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Release Notes > Engage Digital > January 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | January 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
VERSION 22.1.1
Release Date: January 12, 2022
What's New
These are the  22.1.1 January Release Notes. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Digital products as we get closer to the roll out date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 22.1.1 January Release Note. 
The following features are being released as part of the 22.1.1 January Release 
  • Agent User Interface: Enabled contrast by default 
  • Instagram Messaging : General Availability
  • Instagram Messaging: Supported structured messages templates
  • WhatsApp: Embedded Sign-Up General Availability 
  • Email: Reply Enhancements
Reminder Notice:
Please take note of the following user impacting changes that are planned for January 2022.
  • 22.1.2 Support of Quick Replies in Apple Business Chat -Jan 26
  • 22.1.2 Support of Lists Structured Messages for Apple Business Chat & WhatsApp - Jan 26
Agent User Interface: Enable contrast by default
We have made enhancements to enable contrast by default to improve the overall visual aesthetic elements of the user interface to reduce eye fatigue for the user. This visual change along with a host of other visual changes that include adding borders, darkening border colors, recoloring arrows for active vs inactive states along with other subtle changes are part of our ongoing effort to modernize the Agent User Interface to improve on the overall user experience.
Agent User Interface - Before


Agent User Interface - After


Instagram Messaging: Generally Available
Introduced in August 2021 as beta, support for Instagram Messaging with Engage Digital is now Generally Available. The integration supports a full range of capabilities that include enabling end customers to send messages to enterprises over private messaging conversations, pulling messages from Stories, mentions and bot integrations.
Instagram Messaging: Support structured messages templates
Engage Digital now supports structured messages templates for Instagram Messaging which enables the use of custom images, text and buttons that provides for a richer, streamlined messaging experience for the end customers that can lead to a faster response rate and better business outcomes. Please follow for more details.
Instagram Messaging: Support structured messages templates
WhatsApp: Embedded Sign-Up Flow is now Generally Available
Introduced in September 2021, Engage Digital’s integration with WhatsApp to improve the onboarding flow for enterprise customers is now Generally Available. This embedded onboarding flow simplifies the current process by reducing onboarding from days to a matter of minutes, thus providing RingCentral Engage Digital customers a convenient way to quickly onboard with WhatsApp.
WhatsApp: Embedded Sign-Up Flow is now Generally Available
WhatsApp: Embedded Sign-Up Flow is now Generally Available
Email: Reply Enhancements
Engage Digital supports the capability of forwarding emails between different email channels. Before this enhancement, when an agent forwarded an email from one channel to another, the forwarded email was considered as an Agent message in the second channel which had limitations to what the receiving agent could do with the message. With this enhancement, the email is accepted into the second channel as a new message and is granted the full set of actions you would get with any new customer message: engage, reply, ignore, etc.
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