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Release Notes

RingCentral Contact Center Central | Fall 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Contact Center Central. For Contact Center User Hub Release Notes, please refer to this page.
Release Date: Fall 2022

Fall 22.3 Release

How to Use This Page
All new products and features are shown by default. If you want to see only products and features in your Contact Center system, you can clear the checkboxes to remove features you don't need from your display.
Each feature description includes a table that states whether the following details apply to it. ✓ means that the detail applies to the feature and ✖ means that the detail does not apply to the feature.
Customer Request The feature was developed by customer request.
UI Change The feature introduces major user interface (UI) changes.
When you can expect to see the feature in your environment.
On toggle— This is a major release. The feature automatically toggles on later in the release. 
On deploy—The feature is immediately available when the new release deploys to your environment.

Global Changes

Ability to Configure OpenID Connect on the Login Authenticator Page

Currently, you can only configure OpenID Connect identity providers (IdP) on the Business Units page in ACD. With the Fall 2022 release, you will also be able to configure OpenID Connect IdPs on the Login Authenticator page. This will allow you to configure your IdP while creating login authenticators and set up your IdP in one place. This update will also allow you to use multiple OpenID Connect IdPs at the same time for testing, migration, or other uses.
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End-Of-Life Notifications

Removal of ACD Historical Rules

WFI will no longer use ACD Historical rules to automate actions. ACD Intraday will be the only rule type category. This means that rules will reflect real-time data instead of tracking events and metrics over a period of time.
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End of Data Ingest API

The Data Ingest API will no longer be available as an add-on feature for Interaction Analytics.
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Outbound Skill Schedule Available in ACD Skill Bulk Download

When you click Download Existing Skills on the Manage Multiple Skills page, the Scheduler - StartTime and Scheduler - EndTime will display when your Personal Connection skills are scheduled to run. You will also be able to modify your Personal Connection skill schedules in the file and bulk upload your changes.
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ACD Channels

CXone Messaging SMS Regional Expansion

CXone Messaging SMS will be available in new regions.
Long codes are currently supported in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.
Short codes, long codes, and toll-free long codes are currently supported in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States.
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Trunk Group Specification for Manual Outbound ACD Skills

You will be able to select which trunk group a manual outbound ACD skill should use to deliver its call traffic. This will enable you to make the calling number visible to improve answer rates.
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Security Settings Drop-Down Added to Left Menu

The left menu will be reorganized to group security features under a new Security Settings drop-down. This update will make it easier for you to find the security settings you need.
The following features will be grouped under Security Settings:
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Login Authenticator
  • Views
  • Life Cycle Management
  • Long-term File Retrieval
  • Storage Settings
  • File Activity
  • Business Data
  • Recording Policies
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New Integrated Softphone Security Profile Permission for MAX

The Disable Integrated Softphone Settings permission will allow you to disable:
  • Echo Cancellation
  • Noise Cancellation
This permission is described in more detail in the MAX section of this page.
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New Permissions to Remove Access to Address Book in MAX

These new security profile permissions will allow you to restrict user access to MAX Address Book elements:
  • Hide Address Book Tab
  • Hide Address Book Main
These permissions are described in more detail in the MAX section of this page.
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Agent for Salesforce

See the Agent for Salesforce release history for a list of previous versions.
The following features are included in version 22.0 and are expected to be released in October 2022.

Customer Data Sent on Transfer

Currently, screen pops with customer information only appear to the agents who initially answer calls. With version 22.0, these screen pops will also appear to the agents the calls are transferred to.
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List of Future Commitments

Commitment Manager in Fully Integrated Lightning Agent for Salesforce will not only display commitments scheduled for the present time, but also any future commitments.
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CXone Attendant

Audit History Tab in CXone Attendant Application Window

The Audit History tab will appear within the CXone Attendant application window (from the app selector, click CXone Attendant). You'll find this on the right side of the Impersonate Agent tab. The new tab will only display activity that occurs within the CXone Attendant application window and not activity that takes place in the following locations:
  • Business unit record's CXone Attendant tab
  • User record's CXone Attendant tab
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New Permission for Impersonation

The Impersonate permission will control access to impersonation in CXone Attendant. Currently, access to impersonation is controlled by a more complex set of multiple permissions. With this permission, you will be able to grant and remove access more easily, as well as see who has it.
This feature will remove all current access users have to impersonation in CXone Attendant. Users who currently have access to impersonation will need to be given the new Impersonate permission to retain it.
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DB Connector

Available Options for Logging in to DB Connector Updated

As of the Summer 2022 release, DB Connector supports Global Authentication, which means the Standard login option is no longer supported. In the Fall 2022 release, it will be removed from the DB Connector login window.
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Feedback Management

These features are part of Feedback Management R40, which begins deployment on November 18, 2022.

Survey Response Limits by Customer Segment

Currently, you can set an overall limit for survey responses. This helps you better control survey costs. With this release, you will have a more granular option: ability to limit the number of survey responses based on any contact field. When the total allocated limit for the selected field is met each day, the system ensures no further responses are collected for that field by:
  • Displaying a message that the survey is no longer available to new respondents. Respondents with a partial response can still complete their survey.
  • Stopping further contacts from being loaded for the survey.
  • Sending no more survey invitations for that day.
While responses will no longer be collected for surveys based on that field, surveys will continue to be sent for other fields until the overall limit is reached. For example, if you set a field-based limit on city, and reach the limit for New York, surveys will continue to be sent for contacts in other cities.
Both complete and partial responses will be counted to determine when the limit is reached. In addition, you will be able to configure Feedback Management to send notifications to specified users as the limit is approached. This will let staff take appropriate action, such as limiting remaining invitations to key customers. You can disable this feature at any time.
Anthony Dewhurst is a customer success manager for Classics, Inc. He has paid for 3,000 responses per month, but wants to make sure he sees responses for each of his 10 agents.
Anthony sets a limit on survey responses based on the agent field. This ensures that each agent is allocated 10 responses per day, even though some agents take more calls than others. Anthony is now better equipped to know how each agent is performing throughout the month.
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Web Pop-Up Improvements

Adding a survey to an HTML page or application will be simplified and streamlined to make it easier to do. Both web pop-ups and slider 2-question surveys will be configured on the new Web Intercept page. This page will be available for new, modern theme surveys. Existing surveys will not be affected. At the same time, additional options will be added to make these surveys better meet customer needs.
For introductory text, enhancements will let you:
  • Choose whether to hide or show the text.
  • Format the text.
  • Translate text for multi-lingual web intercepts.
  • Choose whether to hide or show a logo. If a survey logo is enabled, it will be shown by default.
  • Separate buttons for taking the survey or cancelling.
  • Choose the display location for the pop-up within the HTML page.
  • Choose whether pop-ups should slide in or simply appear.
  • Choose whether the surveys displayed on a desktop should use 30% or 80% of the screen. Tablet and phone displays are always full screen.
  • Allow for continued interaction on the HTML page.
For the surveys themselves, enhancements will let you:
  • Choose whether to show one, two, or all survey questions.
  • Use modern survey design for all questions. This is not currently available for 2-question slider surveys.
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Scorecards for Single Select Questions

You will be able to add scorecards based on single select questions in a survey. These scorecards will allow you to quickly see the percentage of respondents who chose one response, and thus calculate the percentage of respondents who chose the other. The default name for each scorecard is Percentage: Question Label - First Option Name. You will be able to choose the question and response option. You will also be able to configure the colors for the scorecard.
Anthony Dewhurst is a customer success manager for Classics, Inc. He has paid for 3,000 responses per month, but wants to make sure he sees responses for each of his 10 agents.
Anthony sets a limit on survey responses based on the agent field. This ensures that each agent is allocated 10 responses per day, even though some agents take more calls than others. Anthony is now better equipped to know how each agent is performing throughout the month.
Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Speech-to-Text Technology Upgrade

Feedback Management will be upgrading the Nexidia speech-to-text technology used for IVR survey comments. You will see improved accuracy when these comments are converted to text. This update affects only English comments.
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Interaction Analytics


A new Search page will allow you to search for keywords, phrases, and other search criteria. You will also be able to apply filters to your search across all of your data. You will be able to see resulting interaction matches across all data without the restrictions of datasets or categories. The new page will also include the Interactions widget, displaying the resulting interaction matches, and a graph that illustrates trending data.
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Support for French and German

Users will now be able to analyze French and German in addition to English, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, and Spanish interactions. You will be able to create separate datasets for each of these languages; that is, one language per dataset.
When you add French or German analysis to Interaction Analytics, a drop-down for language will be available for dataset creation and for category and workspace templates. To support datasets in French or German, you will be able to create custom categories, sentiments, and entities. Selected widgets and filtering capabilities will also support these languages. The Interaction Analytics user interface remains in English only.
Each language in addition to English is a purchasable add-on. Ask your RingCentral Contact Center Account Representative for more information.
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Improvement to Australian English Transcripts

A new transformer technology will be used to improve the accuracy of transcripts for Australian English.
Customer Request
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Removal of Sampling

Currently, auto-sampling occurs when a dataset reaches 350,000 interactions. With the Fall 2022 release, auto-sampling will be removed and the sample slider will be removed from the user interface. This update will allow larger datasets to be unaffected by limitations.
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Category Rules: Matching with Word Variations

Matching with variations for category rules currently only matches terms that are entered as the root form of the word. Interaction Analytics will now provide exact matches and matches with variations when you enter any form of the word. For example, the word "helped" would match with the words "helps", "helping", "help", and "helper" in addition to "helped". This update will help you avoid entering multiple keywords to receive similar results. You will be able to more easily find and analyze the data you are looking for.
Customer Request UI Change Availability On deploy

Workspace UI Update

Currently "My Workspace" appears at the top of a workspace when you select a dataset to view. In the Fall 2022 release, the specific name of the workspace you are currently viewing will display there instead.
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Permission to Turn Off Echo Cancellation and Noise Cancellation

There will be a security profile permission called Disable Integrated Softphone Settings. It will allow you to disable:
  • Echo Cancellation
  • Noise Cancellation
This will be helpful if those features are causing audio issues for a group of agents.
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Phone # Timeout Name Change

The Phone # Timeout/Agent Voice Timeout business unit setting will be renamed as Agent Phone # Timeout. Additionally, a few known issues with the setting will be resolved.
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Permissions to Remove Access to Address Book Elements

You will be able to restrict user access to customer and agent contact information with these new security profile permissions:
  • Hide Address Book Tab
  • Hide Address Book Main
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Manual Fax Override in MAX

You will be able to make a manual fax override button available for Personal Connection calls in MAX. For more information, see the Personal Connection section of this page.
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Personal Connection

Cluster and Business Unit Safeguards

Safeguards will be added to certain Personal Connection settings. These new limits will reduce events and outages that impact your contact center.
The safeguards will include:
  • A maximum of 500,000 total records (calling records and DNC records) can be uploaded in a single batch.
  • The system can keep a maximum of 1,000,000 total records (calling records and DNC records) in the active inventory.
  • The business unit can purge records nightly.
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OnPreview Studio Action

OnPreview provides a trigger event for the scripted handling of preview contacts with full Studio support. This will enable you to guide and support your agents as they begin a preview dialing contact. For more information, see the Studio section of this page.
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Availability On deploy

Outbound Skill Schedule Available in ACD Skill Bulk Download

When you click Download Existing Skills on the Manage Multiple Skills page, the Scheduler - StartTime and Scheduler - EndTime will display when your Personal Connection skills are scheduled to run. You will also be able to modify your Personal Connection skill schedules in the file and bulk upload your changes. This will enable you to manage your dialing schedules more quickly and easily.
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Changes to Abandonment Calculation

Abandonment rates will no longer include agent-initiated dispositions for answering machines. The new calculation will be the total number of active calls divided by the total number of live calls. Live calls will be the total number of handled calls minus the number of agent-identified answering machine calls. Agent-identified answering machine calls include those marked as answering machines using dispositions or the manual override button, if enabled. This change is in compliance with established FTC abandonment rates.
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Manual Fax Override in MAX

A manual fax override button will be available for you to enable in MAX. This will help agents quickly dismiss a call they identify as a fax machine and allow them to move on to the next call faster. To enable the button, you will set Call Progress Analysis to Classify or Classify with Answering Machine Detection in the CPA Management parameters page.
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Improved Voicemail Laydown Accuracy

The Contact Center system will be able to deliver a voicemail when it reaches a voice mailbox with greater than 85% success. It will apply a disposition to indicate whether the voicemail was left successfully. This update will increase the number of successfully completed agentless interactions.
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Ability to Modify Agentless Ports Allowed on Running Skill

Currently, you can change the maximum number of ports to be allocated to an agentless skill as long as the skill isn't running. Soon, you will be able to modify the maximum port allocation for the skill while it's running. This will help you avoid dialer disruptions as you make adjustments to your settings.
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Viewable and Modifiable Proactive XS Settings in Skill Management

You will be able to see whether Proactive XS interactions are currently active from the Skill Management page. You will also be able to make changes to them from the same screen. This will enable you to more easily see the status of your Proactive XS-enabled Personal Connection skills and quickly adjust incorrect settings.
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Reporting and Dashboards

Data Download Reports

Report Multi-Runs

You will be able to configure your business unit to allow only one user to run one unique Data Download template ID at a time. Running multiple reports at a time slows down the system. This configuration will allow your Data Download reports to run faster. You will need to contact your RingCentral Contact Center Account Representative or Support to configure this for you.
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Prebuilt Reports

Advanced Caller ID Support in Reporting

The MAX and dialer Abandon Rate Compliance report and Outbound Call Answer Rate report will show the impact of Advanced Caller ID in your environment. For more information, see the Voice Access section of this page.
Customer Request
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Availability On deploy


Updated Options for Logging in to Studio

As of the Summer 2022 release, Studio supports Global Authentication, which means the Standard login option is no longer supported. In Fall 2022, it will be removed from the Studio login window.
Customer Request
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Improved Object Handling in Script Validation

Script validation will be modified to improve object dependency handling. This change will address errors that occur when saving scripts.
Customer Request
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REST_API Action Returns Additional Information

Currently, the return for a REST_API action includes only the body when you try to validate or debug a script. With this release, the return will include both the body and the header, making such troubleshooting easier.
Customer Request
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REST_API Bulkhead Limit for Individual Business Units

Currently, the limit for a REST_API action is 100 requests per second. This limit applies to all Contact Center customers. When requests exceed this limit, the extra requests enter a processing queue. Once requests drop below the limit, queued requests are processed. With this release, you will be able request an individual increase to this limit through your RingCentral Contact Center Account Representative. Special approvals will be required. Once approved, the limit will be raised for your individual business unit. Requests over the new limit will still be queued as described previously.
Customer Request
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Enhancements to GETQUEUE and COUNTAGENTS Actions

Bullseye routing allows you to include routing decisions based on agent proficiency in your scripts. The HighProficiency and LowProficiency properties associated with bullseye routing will be available for the GETQUEUE action and the COUNTAGENT action. This adds another dimension to skill-based routing and further improves your ability to get your contacts to the right agent at the right time.
Customer Request
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New Action: OnPreview

The OnPreview action will provide a trigger event for the scripted handling of preview contacts with full Studio support. This is useful for outbound Personal Connection interactions when you want to deliver contacts to the agent before initiating the contact. Currently, to provide this agent experience, you're limited to using a single Page action. The OnPreview action will allow you to provide more information to the agent.
Customer Request
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Virtual Agent Hub

Google Dialogflow Renamed in Virtual Agent Hub

Throughout Virtual Agent Hub, labels and options will be renamed to clarify the difference between Google Dialogflow ES and Google Dialogflow CX. This change will make it easier to determine which option you need when adding and configuring bots.
Customer Request
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Set Parameters in Google Dialogflow CX Virtual Agent Bots

You will be able to set parameters in Google Dialogflow CX virtual agent bots. This will allow you to customize the bot's response and pass information through to the agent.
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Voice Access

Advanced Caller ID Enhancements

Voice will receive the following enhancements:
  • Support across Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and the United States.
  • Automated billing per call and varied messages per call.
  • Call identification with a visible sign.
  • Support for rich content in apps, including a logo and reason for calling.
  • Brand protection from scammers.
  • Names included in call log to increase callbacks and conversions.
  • Coverage for more than 100 million US mobile devices, including iOS, Android, and wearable devices.
  • Name display for at least 95% of calls.
Customer Request
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Google Verified Caller ID Support

Your caller ID will be verified through Google Verified Caller ID when your agents place an outbound call to a contact. This will enable you to have your agent details to be updated by Google.
Customer Request
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Business Calls API Support for Advanced Caller ID

The provisioning process will collect agent details and create the Verified Calls agents. This will enable you to use the Business Calls API to define the branding information to be displayed in interactions with contacts.
Customer Request
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Advanced Caller ID Support in Reporting

The MAX and dialer Abandon Rate Compliance report and Outbound Call Answer Rate report will show you the number of verified calls that contacts answered. This will enable you to see how Advanced Caller ID impacts the number of answered calls in your contact center.
Customer Request
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Workforce Management

Import Schedules via CSV File

This feature will allow you to import schedules created outside of WFM. This will enhance the scheduling experience and add to productivity by:
  • Allowing the use of real time adherence even before creating work rules and generating schedules.
  • Saving time on recreating schedules. You will be able to import already created schedules immediately.
Customer Request
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Skill Proficiency Scores

Skill proficiency scores will be introduced in WFM. You will be able to assign proficiency scores to an employee's WEM skills. This will ensure alignment between the WFM system and the ACD platform. The ACD relies on the proficiency scores for contact distribution.
Customer Request
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Full Day Trade

Employees now will have more validated parameters for trading the shifts. More choices will give employees more flexibility while trading shifts. This will improve employee satisfaction and reduce manual work for managers.
Benefits from new parameters will include:
  • A longer time window for trading shifts.
  • Multiple target agents to respond to the shift trade requests.
  • Set preferable days and shifts for accepting the trades from the target agents.
Customer Request
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Forecasting—Manual Select Models and Unit

WFM Advanced users will be able to select which forecast model and unit they want to use. The selected model will calculate the forecast data to generate a staffing plan. You will also be able to autoselect, which will calculate all models and choose the most accurate one.
The models will be:
  • Box-Jenkins ARIMA
  • Curve fitting
  • Exponential smoothing
  • Additive triple exponential smoothing
  • Multiplicative triple exponential smoothing
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Forecasting—Import Forecast Data

You will be able to import external forecast data to create a new forecast job. With this feature, you won't need to generate a forecast and manually edit it to match the external forecast.
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Recurring Special Days

You will be able to create recurring special days by day, week, month, year, or by a custom recurrence. This will save time and effort when creating special days for preplanned, recurring events.
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Forecasting—Grid Mode

You will have the option to view the Staffing plan data (step 5 of Forecasting) in a table, in addition to the current graph view. This will provide a consistent format for forecasting. You will be able to switch between the graph and tab views throughout the forecasting process.
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Shift Trade Conditions

You will be able to set conditions for shift trading in WFM.
For example, you will be able to create shift trading conditions to ensure:
  • Agents have the required skills to take over new shifts.
  • Agents cannot trade shifts after the weekly schedule is published.
  • Shift trading won't cause agents to exceed their weekly hour quota.
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Shift and Activity Length in Daily Rules

You will have greater scheduling flexibility when creating or editing a daily rule. The rule will have more options for shift and activity length:
  • Shift length—Will support 15-minute increments instead of 30 minutes. For example, you will be able to create a shift for 8 hours and 45 minutes.
  • Activity length—Will support any duration. For example, you will be able to create a two-minute activity for water breaks.
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Real Time Adherence: User Interface Enhancements

As part of the user interface enhancements, you will have:
  • Advanced filtering.
  • Improved display and user experience.
  • Be able to sort the column manually.
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Intraday Enhancements: Outbound Data, Filtering by Scheduling Unit, and Refined Staffing Metric

As part of the Intraday Manager enhancements:
  • Filter by scheduling unit— You will be able to filter to view data for specific scheduling units. This will allow you to focus on KPIs and staffing for your scheduling unit.
  • Outbound data—The data presented in the table will be for both the inbound and outbound interactions.
  • Refined staffing metric—The Actual column in the Staffing metric will display data for the full-time equivalent of agents that were considered open by the ACD.
Customer Request
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Support for Cancellation of an Approved Time-Off in the Mobile App

Agents will be able to cancel their approved time-off requests from the mobile app.
The cancellations will work for:
  • Published schedules.
  • Unpublished schedules.
  • Current days.
  • Future days.
Earlier, supervisors needed to cancel the approved time-off requests for the agent. Agents will have a better user experience with more control over their approved time-off requests.
This feature is for mobile app version 3.2.1.
Customer Request
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Fall 2022 Cumulative Update 2

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


Audit history on user profiles sometimes reported that an inactive user made changes. 


In some environments, /custom API calls involving the CountAgent action didn't return a response.


In rare cases, the agent leg didn't connect to MAX. 

Personal Connection

When the time zones of a record didn't match between the phone number, city and state, and zip code, the record was not assigned multiple time zones to match them all. 


During a migration to CXone User Hub, the updates to security profiles would sometimes trigger thousands of notifications. 


  • When a cluster was processing a large amount of data, the wrong contact was recorded during inbound calls. 
  • Recordings were unavailable for certain environments. 


  • Data Download report 350048 incorrectly showed an SLA value of -1 for some ACD skills. 
  • The Contact History report didn't show the dispositions assigned to a Workforce Engagement interaction when it was transferred multiple times and had more than two dispositions attached to it.

Fall 2022 Cumulative Update 3

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


  • Changing a user's Dialing Pattern and saving the change produced a platform error.
  • In Omnichannel Session Handling environments, trying to update a user's contact settings produced an error.
  • In the Skills tab of user profiles, loading the next page in the table took a long time.

Personal Connection

The Reach Percentage on the Skill Control page showed the business unit values instead of the ACD skill values. 


If users edited a dashboard widget more than once, the filters wouldn't save.


When a script contained a disposition contact - v9 action, it resulted in an error and the script not running.

December 2022 Minor Release Notes - Central

Release Adjustments

These features are adjustments to those previously announced.

Features to Be Released at a Later Date

Each item includes a description of the feature as it was previously published on the Coming Soon page. These features will not be a part of the December 2022 Minor release.


Changes to Categorization of Actions on Framework Tab

Changes will be made to the Framework tab in Studio. Some category folders will be renamed. Others will be consolidated to reduce the total number of categories. Additionally, all actions on the Framework tab will be located inside category folders. The Filter feature on the Framework tab will not be impacted by the changes. These changes will simplify the Framework tab and make it easier to find the actions you're looking for.
The Framework tab is not visible in Studio by default. It must be enabled by your RingCentral Account or Support Representative.

Fall 2022 Cumulative Update 4

These are the bugs and known issues that are fixed on this update.


  • When users downloaded existing ACD skills, the assigned users column included users who were no longer assigned to the ACD skill. 
  • In some environments, attempting to rename a point of contact resulted in an error.
  • The audit history of an ACD skill record sometimes showed an inactive user as having made recent changes. 


User profiles without a specified country code couldn't be edited and saved.


When a WAV file was uploaded with the PutFileStream API with cloud set to on, an error occurred and the upload failed. 

Security & Compliance

Salesforce OIDC users couldn't hit the Authorization Endpoint with the authorization code grant. 


  • The Modified Date for a script would change to the current date and time whenever a user opened or closed the script in Studio. 
  • Saving a script that included the Get Skill Schedule Settings action resulted in an error.
  • Users on cluster C71 couldn't log in to Studio using the CXOne Gov option. 
  • Studio login sessions were timing out during periods of inactivity. 
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