Once you log in to the agent interface, click the menu icon on the upper left corner to expand your menu options in the left-hand navigation bar. You can access the chat feature by selecting the chat dialog icon. You will be directed to the chat interface, where you can manage and access all your chats (both web and SMS).
On the left you will see a Chat menu, which will contain all your pending and active chats. At the top of the Chat menu is the New outbound SMS button, which you can use to send outgoing text messages. If you have any incoming web chats or text messages, those messages will appear, and then you will have a specific time limit to either accept or decline the chat.
Once you’ve accepted an incoming chat, that chat conversation will appear in a pane to the immediate right of the Chat menu. Additionally, the script associated with the chat queue you’re logged in will appear in the far-right pane. You can switch between a customer’s information and script by clicking on the Script or Details tab at the top.