Engage Voice | Lists, loading, and logs overview

In the following articles, we’ll discuss how to upload and configure lead lists, how to configure lead list templates for uploading, and how to properly map the information you’re uploading via lead lists so that the system can read and connect it all properly. We’ll also discuss how to view lead list log information in the platform.
You’ll find your Loaded Lists and List Logs in your campaign’s configuration panel, where you’ll be able to upload and manage lead lists and view any changes made to lists and individual leads.  
First, however, let’s discuss the basics.

About lead list uploading

Lead lists are the lists of leads that you’ll compile, upload to the system, and assign to different campaigns for outbound dialing. When you upload a lead list, you’ll have the option to configure settings that affect DNC scrubbing and lead timezones.

About lead list mapping

You’ll also have a chance to map the data on the lead list to the system’s naming conventions — this step is simply for purposes of alignment. Here’s how mapping works: If you have a column on your lead list named ‘Phone Number,’ but the system calls that data Lead Phone, you can map the system’s Lead Phone destination to your lead list’s ‘Phone Number’ column, so that when the system goes looking for a lead’s phone number, it knows to look in the ‘Phone Number’ column of the list you uploaded.

About lead list mapping templates

If you have one or more particular configurations you like to use when uploading your lead lists, you can create multiple mapping templates and direct the system to a preferred template each time you upload a new list. Mapping templates are exactly what they sound like: they’re templates for mapping, or connecting, your uploaded data to specific destinations within the platform. 
Following the above example, say on certain lists the first column contains the lead’s phone number. Meanwhile, the second column contains a unique number you use in your external applications to identify each individual lead. 
You can create a template that maps the first column on an uploaded list to the system’s Lead Phone destination. You can also map that second column — in this case, the unique identifier number — to the destination the system calls Extern ID (which is merely the system’s name for an external identification number). So now, next time you upload a list with those columns in that same order, you can just apply the template to that list, and the columns will automatically map to their proper destinations upon upload.
Please note: Template mapping is not based on column names but instead on column order. A template that has lead phone information mapped to column A will always map the lead phone to column A, even if the header and content of that column change to ‘zip code.’

About campaign list logs

Campaign list logs are available for you to see system details on lists you’ve uploaded. You can use this section of the platform to view the success of the leads uploaded and additional details like the preferences you chose for DNC list scrubbing and whitelist options.
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