Engage Voice | Creating an inbound queue

As we discussed in Intro to inbound routing, inbound queues are grouped within queue groups and act as the location to which calls are routed. Inbound queues can be configured to provide a specific experience you wish each customer to have while they’re waiting for an agent to take their call. 
You can configure settings like Queue Events to decide what customers will hear while waiting, including the hold music they’ll hear, their total wait time in queue, and more. 

Queue configuration options

The system offers a variety of options to help you create your desired inbound call flows. You can find these settings in the queue’s configuration panel. We’ll discuss how to create an inbound queue in the next section, but for now, let’s review all your available queue configuration options below.

Creating an inbound queue

Now that you’ve created your inbound queue groups and added agent skills to those groups, you can create your inbound queues.
To create a new inbound queue, take the following steps:
1. Select Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the inbound queue group in which you wish to create the new inbound queue
3. Select the New queue button at top right to open the queue General configuration page
4. Name your queue via the Name field
5. Configure any remaining queue settings on that page as needed (we’ll discuss these settings in more detail in Configuring inbound queue settings)
6. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes
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