Engage Voice | Understanding Script Studio tools

Agent scripting tools — which can be found in the Script Studio — are configurable ‘events’ (like call recording start and end, script pages, and web services) used to give scripts a sequential structure. These tools contain elements and processes that can help guide agents through a call or chat. 
You can configure each tool individually as you go along, and you can render (preview) your changes any time so you can see what works and what doesn’t without even saving first. 
If you’ve built any IVRs in our IVR Studio, this will all look pretty familiar. If this is new to you, don’t worry; we’ll fully explore the environment and the building of a basic script in the following articles.
Remember: Script Studio is essentially a drag-and-drop, connect-the-dots environment, and every script, no matter how simple or complex, will consist of a sequence of tools that you can drag into a sequence of your choice, beginning with the Start tool and ending with the End tool (or a similar terminal tool). 
All tools are linked by a set of connections that both help to visualize the flow and tell the system where to go next once each step is completed.
We’ll get into more detail on the mechanics of tool-linking here. At the end of this article, we’ll introduce you to your various agent scripting tools and their functionalities — you’ll also find links to more in-depth information on each individual tool there.

Accessing Script Studio tools

You can access agent scripting tools via Script Studio, which can be reached via the Script Designer tray setting under Agent Tools. Select a script from the groups page and click the Script Studio tab from the script configuration panel. A new browser tab will pop up that contains your canvas and a set of agent scripting tools. 
The tools will appear in a vertical toolbar at far left: each tool can be dragged and dropped anywhere onto the canvas at any time. 

Hover over each tool after it’s placed on the canvas to reveal an Edit/Copy/Remove popup menu. The Edit button leads you to a configuration menu for that tool, the Copy button makes an exact duplicate of the tool, and the Remove button deletes the tool from your script. The configuration options found under Edit are different for each tool, so we’ll go over those individually in the tutorials following this article.

Tool explanations

  • Page tool: This is the page the agent sees and interacts with. It can contain dynamic text, images, embedded sites, buttons, checkboxes, and much more
  • WWW tool: This tool allows you to integrate web services into your script, like posting and/or retrieving information to and from external sites and databases
  • Javascript tool: If you have developer experience, use this tool to customize your script and data
  • Branch tool: This tool is used for conditional routing of your workflow (for example, if you have a yes/no question in which the workflow changes depending upon which answer is selected) 
  • Data Builder tool: Use this tool to build static data inputs that can be displayed/used within your script
  • Start Rec. tool: This tool starts a recording during a call at a time specified by its location in the script
  • Stop Rec. tool: This tool stops a recording during a call at a time specified by its location in the script
  • Mapping tool: This tool maps data captured in the script and saves it to the script results in a reportable format. It also allows for custom lead updating

Tool naming

You can name any tool via its configuration menu. Just enter a name into the Tool Name field at upper right.
Naming a tool
You can name your tools anything you like within the configuration pane, but if you plan to reference them at any other point in your script (via tagging or custom JavaScript), be sure your tool names have no spaces (use underscores instead) or special characters (avoid altogether).
Tool names with spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in them do not follow the tagging system (or JavaScript) format, and therefore will not display properly in the Model tagging menus (or in your own custom JavaScript code). As a result, you may not be able to view or access any of their corresponding information.
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