use the alternate forecast, they can save it as the main forecast.
"What If" Forecasting is the first of many new capabilities to come with WFM Advanced. Contact your RingCentral Account Representative for more information or to upgrade.
Real Time Adherence Enhancements
Enhancements to the Real-Time Adherence page optimize the data displayed in the grid. Activities that are unscheduled or in adherence are no longer included by default, allowing managers to focus on agents who are out of adherence and take quick action.
Users can still include these activities in the grid by selecting the Unscheduled or In adherence checkboxes.

Fixed & Known Issues – 21.2 – User Hub

Developer Portal
Some users were receiving an error when they tried to log into the developer portal. 
Some users were receiving an error when they tried to log into the developer portal. 
  • After a session timed out and the logout screen appeared, the platform was not always reconnecting to the correct data center. 
  • A "tenant inactive" error would sometimes display when a user try to reset their password. 
  • When downloading existing records from the Bulk Upload Portal, sometimes an error would occur.
  • If a tenant had a large number of users, sometimes downloading the list of users using the Bulk Upload Portal would fail. 
Virtual Agent Hub
The GCP project field was missing from the configuration window for Google Dialogflow ES. 

Summer 2021 Cumulative Update 2

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
If the team concurrent chat setting was not set, sometimes the AF field would switch from true to false. 
When using a pushURL action to open a survey from the V2 chat profile, the survey would not load.
  • When an agent's disposition changed to an unavailable disposition, the timer was not always starting at zero.
  • MAX was showing an incorrect percentage for the Productivity report within MAX agent reports.
  • When an agent dialed in to consult with another agent, those call recordings were not always able to be played back. 
Omnichannel Session Handling
Client SMTP vendors were not able to authenticate traffic for Proactive Email.
When using the ReqAgent action for emails, parked emails that were retrieved and then reparked were not keeping their priority in the email queue.
Tenant Management
Users would sometimes be logged out if they used the Impersonate & Configure feature. 

Summer 2021 Cumulative Update 3

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
  • Users with the role Supervisor or Team Lead were unable to see the ACD tab.
  • Calling lists containing Japanese characters were uploading instead of providing an error that those character types were not supported. 
  • The first email received after an agent logged in did not load in a screen pop.
  • If the Browse ACD Files view permission was not enabled, sometimes email attachments did not load.
  • The audio/video notification was being delayed when a contact was pushed to an agent.
  • A "missing dll file" error was sometimes displaying in MAX when a contact was delivered using a Studio script. 
Callback contacts were not being routed to available agents. 
  • The Contact History prebuilt report was displaying a "report process" error for some users.
  • If a team restriction was set in permissions, the IVR Press Path prebuilt report would not load.
The Forward tool was not forwarding inbound email contacts. 

Summer 2021 Cumulative Update 4

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
Agent for Oracle Service Cloud
When an agent attempted to place an outbound call or accept an inbound call, Agent for Oracle Service Cloud crashed.
Auto Attendant
Users could not download voicemails from Auto Attendant.
IEX WFM Integrated
  • The agent system time did not always display accurately in the Agent System Performance report.
  • IEX WFM Integrated did not accurately display the daily total interactions for queue history. 
The workspace panel in MAX intermittently disappeared when an agent answered inbound calls. 
Omnichannel Session Handling
When a script using the GetEmail action attempted to read the email, the email was not received by an agent. 
Personal Connection
When agents used Integrated Softphone with an agent application, suppressed contacts were shown briefly in the contact list. 
If role-based access control was enabled, downloading the Existing Users list took longer. 

Summer 2021 Cumulative Update 5

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.
  • When an agent put a work item contact on hold, completed an outbound call, and then completed the work item, MAX would auto-accept an inbound call instead of letting the agent accept or reject it.
  • If an agent saved a required disposition while another call was in queue, the contact details window wouldn't close and the agent couldn't take another call.
  • When an agent's state was Available and MAX wasn't in focus on the computer, they would hear a beeping sound.
  • When MAX panels were turned off and agents handled multiple chats where screenpops were enabled, switching between the chats would result in the screenpops reopening.
Personal Connection
The CreateProspects Proactive XS action would sometimes generate an error that said "No transport code specified in skill or in uploaded record" when a transport code was specified.
Security & Compliance
Processed GDPR requests didn't have a Completed status or a saved GDPR request report. 
We've sent you a link, please check your phone!
Please allow a full minute between phone number submissions.
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