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Release Notes > Engage Digital > September 2020
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | September 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
VERSION 20.3.30
Release Date: 9/8/2020
What's New
  • Engage Messaging
Engage Messaging is the new messaging channel for Engage Digital. This new connector is an upgrade to Engage Chat and combines live-chat functionalities with asynchronous messaging. Available for both mobile and desktop, it guarantees persistent conversation across devices. Agents also have access to past conversations to provide a more personalized support.
Engage Messaging is compatible with chatbot and structured messages, offering the perfect mix between automation and human support.
Engage Messaging feature screenshot
Engage Messaging feature screenshot
Please contact your account manager if you want to start using Engage Messaging now.
  • Instant Survey
Engage Digital now supports instant surveys on all its messaging channels. This feature allows you to send surveys to your customers as soon as the agent closes the conversation when you had a recent interaction with the customer.
Instant surveys have a much higher response rate compared to regular surveys. Users who adopted it have seen a 15% increase in their response rate. Most important, it also has a positive impact on your customer satisfaction rate that will increase accordingly.
Please contact your Product Expertise team if you wish to activate instant surveys on your messaging channels. 
  • Structured Messages for Messenger
Engage Digital now supports structured messages through Facebook Messenger APIs, allowing you to provide elements that enhance the customer experience.
Structured Messaging feature screenshot
Structured Messaging feature screenshot
The structured messages types supported are the following:
  • Quick replies
  • Rich links
  • Template messages
  • Carousels
  • Auto Accept Tasks
A new feature now offers the possibility to accept tasks automatically on your platform. On task mode, agents are no longer required to accept a task within 30 secs. It can now be accepted automatically. This will save agents time and focus on what matters most: the customers.
You can now activate this feature directly from the Admin interface.
  • Modernized UI for Engage Digital
The user interface (UI) is getting updated for easier navigation and a more modern look.
There will be 3 types of changes in the new UI:
  • Visual design
  • Terminology changes
  • Navigation changes
1. Visual design
The interface is getting new colors aligned with all RingCentral products. The top bar will display a simple navigation between Agent, Analytics and Admin sections.
Visual Design screenshot
2. Terminology
In order to provide unified experience across all RingCentral products you will notice some terminology changes:
Sources → Entry points
Topology → Routing
Folders → Inbox folders
3. Navigation
The blue navigation bar in the Agent interface now allows easy switching between Folder mode, Task mode or Supervision with three icons.
The biggest changes will concern the Admin interface with a redesigned navigation and some minor terminology changes. To discover in details all navigation changes in the Admin interface please click here.
Navigation screenshot
 If you wish to switch to the new UI, please contact your Product Expertise team. You will be able to return to the current interface if you wish. 


  • Adding updated_at column to all exports
As requested by some of our customers we will be adding updated_at in exports from mid-July. This will not impact existing automated exports but be aware that new manual exports will have an additional column next to the created_at column by default. 
As usual, our Product Expertise Team remains available to answer your questions and support you through these changes.


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