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Release Notes > Engage Digital > October 2020
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | October 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
VERSION 20.4.1 --- 20.4.3
Release Date: October 2020
What's New
  • Engage Messaging: Smart Conversation Close
Launched Instant Surveys for messaging channels and have now included smart conversation close that prompts customers to answer "Is there anything else I can help you with?". When "yes" is selected, the customer will receive a survey instantly. This should help increase satisfaction rates.
Engage Messaging: Smart Conversation Close
  • Co-browsing available on asynchronous mode for Engage Messaging
The co-browsing feature is now available on Engage Messaging when using the asynchronous (messaging) mode.
Co-browsing can only be initiated if the customer is contacting you from a web platform, if the customer accepts the co-browsing request from a mobile device it will prevent it from starting.
Co-browsing available on asynchronous mode for Engage Messaging
The co-browsing button for agents will be displayed when there is at least one message initiated from the web.
  • Routing rules for preferred agent
In order to reduce routing time for a task, we are improving the process. In task mode if the preferred agent is not connected or is away, the task will directly go to the next step of the topology. Administrators can activate it from the topology management section by ticking the checkbox
  • Timeout in business hours added in topology
A new setting is now available in the topology configuration. You can now select "Waiting duration in BH?" to take into account business hours in the topology routing.
  • Display tooltip if context is too long
In order to simplify the interface we are now hiding context data when tooltip is bigger than 30 characters. The tooltip is named 'Context" and is accessible by clicking on it.
Display tooltip if context is too long
  • Language added on API for task events
In order to simplify routing, we added language to our tasks webhooks and API for task events. It won't be needed anymore to fetch /contents/:id API to get language data.
  • Average queue time KPI available for report
Average queue time KPI data is now available for export and automated exports.
  • Destroy tasks when user disconnected from live-chat
When a user leaves the live-chat and the task is unassigned, the task will be destroyed instead of being moved to an undelivered state. This only applies if the task has not been assigned to an agent yet.
  • Engage Messaging get origin information
For customers migrating from live-chat source to Engage Messaging, it is now possible to differentiate the content based on its origin (web/Android/iOS). This will also apply to analytics and traffic.


  • Twitter private/public response
In order to avoid confusion for agents between public and private reply on Twitter, we updated the interface to answer a tweet. When the agent will click on "Answer" the tweet window will be already filled with the identity mention (@) and the tweet won't be sent if it's removed.
  • Twitter source connection
Twitter source connection is now simplified as it doesn't require anymore Twitter ID and username. This will be automatically retrieved by the oauth credentials.
  • Changing sources' privacy from public to private
Starting November 30th, for all sources containing public and private support the content creating API will be private by default instead of public. "Private" parameter is depreciated (but still working) and is replaced by a "public" parameter. We will keep backward compatibility for private parameters for the next 6 months.
This impacts: Source SDK (if both private and public are implemented), Twitter, Engage Communities, Lithium/Khoros and Tapatalk.
  • Expose the foreign origin field in the API and webhook
For Twitter and Engage Messaging sources, we are now exposing in the API and webhook the origin field.
  • Webhook resource type
We updated webhooks to display only classes of context on the payload. This data is similar to the one we have with the content API.


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