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Release Notes > Mobile App > August 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | August 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
version 23.3.20
Release Date: 8/21/2023 to 8/27/2023
  • Simplified call rules: 
    • Customize how your incoming calls are handled. Specify the greetings your caller will hear, which apps and devices will ring, and what happens if you don’t answer.
  • More ways to filter your calls
    • Filter your call history by incoming, outgoing, and missed calls.
  • Call waiting control
    • Turn call waiting on when you want to get notified of other incoming calls. Turn it off when you don’t.
  • Test call quality
    • Run a virtual call simulation to test real-time call quality on the available network.
  • Group avatars
    • Your direct messages with multiple people will now feature a unique group avatar profile image that combines the people in the conversation.
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