Engage Voice
Moving leads to a new list via the Leads search

One way to move existing leads to a new lead list is via the Leads search. To do so, you can take the following steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Leads via the left nav bar
2. Use the search filters to find your lead(s). If you wish to move a single lead, click into that lead’s Detail profile
3. Select the Move to List option from the Select Next Action dropdown list 
4. Click the Begin button to view your configuration options
5. Select a Destination Campaign
6. Use the List dropdown menu to either move the leads to a new list or choose an existing list within that campaign to move the leads to
7. If you chose to move the leads to a new list, you can use the New List Name setting to name that new list
8. Decide whether to keep your original leads or create copies via the Create a Copy setting
9. Decide how you wish to handle duplicate leads via the Duplicate Handling By Campaign setting
10. When you’re ready, click the Move Lead(s) button at bottom right to move leads, save changes, and exit the modal window
Please note that when you move a lead, all of its related lead data moves with it over to the new campaign as well. That includes the lead’s pass count, disposition history, dial status, etc. 
Please also note that when you create a copy of a lead, the system keeps the original lead — and its identification number (Lead Id) — in the original (source) campaign. Copying a lead will generate a brand-new lead, with a brand-new unique identification number. The system will place this new lead into the new campaign while the original lead remains in its original campaign. The lead will appear in the new campaign in a lead list labeled 'Transitioned From,' followed by the old lead list ID and the date the first lead was transitioned to that list. Any subsequent leads moving from that old campaign to the new one will also appear in that same list.
Once you’ve reached the Move to List modal window, you’ll see the settings mentioned in the steps above. Let’s take a deeper look at each of those settings now. 
  • Destination Campaign: Select the campaign you wish to move the leads to
  • List: Select the list you wish to move the leads to. You can select an existing list or you can create a new lead list (via the [Move to New List] option) (this is a required field)
  • New List Name: This field will appear if you chose the [Move to New List] option in the List setting. Use it to name the new list you wish to create (this is a required field)
  • Create Copy: Decide whether you wish to move or copy the leads into the new list (this is a required field)
    • Move Original Leads: Select this option to remove leads from the original (source) list and transfer them — along with all their lead history data — to the new list you selected above
    • Copy Leads in Standard Mode: Select this option to copy leads into a new list, keeping the original leads — and all their lead history data — on the source lead list. This option ensures that the leads in the source list will maintain their original lead status, while the new leads in the new list will appear in a READY status
    • Copy Leads in Transition Mode: Select this option to copy new leads into a new list, keeping the original leads — and all their lead history data — on the source lead list. This option indicates that the leads in the source list should no longer be dialed (until further action is taken). The original leads in the source list will be changed to a TRANSITION lead status, while the new leads in the new list will appear in a READY status
  • Duplicate Handling By Campaign: Decide how to handle duplicate leads upon moving leads to the new list (this is a required field)
    • Move Duplicates: Select this option to allow duplicate leads on the new list. This means that if the lead you’re attempting to move already exists on the new list, it’s ok to have both the existing and the newly moved lead on the same list
    • Leave Duplicates in Old List: Select this option to stop the system from moving any leads that have duplicates in the list you’re attempting to move the lead(s) to
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