Stai usando l'ultima versione di RingCentral?
Aggiorna subito l'app per approfittare della più recente esperienza d'uso, di una maggiore sicurezza e di una qualità ottimale delle chiamate.
This update streamlines the process into two tables, either of which can be interacted with, to give the supervisor more ways to see their agents and make it easier to take action on them.
30-min Automated Exports
We are announcing the upcoming General Availability of a new 30-min frequency of our automated exports.
Engage Surveys
Engage Surveys will be launching this May, get in touch with us to try it out for yourself!
Survey provider change
Beta features
Admin: Released LinkedIn connecter (GA)
The LinkedIn connector was previously only available to beta customers. It has now been released for all customers. This allows you to engage with your audience on LinkedIn with comments and reactions.
Surveys: Allowed customization of logo placement
You can now customize your logo placement relative to the survey title. Previously, logos were placed after the title.
Surveys: Added font size and family selection
You can now customize your survey’s font and font size. Previously, the survey font was locked to the system default.
Case management: Added thread events to activity tracking in routing mode
Routing mode activity tracking now includes case thread events.
Admin: Handled Instagram story reply mentions in the rule
Instagram story replies are now searchable. Previously, replies to stories were not included in the filtered search.
Agent: Released My Settings - Keyboard Shortcuts (GA)
We released the My Settings - Keyboard Shortcuts feature. Previously, it was only available to beta customers.
Agent: Added Support for Instagram quoted replies
Quoted replies for text, stories, reply to stories, images or videos, and post shares are now available in direct messages.
Agent: Added CTRL + Enter for sending a message or adding a linebreak in My Settings - Keyboard shortcuts
Agents can now configure the default behavior for pressing the Enter key and affecting the behavior of,CTRL+Enter in Windows or CMD+Enter for Mac will send the message for all channels or add a new line depending on the chosen behavior of the Enter key.
Agent: Added an empty line before the agent signature
When an agent composes a message and inserts a signature in an empty text box, a leading blank line is now added before the signature.
Supervisor: Released modernized Agent Supervision (GA)
We released the new and improved Agent Supervision page with improved UI, new sorting options, and a status filter.
Supervisor: Added Bulk edit agents' categories (beta)
Supervisors can now select multiple agents and bulk edit categories. Previously, editing agent categories were only possible in the Administration.
Analytics: Added a survey campaign filter for the “Customer satisfaction” KPI
We added a survey campaign filter that filters the data for the Customer satisfaction KPI.
Analytics: Added default survey campaign choice for display
Administrator can now choose which survey campaign is used to display the results in the Customer satisfaction KPI.
Various improvements: Released Interaction auto-complete (GA)
Added a new setting in Admin > Routing > Channel groups that will allow interactions to be auto-completed after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This feature was previously in beta.
Surveys: Adapted to Engage Surveys to fit legacy chat
Engage Surveys has been adjusted to fit the legacy chat popup window. Previously, the survey was too big to fit, and horizontal scrollbars were required.
Surveys: Added right-to-left support
We added support for using surveys with right-to-left languages such as Hebrew or Arabic.
Surveys: Secured modification of question IDs for Engage Surveys to protect response history
Users are now prevented from modifying question IDs to secure the survey. Previously, when users modified the ID after a survey has been launched, previous responses were not found by the system as the ID has been changed.
Various improvements: Added email notification alerts for technical and functional issues
Admins can now configure alerts for technical and functional issues to be sent to the right recipients. These alerts types include:
To make sure you are receiving these alerts, consider adding [email protected] to a list of Safe Senders. Try configuring your notifications today!