Agents can only perform manual outbound dialing when you have granted them the permission to do so via the agent’s Security settings. If you enable this permission for agents who belong to more than one queue, the agents will be permitted to select from a list of available queues when dialing a manual outbound call.
Agents will see a list of every queue the agent has access to, not only the queues where manual outbound dialing is configured. Admins will need to ensure that agents get trained to select the proper inbound queue for making a manual outbound call. Once an agent selects a queue, the call will be processed using that inbound queue’s settings.
Alternatively, you can choose to assign your agents a default inbound queue they can use to manually dial outbound calls instead of enabling your agents to select a queue themselves. If you do not give the agent the permission to make a queue selection, then a default inbound queue is used for all calls.
You can also control the manner in which a Caller ID is used to identify a manual outbound call. You can choose to either set a default Caller ID by setting the Manual Outbound Caller ID in the General settings for your inbound queue, or you can specify a Manual Outbound Default Caller ID in the agent Phone Settings.