You may find that agents will occasionally need to transfer inbound and outbound calls to certain external destinations — that is, destinations outside of the system. These destinations can include DID phone numbers and SIP numbers.
If you’d like to streamline your process and make it easier for agents to access commonly used destinations, you can enter and save those destinations into your inbound queue or campaign’s dedicated phone book so they can be accessed by agents dialing on those queues and campaigns.
You can also create phone book entries that are global — that is, available to all agents on your
account — (according to your settings configuration) across all queues and campaigns. These global phone book entries can be created and configured at any time via the Phone Book tray setting under Agent Tools.
Now, as noted above, each queue or campaign will also have its own dedicated phone book. Please note that phone book entries created at the queue and campaign level will only be available within the queue or campaign in which they were created — they won’t be available anywhere else. Only entries created at the global phone book level will be available across all queues/campaigns.