Engage Voice | Outbound dial plans overview

Campaign dial plans offer a way for admins to limit dialing to only certain leads on any given campaign. The most basic function of a dial plan is to allow you to limit dialing on leads based on information such as the state or timezone they live in. This can be useful in situations in which you only want to dial leads located within that specific state or timezone. For example, if you work for a company that sells outdoor winter gear, you might want to limit your dialing to only the states that experience cold winter weather, such as Colorado or Montana.
Dial plans also allow you to set up more specific conditions for dialing. For example, you can limit your dialing to only certain times of the year, or you can configure the system to only dial leads living within a certain zip code. You can even limit dialing to only contact leads that have reached a certain number of passes. 
You can reach your dialing plan options via the Dial Plans setting on your campaign’s configuration panel. Here you’ll find a couple of different sections offering filtering and campaign criteria settings. Let’s review these now.

Types of dial plans

Dial plans allow you two ways to limit your dialing: dial plan filtering and custom campaign criteria. Filtering settings allow you to select the specific states or timezones to which you’d like to dial, while custom campaign criteria settings allow you to further limit your dialing, offering a number of options for conditional dialing within very specific time frames of your choice. 
Let’s talk about how dial plan filtering works first.

About dial plan filtering

Dial plan filtering is a quick way to make simple changes to your dialing plan from within the campaign of your choice. You can use the settings provided in the Dial Plans menu option to decide which states or timezones should be dialed, while excluding from the list those you don’t wish to dial.
In the case of dial plan filtering, your changes will apply immediately throughout the entire campaign, and they will remain in effect until you manually add the excluded states or timezones back to the dialing list. Please note that dial plan filtering options only allow you to exclude either timezones or states; you cannot do both at the same time. 

About custom campaign criteria

Custom campaign criteria settings give you more options than the basic filtering options we discussed above. These can be useful when you wish to pre-plan and organize multiple and/or more specific dialing exceptions. 
For example, you can use this feature to set up dialing plans that limit dialing to only a couple months out of the year for leads that live in specific cities or states. Or you can use it to create a plan that limits dialing only to leads whose email addresses contain a specific domain name.

Using custom campaign criteria

To use custom campaign criteria, you must first create custom campaign criteria groups which you can do via the Campaign Criteria tray setting under Dialing. Once you’ve created a group, you can add as many custom criteria-based dial plans to it as you like. Remember — the groups are simply a way to organize and categorize your dial plans. 
Once you’ve created your groups and populated them with custom criteria-based dial plans, you can begin assigning these groups to your campaigns via the Dial Plans section located in the campaign configuration panel.

Helpful hint!

Since these groups are created at the product level instead of the campaign level, they exist independently and won’t do anything until they are applied to a campaign.
You can reuse the groups across campaigns as needed, and you can assign as many or as few groups to any given campaign as you’d like.
Remember — any dial plans you create via custom campaign criteria settings will only work during the time frame you indicate in each dial plan’s settings. Once the end of the time frame is reached, the dial plan will automatically deactivate.
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