Engage Voice | Intro to agent scripting

Agent scripting is a powerful tool for both your agents and your business that functions similarly to a script in a movie or play. It’s a prompt that helps agents to move smoothly through their ‘play’ — that is, interactions with leads and customers. 
With a well-built script, agents always know what their next lines are; they can shape and guide the conversation in exactly the direction that has been provided for them.
The platform’s agent scripting tool has the ability to provide much more than simply a few lines of text, however. While you can create the most basic scripts easily using drag-and-drop technology, you can also delve into much more complex agent scripting opportunities. 
Scripts can be used for sharing, collecting, updating, and saving all kinds of information using behind-the-scenes APIs, custom JavaScript, and web service tools. They can be as dynamic and interactive as you choose. 
You can incorporate a variety of elements into your scripts, from web service calls that fetch and post information to and from external websites, to commands that stop and start call recording at any point, to iFramed websites loaded directly into the script.
Think of a script as a dynamic, interactive flowchart that you can custom-build to guide agents and customers through your desired pathways.

Who uses agent scripting and why?

Agent scripting can be useful for just about any contact center. Generally, companies who wish to provide consistent service and smooth, carefully tailored interactions with their customers are the ones who get the most out of this powerful tool. 
Additionally, any business that needs standardization in their communications can benefit greatly from agent scripting, whether that’s for personal, business, or legal reasons. 
For example, some companies in highly regulated sectors are required by law to share certain information with customers using specific wording — and these communications must be shared at very specific times during a call or chat. 
These companies can use agent scripting tools like the knowledge base to ensure agents can repeat the necessary language verbatim, whether it’s read verbally during a phone call or sent to the customer via a chat.
Some companies may prefer to record calls to improve their customer service. Our tools make it easy to choose when and how recording is conducted. You can use the script to instruct agents when to stop and start recording manually, or you can build the action into the script so it activates (and deactivates) itself when instructed to do so. 
For example, you may need to pause recording while sensitive information is being collected, such as a credit card number or personal health information. Then you may want to resume recording once that part of the interaction is complete. You can do all this and more with the tools you’ll find in the Script Studio.

How do agents interact with scripts?

Agents can typically interact with scripts in two ways. One is during a call or chat (via the Script tab option in the right-hand panel). The associated script will automatically appear on the screen at the start of the call or chat for the agent to view and interact with, and any information shared, recorded, or reported on during this interaction may be automatically saved.
View of script on agent call
Another way agents can interact with scripts is via the Scripts left-hand navigation option in the agent interface. When an agent is not on a call or chat, they can always refer back to this tab to view and ‘study’ any scripts available to them. 
A list of all the scripts available to them will display in the left-hand panel, and the script itself will display in the right-hand panel. Just bear in mind that these scripts are for study purposes only and will not collect or save information unless the agent is on an active call or a live chat.
View of script while not on call

Where and how do I create a script?

Creating a script takes several steps. The first step takes place in the Script Designer groups page, which you can reach by navigating to Agent Tools > Script Designer. This is where you’ll set up your script group and create a script that will live within that group. 
Your next step is to assign each of your scripts to as many queues and campaigns as you like, which you can do via the script’s configuration panel tabs (we’ll review each of these options next).
The last step involves creating the script itself in Script Studio, which can be reached via the Script Studio configuration panel tab at the script level (we’ll review that in a moment). For now, just know that you’ll be presented with a variety of tools that can be used to dictate the content and flow of the scripts you create for your agents.

Additionally, you might want to create knowledge base articles that your agents can use while on a call. Knowledge base articles are a collection of searchable canned responses that can be inserted into a script for easy retrieval by the agent. Visit Agent scripting knowledge base overview to learn how to set up your agent scripting knowledge base.

Script Designer configuration options

The Script Designer contains a variety of configuration options, which can be found in the configuration panel at the script level. The list below contains all available configuration panel settings in Script Designer.
  • General: Use this option to name your script and provide a short description
  • Queue Assignments: Use this option to assign your script to inbound queues
  • Campaign Assignments: Use this option to assign your script to outbound campaigns
  • Script Studio: Enter the Script Studio via this option

What are a few cool things I can do with scripts?

  • Your scripts are completely customizable; add your own logos and colors, choose different fonts and sizes, insert your own photos and GIFs, and more
  • Use the iFrame element to embed entire websites into your scripts so agents never have to leave the page, even if they need to collect information from or enter information into another site
  • Skip the iFrames altogether and use web service calls to dip into external websites and databases, retrieve the information you need, and present it to the agent in real time. The opposite action works just as well; you can use a web service in a script to deposit and update information into external sites and databases in real time
  • Create conditional actions, giving agents the freedom of options. Sometimes the conversation doesn’t go as planned or as desired. If you build conditional actions into your script, you make it easier to provide comprehensive service no matter what answer you get from the customer. Create radio buttons and checkboxes that agents can check according to customer answers, then create a conditional clause that triggers a different workflow and different sets of options depending on what was chosen or answered in the previous interaction
  • Insert call controls like Hold and Transfer into a script to be activated at the click of a button so agents never have to leave the script to manage active calls
For more ideas on how to use scripts, visit Use case #1: Creating a simple script to see how actual customers have integrated agent scripting into their business processes.
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