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Release Notes > Engage Digital > November 2021
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | November 2021

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
VERSION 21.4.4
Release Date: November 17, 2021
What's New
These are the  21.4.4 November Release Notes. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Digital products as we get closer to the roll out date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 21.4.4 November Release Note. 
The following features are being released as part of the 21.4.4 November Release:
  • Agent User Interface: Compose Email window changes
  • Engage Messaging: Webview Support on iOS
  • Agent Assist in Engage Digital 
Reminder Notice:
Upcoming User impacting changes in December 2021
Changes in the API to get survey responses (/1.0/survey_responses/:id). There will be changes several fields:
  • Field "foreign_id" will be removed. You will be able to find this value in the "response_foreign_id" field.
  • Field "answers" will be removed. You can find the answers in the "questions" field
User Interface changes
New icons associated with different actions in the audit log.
Agent User Interface: Compose Email window changes
We have made enhancements to the ‘Write an email’ window (User Interface). The changes are made to optimize the overall experience for agents and include:
  1. Positioning of the compose email window
  2. Email address fields display changes. We will not display the ‘From’ field, the ‘To’, ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ fields in separate lines (See Fig 1) but these will now be on the same line. When the field is clicked, you will have all the rows show up one below the other, but the default view is with all of them in the same line see Fig 2.
  3. The compose part of the window will be larger
  4. Display of attachments will also change in the new email compose window.
Support for Instagram Messaging Ice Breakers
Fig 1. Current compose email window
Support for Instagram Messaging Ice Breakers
Fig 2. Enhanced compose email window
Engage Messaging: Webview Support on iOS
We recently introduced Webview structured messages for Engage Messaging web. Webview Support is now available on Engage Messaging iOS. Webview structured messages will display any information or visuals you require within an iFrame in Engage Messaging. This will allow you to enrich your conversations with customers, keeping them within the Engage Messaging experience and easily sharing additional information to enhance your customer engagement. 
Here is an example of a travel industry use case. Webview can bring up a seat map within the Engage Messaging experience for passengers looking to make a seat selection.
Engage Messaging: Webview Support on iOS
Agent Assist in Engage Digital
Empower your live agents during their interactions with AI or Artificial Intelligence. Agent Assist automatically learns from past interactions and provides real-time recommendations of responses to agents, enabling them to provide pertinent information and letting them focus on efficiently serving their customers.
Agents are provided with the options to use AI-powered Smart Reply and FAQ-Assist. Built using Google’s best-in-class Google CC AI natural language understanding, Smart Reply automatically suggests a reply to the agent based on past conversation datasets whereas FAQ-Assist suggests preconfigured answers based on the uploaded datasets and context of the conversation. Agent Assist will work only in the messaging view of Routing Mode for channels like Engage Messaging, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.
Customers interested in using this feature will need their own Google Cloud Storage and  Google Cloud Project with Agent Assist enabled. Customers will pay Google directly based on pricing per conversation. 
Please note that this is currently only available in English and support for Canadian French is coming soon. More languages will be supported in future releases. 
Agent Assist is currently in beta, please contact your account manager if you wish to participate in beta testing.
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