Engage Voice | Configuring outbound quotas

Now that you understand what quota management is and how it works, let’s discuss the process of creating and configuring quota groups and targets, and assigning them to the campaign(s) of your choice.

Creating quota groups

Since you’ll need to create a group that houses and organizes your quota preferences, let’s discuss how to do that first.
You can create a quota management group by taking the following steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Advanced settings > Quota management via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click the Add Quota Management Group button to open the Edit Quota Group modal window
3. Keep the Is Active box checked if you wish to make the group active immediately. Uncheck to deactivate it
4. Enter a name for your quota group in the Quota Group Name field
5. Click Save to exit the modal window

Creating quota groups

Once you’ve created a quota group, it will appear below the search bar. Each group you create will offer a list of options by clicking the More icon button at far right of the group’s name. The following options will appear:
  • Add Target: Add and configure targets that will live within the current group 
  • Edit Group: Edit the group’s name, activate or deactivate the group, or reset the target count (via the red Reset Targets Count button at bottom left) 
  • Delete Group: Delete the entire group and all the targets it contains 
  • Quota Group Stats: Open a table with up-to-date information on the dialing progress of your quota groups and targets. We’ll discuss the table in a bit more detail once you’ve learned how to set up and configure your quota targets 
Now let’s talk about the first option, Add Target.

Creating quota targets

Now that you have a group created, you’re ready to start adding targets — that is, the types of leads you wish to contact. The targets you create here are criteria-based and allow you to create conditional statements (or comparisons) that indicate under which exact circumstances the system should stop dialing.
To create a quota target, follow the steps below. 
2. Click the More icon button at far right of the group name
3. Click the Add Target option from the dropdown list to open the Edit Target modal window
4. Enter a Target Name in the field provided
5. Enter a Target Count in the field provided (we’ll discuss this more below)
6. Choose your first comparator from the Field dropdown menu
7. Next, use the Comparator dropdown menu to choose your comparison type
8. Enter a comparative value into the Criteria Value field
9. If you wish to add more comparisons, click the blue Add another comparison text in the lower right-hand corner of the modal window
10. Use the and/or toggle button to indicate whether the system should consider the next comparison in addition to or instead of the first comparison
11. Follow steps 6-8 to configure the settings for the new comparison 
12. If you wish to use JavaScript to enter your target information and comparisons, click the Advanced Mode checkbox at far right, underneath your last comparison. Please note that this is an advanced function and only experienced JavaScript developers should use this setting
13. When you’re finished adding comparisons, click Save to exit the modal window
Let’s review each of the settings we introduced in the modal window.
  • Target Name: Name for your target
  • Target Count: Maximum amount of matching leads you want the system to dial before it stops
  • Field: The first half of your comparison statement, this dropdown menu contains a list of options that includes some basic lead info, lead properties, some system dispositions, and lead priority information. You’ll be using this selection to compare to the Criteria Value field that appears after the Comparator
  • Comparator: A standard for the comparison. The system will use this standard to compare the Field and Criteria Value data you enter to create your comparison statement. The system will read these statements like this: If [Field] is [Comparator] [Criteria Value], then do not dial any leads that satisfy this criteria. Comparator options include Less Than, Less Than or Equal to, Equal to, Not Equal to, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, and Contains
  • Criteria Value: The value you wish to compare with the Field selection. Your value should agree with the comparator in terms of format, so for example, if you chose More Than or Less Than as a comparator, then your criteria value should be numerical. If you chose Equal to, Not Equal to, Contains, or Starts With as a comparator, then you can use any characters you like in the Criteria Value field 
  • Add another comparison: Allows you to add another comparison statement that can be used either in conjunction with the previous statement (toggle the and/or button that appears to and) or as an alternative to the previous statement (toggle the and/or button that appears to or)

Understanding quota targets

Now that you understand how to create a target, let’s review how quota targets actually work. As discussed above, targets are criteria-based, and they offer conditional statements that indicate the circumstances under which the system should stop dialing leads. 
Say you’re conducting a survey, and you’re only looking to dial 50 women over the age of 35. This statement represents your target. Now, since the maximum you wish to dial is 50 women, your target count would be 50, your first comparison would be ‘females,’ and your second comparison would be ‘over 35 years of age.’  
To relay this information to the system, you’ll first want to set the Target Count to 50, which will represent the 50 females over the age of 35 that you wish to dial before the system will cease dialing any leads that meet the criteria in this target.
After providing the target count, the comparison statement is next. The Field setting is first and it will tell the system which column in your lead list file contains data related to your first comparison, which in this example is the gender of each lead. Later, when we upload the new lead list, we’ll map this lead gender column to the Aux Data 1 field, so in the Field dropdown menu of the comparator statement, we’d want to select the Aux Data 1 option.
Next, you’ll want to indicate to the system what information to look for in that Aux Data 1 column. In this case, we would input ‘Female’ in the Criteria Value field. 
After that, you’ll want to select a comparator from the Comparator dropdown menu to use when analyzing the Criteria Value you indicated above. Since you only want the system to dial female leads, you must let the system know that the data in the lead gender column has to be an exact match to the word Female. To do so, you would select the Equal to comparator. 
Now let’s add our second comparator statement. When you wish to apply multiple statements, you can click the blue Add another comparison text at bottom right to reveal an and/or toggle button and a new empty comparison statement for you to configure. 
All statements linked via the and option will be given equal weight; the system will continue down your statement list, satisfying all the indicated requirements before it considers the task complete.
Any statements linked via the or option will be considered a strictly either/or command, which means that even if only one of the three or statements matches any leads on your lead list, the system will dial on any of the three comparison statements (that have matching inputs) in question. 
So using the example above, let’s say we’d like to create another conditional statement to indicate that the system should also look at another field that contains information on the lead’s age. Later, when we upload our new lead list, we’ll map this lead age column to the Aux Data 2 destination.
In the new conditional statement, we’ll set the and/or toggle to and because not only do we want the system to dial female leads, we only want the system to dial the female leads that are over the age of 35. In the second comparison, we’ll set the Field setting to Aux Data 2, the Comparator to Greater Than, and the Criteria Value to 35.
Now we have two comparator statements that will tell the system to perform the following task: 
If the fields selected in the Field setting (in this case, Aux Data 1 and Aux Data 2) is exactly equal to whatever you input in the Criteria Value fields (‘Female’ and 35), then only dial 50 leads who meet this criteria (that is, those who are female and over the age of 35), and stop dialing leads that match this criteria once you reach the specified target count (50 females over the age of 35).
Altogether, these statements might look something like this:
Using the quota management tool’s comparator statements

Managing quota targets

Once you’ve created a target, it will appear in a table inside of the group in which it was created. To access your targets, simply click the arrow to the left of the group’s name to expand all the targets within it.
Each target will occupy a row in the table. You’ll see a few column headers above that contain information on the target and its current dialing status. 
  • Target Id: The identification number of each target. This number can be used for reporting purposes or for reference when accessing relevant APIs 
  • Target Name: The name that you chose for each target
  • Current Count: The number of matching leads that have been dialed so far
  • Target Count: The target number you entered into the Target Count field when you created the target 
  • Quota Met On: The date the quota was met
  • Reset Count: Click the left arrow icon if you wish to clear any target’s dialing results and start again from scratch
  • Edit: Make changes to the target’s setting
  • Delete: Delete the entire target
Remember: These target groups you’re creating will need to be assigned to one or more campaigns of your choice before they can take effect. Let’s discuss how to do that now.

Assigning a target group to a campaign

Once your target groups and targets are configured, it’s time to assign them to your campaigns. To do so, take the following steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns
2. Select a campaign you’d like to add your quota group to
3. In your campaign’s Configuration page, scroll down to the Dialer Settings section and use the Quota Group Selection field to select which quota group you wish to apply to this campaign
4. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right
Finally, once you have your quota targets created and your quota group assigned to a campaign, it’s time to upload and map your new lead list. Please note that if you upload your lead list before the quota group is created and assigned to a campaign, this feature will not work. 
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