Engage Voice | Configuring digital queue settings

Once you’ve created a digital queue, you can configure the digital queue settings in the General configuration page. Let’s review the settings you’ll find in the General configuration page.

Configuring digital queue settings

The first section of settings you’ll encounter is the Queue settings. This section contains the following settings:
  • Active: If checked, activate the digital queue so agents can start accepting messages
  • Digital queue name: Name of the digital queue 
  • Digital queue description: Optional description and purpose of the digital queue
  • Queue priority: Determines the priority of that digital queue compared to other queues sharing the same agents. The larger the number (with the maximum priority being 7), the higher the priority. This option is ratio-based and will still allow calls to route to lower priority queues. If you wish for queues with higher priorities to receive all messages before a queue with a lower priority, than we recommend leaving this setting blank and configuring a priority group instead
  • Campaign Lead Match: Associates the campaign you select with the digital queue. This is useful if you would like agents to have access to a lead’s information when they receive an SMS from a number that matches a lead’s number from the campaign’s lead lists

Configuring digital queue metrics settings

Use the Metrics Settings section to configure service-level agreement (SLA) metric settings. A service-level agreement is a contract defining the level of service expected by the service provider related to particular aspects of the service – such as quality, availability, and responsibilities.
  • SLA time (seconds): Use this field to monitor your call center’s service level times, as measured by the percent of calls answered within your SLA time. You can enter a time (in seconds) in this field to capture the percentage of calls answered within the indicated time frame. For example, type 30 in this field to monitor the percentage of calls answered within 30 seconds
  • Short interaction duration (seconds): Identifies the message duration (in seconds) you wish to mark as a short interaction time. For example, if you enter 30, the system will mark messages open for 30 seconds or less as a ‘short interaction duration’
  • Long interaction duration (seconds): Identifies the message duration (in seconds) you wish to mark as a long interaction time. For example, if you enter 30, the system will mark messages for  greater than 30 seconds as a ‘long interaction duration’

Configuring digital queue agent settings

The Agent Settings section allows you to configure digital queue settings for the agents assigned to that queue.
  • Disable Dispositions and Agent Notes: If checked, this will prevent dispositions and the Agent Notes field from appearing within the agent interface for this digital queue. Disable this setting when you wish to provide those options within an integrated agent script or an external app instead
  • Integrated Script: Agent script assigned to the digital queue. The script you choose here will be presented by default to all agents taking calls in this queue. You can build new scripts via the Script Designer tray setting under Agent Tools
  • Idle Timeout (minutes): Indicates how much time the system will wait (in seconds) to end a chat that has received no interaction (meaning, no response to or from the agent)
  • Agent Max Accept Time (seconds): Specifies the amount of time in seconds the system will prompt the agent to accept a message before the message is requeued
  • External App URL: Enter a URL here if you wish the system to pop an external application (e.g., a website) when an agent receives a message. Click the # Add Tag # to reveal a list of data tags that come from system-generated data collected from call, chat, and agent information. Click on one or more tags if you wish to append them to the URL you entered above. The selections you make here will append to the end of the external application’s URL. When the system goes to pop that URL, it will take agents to the page referenced by the tag(s) you entered in this field

Helpful hint!

Please note that it is possible to have both an external application pop and an integrated script on the same queue. If you wish to pop a website within the agent interface, add ‘parent:’ in front of the URL. When you use the ‘parent:’ option, only the external application URL you entered will pop; the system will ignore the campaign’s integrated script. Please also note that the external application URL must allow iFrames in order to work — and it must use secure encryption (that is, 'https' instead of 'http'). You can use a site like the following to test for iFrame permissions: https://bit.ly/2okBu2k
  • Agent Connect Message: Message that will automatically send whenever an agent connects to an incoming chat. Use the # Add Tag # button to insert a model tag into the agent message

Configuring digital queue integration settings

Configure your integrations for that digital queue via the Integration Settings section.
  • New chat: Runs when a new chat session is created
  • Dequeue: Runs when a chat is dequeued to an agent
  • Agent Connect: Runs when an agent is successfully connected to a chat message
  • Agent Termination: Runs when a chat session is terminated 
  • Post Disposition: Runs when an agent dispositions a message
  • Post chat: Runs when the chat session ends
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