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Release Notes > Web app > November 2024
Release Notes

RingCentral web app | November 2024

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral web app.
Version 24.4.20
Release date: November 2024
  • Individual SMS and Fax settings: Separate text settings and fax settings as separated setting tabs make it easier to access.
  • Consolidate AI settings for Closed caption and Live transcription: New unified AI settings in admin control (AI for Personal Assistant). Once enabled, closed captions and live transcription will be available for users across all package tiers.
  • Voicemail summary: RingSense AI Assistant will summarize the user’s voicemail based on its transcript.
  • Auto display Google Drive links: When pasting a Google Drive URL or Doc into a message in the desktop app, you’ll be prompted to connect to your Google account. Once connected, the file type and name will be displayed in an easy-to-read format.
  • Share message summary: You can share AI-generated summaries from your direct and team messages to other conversations, quickly highlighting key points.
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