As we learned in
Intro to cloud routing, cloud routing allows you to route your inbound calls between one or more call centers that may be either internal or remote destinations. To route inbound calls to multiple destinations (for example, if you have several contact centers), you can set up cloud profiles that use cloud-based queues to transfer calls to the cloud destination of your choice.
You can add remote call center destinations to the system to use these destinations in a cloud profile.
Configuring a cloud destination requires activating the destination, specifying basic information such as a name and description, start and end date, and the type of routing destination and its value. You can also specify a daily schedule for the destination that lets the system know the time frames during which the destination should be open — that is, when agents will receive calls.
Once you’ve created a cloud destination, you can clone that destination to copy everything in that destination to a new destination within the same group. You can either give the new destination a new name or keep the old name, with ‘Clone of:’ prepended to it. The new destination inherits the configuration settings, including General Settings, Business Hours, Linked Profiles, and DNIS overrides.