For the widgets in the Quality section, you can specify whether to apply your business hours to the calculation of the metrics reported in the widget. When applying business hours, your response and case times are calculated using the opening and closing hours that you define in Engage Digital Admin, which you can access via the app switcher and navigating to Admin > Settings > Business hours.
Typically, you’ll want to apply your business hours, because you don’t want to take into account the time elapsed outside business hours. To specify the use of business hours, go to the Quality section, click on the Edit widget pencil icon, and select Business Hours as On or Off.
For example, let’s say your business hours are from 9am to 6pm. If a customer messages your business at 7am and an agent replies to them at 9.30am, the first response time for the case will be 2h30min if business hours are Off. When business hours are On, the first response time is reduced to only 30min. If, for example, your goal is a two-hour response time, this would be the difference between meeting and failing your goal.