¿Está utilizando la versión más reciente de RingCentral? Actualice su aplicación ahora para distrutar de la experiencia de usuario más reciente, seguridad mejorada y una calidad de llamada óptima.
Bug Fix: Unable to make calls on the non-main SFDC tab
Technical improvements
Performance and Multiple Tab Support Enhancements
RCV and Salesforce CTI login status sync
Version 6.25.0
Release date: April 23, 2023
What's new
10-digit dialing support in Canada
Call and Text to 988 support in Canada
Change the country name from “Turkey” to “Türkiye”
Bug fixes
WSG (Windows Socket Group) notification enhancement to avoid the blank screen
Personal meeting enhancement to avoid changing PMI meeting name globally
Version 6.24.0 (22.4.20)
Release date: November 7, 2022
Link "My Calls Today" section to API name, without reporting API name
Ignore call end time field when comparing/detecting call log data updates in Task record
Normailze cases in call recording files
Bug fixes
Analytics reports can be opened in the AT&T/BT/TELUS packages
VERSION 6.23.0
Release date: August 24, 2022
What's new
Reply with Message feature available to inbound voice calls
Support hyperlinks in inbound SMS Text messages
VERSION 6.22.0
Release date: August 1, 2022
Update Admin settings for proper permissions pass through
VERSION 6.21.0
Release date: July 22, 2022
What's new
Click-to-SMS functionality for Agents, management within Admin Tools
Agents may bulk SMS messages to multiple customers on SMS message widget
988 Compliance
10-digit dialing support
VERSION 6.20.0
Release date: June 24, 2022
What's new
Allows warm transfer functions while in WebRTC mode
Allows agents to transfer a call to Voicemail in WebRTC mode
Adds additional RingCentral reporting data to be ported to Salesforce
VERSION 6.19.1
Release date: March 31, 2022
What's new
Now supports a cold transfer using RingCentral directory contacts
VERSION 6.18.0
Release date: March 4, 2022
What's new
RingCentral Directory Support for Calling and Messaging
New UI for RingCentral Directory Support
Optimized Salesforce call log sync workflow to reduce the API called times
Bug fixes
Recording player would play a deleted call log’s recording; now fixed.
VERSION 6.17.1
Release date: December 14, 2021
What's new
Allow users to select regions according to digital lines.
Bug fixes
Remove the " " in the phone number string when searching/matching into Salesforce. This addresses the issue of particular phone number matching that would not work due to too many blanks in the string, for example the +33 number
VERSION 6.17.0
Release date: November 5, 2021
What's new
Auto Call Recording Control support
Install Wizard: Manually create your call center
Bug fixes
Not able to end a ringing outbound PSTN call while answering a new incoming call using the "End and Answer" button. Now fixed.
CTI showed blank after hangup for AU accounts. Now fixed.
VERSION 6.16.0
Release date: September 22, 2021
Extended Country support
Eastlink Canada
Ecotel Germany
India Geofencing support
India restrict Blocked ID support
VERSION 6.15.0
Release date: August 27, 2021
What's new
Custom Object support for call & SMS matching and logging
Respecting Softphone Layout setting
Supporting all Salesforce objects and custom objects
In app rating popup (RC EN only)
SMS timestamp for conversation
Bug fixes
A known Chrome Web phone rate limitation has been improved
My Calls/SMS today report in Service Cloud Console sometimes jumped to Classic mode, now fixed.
Add entity in Service Cloud Consolesometimes jumped to Classic mode, now fixed.
Schedule meetings bug in Service Cloud Console, now fixed.
VERSION 6.13.0
Release date: June 4, 2021
Bug fixes
Fixed: Date type field is blocking logging in some conditions.
Fixed: RingCentral UK accounts are not able to login
VERSION 6.12.0
Release date: May 25, 2021
What's new
Install Wizard: installation and configure guide & automation for admin users on new installation
RCV features update:
Latest UI/UX align with Juno style
Support PMI
Support more Security settings
Support company Security admin control
Updated meeting invitation
RCM features update:
Latest UI/UX align with Juno style
Support company admin control
Updated meeting invitation
DNC feature localization
VERSION 6.11.2
Release date: April 21, 2021
What's new
Support click to dial and SMS with RingCentral Mobile from Salesforce mobile app
Version 6.11.1
Release date: March 31, 2021
What's new
Restricted mode
Override mode
Support Salesforce DNC control for Calling and SMS in
Rainbow Office accounts support
Global action page image update to latest
Bug fixes
Some bug in typing phone number in SMS "To" field is now fixed
Version 6.11.0
Release date: March 31, 2021
Salesforce security review
VERSION 6.10.0
Release date: January 10, 2021
What's new
In-App calling (WebRTC) introduced
Answer inbound and make outbound calls directly from the app, without support needed from other apps or devices
New interface for WebRTC logging and control
Able to select the” from number” for outbound calls
Able to select audio devices for WebRTC calls
Enhanced “All Calls” page for global call control across devices
Global call recording indicator
Support making/answering calls from multiple tabs
Call status bar introduced
A global call status will be shown on the header
Remove simple call control page
Merge three RingOut options into one; Simplified the RingOut setting process
Improve “MyCallsToday” and “MySMSToday” to meet Salesforce changes, making it more accurate
Always show navigation results on the matching list improving efficiency
Bug fixes
A date picker bug in meeting scheduling page has been fixed
A bug in SMS contact matching has been fixed
Release date: September 30, 2020
What's new
Start an RCV meeting from the Salesforce Global Action and log it to the Salesforce Event record.
Schedule an RCV meeting from the Salesforce Global Action and log it to the Salesforce Event record.
Improved RingOut setting
Improved the performance to dial with the RingCentral Softphone
Bug fixes
Fixed call result status that always showed "Disconnected"
Release date: August 17, 2020
What's new
Supports the unified RingCentral App (Mac and Windows)
Make or receive calls
Individual RingCentral Phone app becomes optional
Release date: June 24, 2020
What's New
Support Salesforce High Velocity Sales (HVS) - beta
Make an HVS call
Move work cadence by dispositioning the call right within the RingCentral Widget
Customizable HVS disposition field
Admin control for HVS features
Native Salesforce dashboard and report
Search into Salesforce for “Name” and “Related to”
Auto go back when selecting/deselecting a record in “Name” or “Related” to list
RCV setting improvement for security
Release date: April 28, 2020
What's new
Enhanced Click-to-Dial to catch related entity in Call Log section
Bug fixes
Bugs fixing for unexpected events in data tracking.
RingCentral Video security improvement
Default not allow join before host
Support password, and default need password
Allow save meeting settings as default
Release date: March 26, 2020
What's new
Enhanced Click-to-Dial to catch related entity in Call Log section
RingCentral Meets rename to RingCentral Video
Enable call recording features for brands
Release date: March 19, 2019
What's new
Add entity was broken due to Salesforce URL update, now fixed
Minor UI changes
User can now access the logged task by one click from CTI
Release date: November 5, 2019
What's new
In some cases, App could not tell permission difference between RC Meeting and RC Meets, now fixed.
Updated name and logo for AT&T
Release date: October 21, 2019
What's new
Support Case entity in Salesforce for "Related to" field
More real estate for dialer while logging call
Contact & Related to field will be auto-populated instead of a user having to select even if there is a single match
Visual indication showing call states like ringing, on hold, disconnected, etc.
Easy access to all call controls
Search capability in “Name” and “Related To” field when there are multiple matches
Salesforce native icons indicating the type of matched entity (e.g. Contact, Lead, Opportunity, Account, etc.)
Ability to edit already logged call note from right within the integration.
Saving logs some time meets "Illegal assignment from Decimal to Time" error, now fixed.
Release date: September 17, 2019
What's new
Salesforce Reporting (Beta) - reporting capabilities allows tracking a user's or teams' data:
Summary of total calls
Average duration per call
Average calls per day
Call disposition
Call direction
Auto-select 'Name' and 'Related To' when there is only one contact match
Update domain name configuration for AT&T domain restriction
Allow user to type and search their Direct Line number(DL) in Salesforce app’s Setting/Calling/My Location
Add logout check mechanism of Auth-Token under multiple-tabs scenarios to avoid inconsistent data storage sync
Bug fixes
Add caching mechanism for presence to avoid backend performance impact
Fix the duplicate records showed by contact match while doing call logging
Ignore delimiter and extension number in Call to dial function
Saving logs sometimes meet error: "Illegal assignment from Decimal to Time" now fixed.
Release date: January 15, 2019
What's new
Call history and offline call logging
Active call controls - mute, end, transfer, hold call
View Contact details and create account, lead, contact and opportunity directly from call history
Multi-call log
Schedule Meetings
Set presence
Auto Log Notes
Auto-fill contact lookup (From dialer for calling, Texting)