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Release Notes > Engage Voice > November - December 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | November - December 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.

Publish Date: For November and December 2022

What's New

This is the November and the December Release Note Summary. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products as we get closer to the rollout date.

RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.

November and December Release Note summary

  • Agent: Supervisor user interface and functionality updates.
  • Engage Analytics: New features for historical report schedules, added new metrics, attributes, and reports. Updated dashboards. 


We updated the supervisor user interface. Supervisors can now monitor digital interactions. 

Note: Digital features are available only for users whose digital queues are turned on.


Engage Analytics

Historical report schedules

  • Test run for historical report schedules: We added a test run functionality for scheduled historical reports. You can test your schedules before saving them to make sure your settings and servers are working properly. 
  • Custom file name: You can now customize the name of the CSV or XLS file you will receive.
  • Default email body: In the email for the report you will receive, you can customize some text, but it will be included in the system-generated body text. 
  • Default file name: The CSV or XLS file will have the run time and timezone appended to the report name, whether customized or not. (File name_mm.dd.yyyy_hh-mm_TZ)


  • Interactions Overview: Provides an overview of all interactions with their major metrics and all details.
  • Interactions Overview Entry Point: Helps customers to navigate a set of interactions for analysis in the Interaction Overview dashboard.
  • Agent Dispositions
    • Added KPI section, placed Pending Disposition Time per Agent and Agents without Agent Disposition reports.
    • Added Agent Pending Disposition Time report.
  • Agent Conduct
    • Added Agents without Agent Disposition report.
    • Updated section names and description for better readability. Added a new Agents KPI.
    • Added the Agent Disposition filter.
  • Agent State
    • Renamed Voice Agent Occupancy KPI to Agent Voice Occupancy.
    • Added section “Agent State Distributions” for Voice Agent State Report and Agent Digital State Chart reports.
  • Omnichannel Overview
    • Added drill-down report Interactions by Channel Type (bar chart).
  • Dialer Performance and Penetration
    • Added new reports for lead analysis.
  • Agent Activity
    • Added the Agent Disposition filter.
  • Agent Dispositions
    • Added the Agent Disposition filter.
  • Inbound Overview
    • Interactions and Queue segments data in the Inbound Overview report synced with corresponding KPIs in Inbound Overview dashboard.


  • Inbound Abandoned Report: Replaced existing metrics with new ones representing interaction count instead of segment count.
  • Agent Disposition Report: Changed the metric from calls to interactions. 
  • Agents without Agent Disposition: Changed the metric from calls to interactions. 
  • Inbound Overview Report: Renamed “Interactions” to “Queue Segments
  • Agent Handle Time Analysis: Added the Agent Disposition filter. 
  • Interactions Handled by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the number of interactions handled by channel type. 
  • Interaction Handle Time Distribution: Shows a distribution of interactions based on their handle time intervals in minutes.
  • Interaction Details: Provides complete data for all interactions on the platform. 

In reports where UII filter is already present, we added the “UII Date,” “UII Time,” and “UID” filters.

  • Pending Disposition Time per Agent: Bar chart that shows the average time between when a call ends and a disposition is placed by each agent.
  • Leads Analysis: Column chart showing the distribution of completed leads by state.
  • Leads Analysis - Heatmap: Heatmap showing completed leads by state and the distribution of completed leads per hour.
  • Leads Analysis - Table: Table detailing completed leads by state per hour. 
  • Agent Pending Disposition Time: Shows agent details and their total pending disposition time.
  • Repeated Contacts Distribution: Shows repeat callers.
  • Repeated Contacts Distribution Details: Shows details for repeat callers. 
  • Repeated Inbound Interactions Handle Time
  • Unique Caller Details
  • Weekly Transfer Report: Table that shows transfer results and their respective details. 
  • Internal Agent transfer to internal IVR
  • Handle Time and Repeated Customers: Shows the correlation between the average handle time spent by agents to solve customer problems and the number of repeated customers who made incoming interactions.
  • Unique Contact Details: Shows the details of repeat customers with their number of incoming interactions, agent name, and agent ID handling their interactions, corresponding average handle time, and overall time customers spent solving problems.
  • Interactions by Call Type: Shows a monthly trend of inbound and outbound interactions.
  • Interactions & Talk Time: Shows a weekly trend of interactions and their overall talk time.
  • Weekly Interactions Trend: Shows a weekly trend of all interactions.
  • Monthly Interactions Trend: Shows a monthly trend of all interactions.


We added new metrics and updated existing ones. We also updated our naming convention to omit “Count,” replaced plural with singular terms, and replaced “%” with “Rate.”

  • Digital Available Time Rate: Previously “Digital Available Time %.” Percentage of the login time that an agent was available to handle digital interactions out of their overall login time. 
  • Digital Working Time Rate: Previously “Digital Available Time %.” Percentage of the login time that an agent was working to handle digital interactions out of their overall login time. 
  • IVR Inbound Abandon Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that were abandoned in IVRs out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs. 
  • IVR Inbound External Transfer Failure Rate: Percentage of failed external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs. 
  • IVR Inbound External Transfer Success Rate: Percentage of successful external transfers of inbound interactions from IVR out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs.
  • IVR Inbound Passed Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions that passed IVR out of all inbound interactions handled by IVRs. 
  • Voice Working Time Rate: Previously “Voice Working Time %.” Percentage of the login time that an agent was working to handle voice interactions out of their overall login time.
  • Queue Time Rate: Previously “Queue Time %.” Percentage of time spent waiting in a queue out of its total segment time. 
  • Voice Mail Rate: Percentage of interactions being handled by Answer Machine out of all interactions.
  • Talk Time Rate: Previously “Talk Time %.” Percentage of talking time customers spent connected to an Agent or IVR out of overall segment time, including ring, hold, talk and wrap time durations.
  • Segment Ring & Handle Time: Previously “Segment Ring/Handle Time.” Total time of the segment.
  • Voice Available Time Rate: Previously “Voice Available Time %”. Percentage of the login time that an agent was available to handle voice interactions out of their overall login time.
  • Handle Time: Total time spent handling interactions.
  • Voice Mail Interaction: Number of interactions being handled by Answer Machine out of all interactions.
  • Voice Working Time: Total time the agent worked to handle voice interactions.
  • Digital Working Time: Total time agent is available to handle digital interactions.
  • Manual Dial Interaction: Number of interactions manually placed by an agent.
  • Queue Inbound Interaction: Number of queued inbound interactions.
  • Manual Dial No Connect Interaction: Number of interactions manually placed by an agent, but not answered.
  • Queue Inbound Abandoned Interaction: Number of queued inbound interactions where callers hang up while waiting in a queue.
  • Queue Inbound Accepted Interaction: Number of queued inbound interactions distributed to agents from a queue.
  • Queue Inbound Presented Interaction: Number of queued inbound interactions presented to an agent in the queue.
  • Avg Wait Time: Average time a contact spends waiting to be routed to an agent.
  • Interaction without Agent Disposition: Number of interactions without Agent Disposition provided.
  • Interaction with Agent Disposition: Number of interactions with Agent Disposition provided
  • Interaction with Expected Disposition: Number of interactions with expected Agent Disposition
  • Agent with Expected Disposition: Number of agents expected to provide disposition
  • Agent with Agent Disposition: Number of agents provided Agent Disposition
  • Agent without Agent Disposition: Number of agents without Agent Disposition provided
  • Avg Interaction Time: Average time it took an agent to handle an interaction.
  • External Transfer: Number of external transferred interactions.
  • External Transfer Rate: Percentage of external transferred interactions as a ratio to all interactions.
  • External Transfer Success: Number of successfully external transferred interactions.
  • External Transfer Success Rate: Percentage of successfully external transferred interactions as a ratio to all interactions.
  • External Transfer Failure: Number of failed external transferred interactions.
  • External Transfer Failure Rate: Percentage of failed external transferred interactions as a ratio to all interactions
  • Queue Inbound External Transfer: Number of inbound segments being externally transferred from Queues.
  • Queue Inbound External Transfer Rate: Percentage of inbound segments being externally transferred from Queues as a ratio to all inbound segments placed in Queues.
  • Inbound Interaction: Unique count of customer's connections to Contact Center initiated by customers.
  • Inbound Interaction by Repeated Contact: Unique count of inbound interactions initiated by the same customer.
  • Queue Inbound Interaction Presented: Number of inbound interactions presented based on their queue that were not deflected.
  • Inbound Interaction Handled: Number of inbound interactions handled by agents.
  • Inbound Interaction Answer Rate: Percentage of inbound interactions answered.
  • Avg Interaction per Day: Average number of contact center interactions during a day.
  • Avg Interaction per Weekday: Average number of contact center interactions during weekdays.
  • Avg Talk Time per Weekday: Average talk time during weekdays.
  • Avg Handle Time per Weekday: Average handle time during weekdays.
  • Long Calls: Calls with talk time longer than a defined value of the Long Call Time setting in the Metric Settings section.
  • Short Calls: Calls with talk time shorter than a defined value of the Short Call Time setting in the Metric Settings section.


  • Avg Wait Time within Interaction Bucket: Average wait time bucket (0-9 seconds, 11-19 seconds, etc.) for interactions.
  • Avg Wait Time within Segment Bucket: Average wait time buckets (0-9 seconds, 11-19 seconds, etc.) for segments.
  • Unique Contact Bucket: Buckets of unique contacts made inbound interactions handled by an agent.
  • Agent Email: Email registered when an agent is created. 
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