All messages allow you to manage your messages by grouping them into folders so you can easily look up, respond, and organize messages from customers. Customers can send multiple messages that can’t be managed in just one folder, so it is common for admins to create custom folders to store your messages.
In addition, you can easily look up a message by manually scanning through each categorized mailbox folder or by using the search function and advanced search filters. Using All messages, agents can easily engage with customers, sort messages, and perform other action items to organize messages and resolve awaiting cases.
Lastly, to better manage and organize messages, agents are equipped with action items to perform tasks such as categorizing messages, transferring messages to another agent, and more. We will discuss how to use these features later on.
Now let’s take a look at how it all works and discuss the key elements of the Omni-channel Agent digital platform that deal with how messages come into your contact center.