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Release Notes > MVP Core > February 2020
Release Notes

RingCentral MVP Core | February 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral MVP Core.
Version 20.1
Release Date: February 4 through March 24
Updated navigation in Admin Portal
  • More streamlined navigation and improved table usability.
Profile phone number display
  • Select what number users will see displayed on their profile, whether it’s a main number with extension or direct number. 
Site number as caller ID
  • Customers who have distributed locations will be able to set local site number as the outbound caller ID and apply it to multiple users using Templates. 
Consistent number type
  • Number type as shown in the online Admin Portal will be redefined to be consistent with different endpoints.
Prevent onboarding notifications
  • Onboard new users without them receiving notifications, if you wish to roll out in phases, or to provide your own onboarding communications. 
Presence Templates
  • New presence templates within the admin portal will allow admins to use template functionality to manage their user’s presence.
Call Handling and Logging
Consolidated fax reporting
  • A call log enhancement will now show a consolidated list of incoming faxes. Incoming faxes received from the same phone number, within a configurable time frame, will be grouped together as a single record making it easy to see related faxes.
Global Office
IVN calling rates
  • Inbound rates for IVN local and toll-free numbers will be visible to admins in the online Admin Portal. 
Local India conference numbers
  • Local India numbers for premium conferencing/meetings available for purchase, instead of toll free numbers, lowering overall costs. 
Lowered IVN & PPM rates
  • Lowered IVN prices and price per minutes (PPM) for certain regions.
Global number ordering
  • Self-serve order Global Office and IVN numbers for agent-assisted countries through the online Admin Portal.
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