Engage Voice | Interacting with a script

Admins create and configure scripts for agents and supervisors, and scripts can be as simple as a piece of text on a page agents can repeat to customers verbatim, or as complex as a few pages containing settings and fields to record data, start and stop call recording, or give access to a knowledge base.

Interacting with a script

Before taking live calls, you may study assigned scripts by accessing Scripts at the left-hand navigation bar and selecting a script. You may interact with it as you normally would during a call, but any information you provide while ‘studying’ the script won’t be recorded.
Scripts tab in agent's view
Another way of interacting with scripts is during a call. If you’re connected to a queue or campaign and a call is answered, the script associated with the queue or campaign will pop up just to the right of the dial pad.
Script in agent's view during a call
A script will normally have different pages to simplify your workflow. Pages are sections of a script where different elements are put together depending on the progress you have made with the call.
Let’s say you’re collecting customer information and feedback for a product or service. On the first page of the script, the admin might insert input fields for you to provide a customer’s first and last name, as well as any feedback they gave you during the call.
On a different script, you may find different sets of elements like radio buttons or dropdown selections if the input from the customer needs to be specific. Instead of an input text field, you may ask the customer to rate their experience from one to ten, and a dropdown menu may have the numbers one to ten.   
Using different elements and different pages, a script will guide your call from start to finish.

Different elements in a script

Admins customize pages by adding different elements to it, creating an interactive process for providing or recording data. Below are different elements you may encounter while interacting with a script. 
  • Buttons: This element can be configured to perform specific actions, including navigation actions, such as navigating to the next page of a script. They can also be used as a way to collect data or open an external website.
  • Selections: This element refers to different ways you can mark or select data. These include checkboxes, radio buttons, and different dropdown selections.
  • Dispositions: This element allows an agent to describe the outcome of a call or chat. A disposition form can be inserted by the admin to let you disposition the call or chat without leaving the script. The disposition form also includes a field for you to enter notes about the call or chat.
  • Hyperlink: This element can be inserted by admins so you can click on a hyperlink to reach a webpage.
  • Website: This element allows an admin to insert a fully functional website into a script so you can remain in the app (and on the same page of the script) even if you need to access another site.
  • Image: This element can be a static image or in GIF format, inserted into the script by the admin.
  • Inputs: This element allows you to capture specific types of input directly into the script. Inputs can be very specific or can be very broad. For example, some input fields only allow dates, numbers, or email addresses. Broad input types allow all types in any format such as text, date, or numbers.
  • Knowledge Base: This element allows you to access knowledge base content in your script.
  • Tables: This element allows admins to create a table with data you might need.
  • Text: This element allows admins to inserts blocks of text, links, and dynamic tagged data into the script.
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