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RingCentral Video network requirements 
| RingCentral app

RingCentral Video (RCV) makes starting, scheduling, and joining online meetings easy. However, in order to use RingCentral Video, specific network requirements and guidelines must be followed:
  • The complete set of network requirements can be found in the Network requirements for RingEX.
  • For network requirements specific to RingCentral video, please apply enterprise firewall settings for RCV as indicated in Network requirements | RingEX Tables 3.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and 3.2.4. 
  • When the RingEX app is used in combination with RingCentral Video, then also the settings of Table 3.2.1 must be applied.
Please also consider the following resources:
For RingCentral video system requirements, click here.
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