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Engage Voice | Intro to Admin

Admin is the interface administrators use to configure all the behind-the-scenes workings, like the appearance and functionality of the agent interface, for example. This is also where all the configuration settings like call and chat routing, IVR building, and list management live.
Let’s take a look at how it all works.

About accounts, users, and permissions

First off, administrators can begin by creating one or more accounts and configuring their top-level account information, from default settings that span all accounts to custom integration settings. Administrators can add new admin users to the platform, manage passwords, and ensure each user has the necessary permissions to get the job done.

About inbound routing

Routing rules and skills

Administrators can configure routing rules for all inbound calls and chats via the admin Routing menu option. These rules ensure that when a call — or a batch of calls — comes in, they all get sent to their appropriate destinations.
You can get as granular with your routing settings as choosing ranking and priority levels for both agents and queues. And when calls come in that require certain skill sets (like Spanish speakers, or agents with strong sales skills), admins can use skill-based routing settings to ensure those calls get routed to the agents best qualified to handle them. 
Skill configuration screen

Schedules and priorities

Admins can also set custom schedules to tell the system when queues are open and closed, and they can specify queue priorities and conditions to let the system know how to handle calls when the queue is closed or when there’s a priority queue event that requires additional configuration.
Inbound schedule

IVRs and scripting

In IVR Studio, admins can create and enable IVRs that guide callers to their desired destinations or provide helpful information without the need for agent interaction. In Script Studio, admins can create dynamic scripts that agents can use to collect and share information while a call is in progress. Administrators can even arrange integrations via scripts and IVRs that can get and post data to and from external web-based applications.
IVR Studio demo

Requeue shortcuts and dispositions

If calls often need to be redirected to a certain agent or group, admins can create requeue shortcut buttons for the agent interface to ensure those calls are routed quickly, easily, and efficiently. Admins can also create and enable dispositions for inbound queues, so agents can submit important notes and data about completed calls.
Dispositions demo
Disposition demo in Agent

Cloud routing

Cloud routing is another tool that can be useful for contact centers with multiple locations; admins can enable and configure this feature’s routing rules to easily send and connect incoming calls to whichever contact center location best suits their needs. 
Within cloud routing, admins can configure cloud destinations, which acts as the location of each of the call centers they want to route calls to. Admins can also configure cloud profiles and choose between different call routing options, from distributing calls evenly amongst each destination to assigning ranks or percentages that tell the system which destinations should receive higher priority when routing incoming calls.

About outbound dialing

Dialing and lead management

Administrators can use the Dialing section of the admin interface to configure all their outbound call settings so that agents can simply log in to the platform and begin making calls (whether they’re receiving connections made by a predictive or preview dialer, or manually dialing calls).
To initiate outbound dialing, administrators can begin by creating campaigns and dial groups to organize their outbound calls and agents. Next, admins can upload and manage lead information, from phone numbers and emails to custom lead data, like a company name or job title.

Integrations and compliance support

Admins can set up outbound integrations (like CRM and CMS systems) via the admin section of the platform as well. Integrations can range from fully integrated applications to web service requests that automatically update lead information to external databases.
Compliance-supporting settings like list scrubbing make it easy to remove known cell phone and DNC (registered ‘do not call’) numbers from lead lists to ensure contacts are dialed in accordance with regulatory standards. Meanwhile, whitelisting settings are available to ensure authorized phone numbers can still be dialed (that is, contacts who may be on the national DNC registry but have provided you with written consent for contact).
Compliance settings

Quota management and more

For outbound campaigns that require close monitoring to ensure quotas are consistently maintained (like political campaigns, for example), special quota management settings can be defined and enabled to automatically adjust dialing based on the rules you provide.
As with inbound calling, admins can create and assign dynamic scripts to campaigns so agents can collect and share information with leads. They can create requeue shortcuts to make it easy to transfer calls to frequently routed destinations. And of course, admins can also create and assign dispositions to ensure call outcomes are appropriately tracked and recorded for later analysis.

About live chat

SMS and web chats appear in the agent interface where agents can reply, dispatch, resolve, report on, and close them out effortlessly. Behind the scenes, however, administrators can do their share of configuration to ensure a seamless experience for both agent and customer.
Chat configuration options include creating and configuring settings for chat groups and agent skills, routing rules and dispositions, and requeue shortcuts. Administrators can also set up pre-chat forms to collect and share information with customers, both before they’re connected to an agent and when the chat queue is closed. They can create a knowledge base of canned (‘quick text’) replies and insert these selections into chat scripts so agents can click or cut and paste information just as it was intended to be delivered.
Scripting knowledge base
Administrators can use the admin interface to configure chat widgets, apply branding, and create, integrate, and enable dynamic scripts. And as with all other channels, configuration settings can be applied to ensure all important data is being tracked and recorded for analysis later.
Chat widget configuration demo

About agent and supervisor settings

Agent settings refers to basic agent configuration settings and range from password management and agent skill profiles to default platform settings for all agents.
Admin’s supervisor settings refers to admin configuration options that can allow supervisors to view agent performance and/or use monitoring tools like internal chat and agent whisper.
Chat widget configuration demo
Supervisor configuration demo

About platform settings

Settings refers to a number of functionalities that span multiple parts of the platform. In Admin, administrators can head to this section of the platform to create and schedule alerts and notifications for queue and campaign activity. They can also upload and configure audio files to be used in IVRs and call transfers.
This section also contains searchable audit logs so admins can track any configuration changes made to the platform via Admin. This includes visibility into lead management actions and recording access (e.g., who listened to which recording — and when). Admin Settings also has configuration options for accessing your accounts and configuring locations and delivery for call recordings.

About web services

Our integration capabilities include a completely open API designed to support simplified integrations at multiple points, including leading computer telephony, IVR, CRM, and workforce management. Built to integrate with the systems and applications you're already using, our platform allows you to keep and easily access the systems your team is already familiar with. 
We also offer a CTI toolkit, allowing you to build any custom integrations required. Our web service options play a big part in that. A web service is simply a back-end process that allows a program to talk to a web page (eliminating the need to use your browser to open a web page). 
We’ve made our web services accessible in various places throughout the platform. They can be called on from inside of an agent script, via a disposition, from within an IVR workflow, and via inbound queue events. From any of these locations, you have the flexibility to dispatch web service requests based on dynamic events happening in your contact center.
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