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RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional issues.
Engage Digital Surveys Expiry delay
We’ve added the ability to set a Survey link expiration delay for Engage Digital Surveys. Once the expiration delay passes, respondents will see a message that the survey is no longer open.
Richlink webview for Engage Surveys in Facebook Messenger
We’ve extended the survey richlink webview feature to Facebook Messenger. If you turn this on, your clients can respond to the survey directly in their Facebook messenger window.
Facebook recommendations (Beta)
We’ve added support for Facebook recommendations. Agents can now engage with Facebook users who have left recommendations for your business (if enabled for your Facebook page). You can turn on this option in your Engage Digital Facebook channel settings.
This feature is currently in Beta testing. Contact your account manager if you want to be a part of any beta program.
Virtual Agents triggers
We’ve added Start of conversation and Middle of conversation triggers for virtual agents. You can now use one or both triggers for a single agent.
Admins can access this feature in Admin > AI tools > Virtual agents > Configuration > Virtual agent trigger dropdown.
WhatsApp credit
WhatsApp credit now displays in Admin settings. You can track your remaining credits, monthly costs, and Free-Tier conversations within Engage Digital.
Admins can access this feature in Admin > Settings > Account settings > WhatsApp configuration.
Alphanumeric cases for Case Management (Beta)
Case Management (Beta) now supports alphanumeric cases. You can configure this in Admin > Settings > Account settings > Case management > Case number format dropdown.
Conversation comments
We’ve allowed the display of the comment icon after conversations have been closed.
Dark mode
Supervision mode now supports dark mode (Beta). This update affects:
Improved time and date display for US English
For US English, we’ve improved the readability of the time display, changing it from a 24-hour format to a 12-hour (AM/PM) format.
Improved Closed conversations/hours and Replies/hours dashboard features
The Closed conversations/hours and Replies/hours features in the Analytics dashboard now exclude virtual agents from agent presence.