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Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | July 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
VERSION 20.3.16
Release Date: 7/24/2020
Bug Fixes
  • Bug fixes and improvements
VERSION 20.3.15
Release Date: 7/22/2020
What's New
  • Redesigned meeting toolbar
    • Add button labels to make meeting controls easier to discover.
    • Video privileges
    • As a host, you can control who can turn on video in meetings.
  • Mic volume indicator
    • The mic button on toolbar will blink green when the user is speaking and show volume level
  • Submit feature idea
    • You can submit a feature idea in a RCV meeting.
  • Copy meeting URL
    • You can copy a meeting's URL from the kebab menu on Video tab screen and meeting details screen.
VERSION 20.3.10
Release Date: 7/7/2020
What's New
  • Guest indicator
    • Easily share files and photos from other apps via message, text, and fax.
  • File sharing options
    • Easily share files and photos from other apps via message, text, and fax.
  • Mark unread from selected post
    • Pick up from where you left off by marking any message and those below it as unread.
  • Authenticated access (RingCentral Video)
    • As a host you can restrict meeting access to authenticated participants.
  • Enhanced chat privileges (RingCentral Video)
    • As a host, you can control who can turn on chat in meetings.
  • Send files along with texts
    • Communication now is more efficient with posts consisting of texts and attachments
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