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Release Notes > Engage Digital > January 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | January 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
Version 23.01.03, 23.01.09, 23.01.10, 23.01.11, 23.01.12, 23.01.13, 23.01.17, 23.01.19, 23.01.20, 23.01.23, 23.01.24, 23.01.25
Release Date: For the month of January, 2023
What's New
This is the January Release Note summary. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Digital products as we get closer to the rollout date.
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.

January Release Note summary

  • Admin
    • Identity management
      • Added bulk import of email identities.
      • Added new filters on the identity page.
      • Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest.
    • Instagram
      • Added engine rule condition for the number of followers.
    • Twitter
      • Added “Main Twitter channel” selection when creating a Twitter Search channel.
    • Added option to auto-open survey in webview.
    • Auto-complete interactions now use Smart Conversation Close sending delay.
    • Added threshold setting for SLA Indicators in channels and channel groups.
    • Added “Last modified” column for Engage Surveys forms.
  • Agent
    • Identity management
      • Added an option to exclude an identity from auto-suggest.
    • Conversations scroll down to show new messages when using Reply assistant.
  • Supervisor
    • Released Agent Supervision V2 (beta).
      • Added channel group statuses  to status filter.
      • Added additional sorting columns.
  • Analytics
    • Improved indicators for “Interaction activity” analytics when interactions are auto-completed.
  • Various improvements
    • Added webview support for Android.
    • Allow API to create “auto_submitted” messages.
    • Saved the carousel scrolled position after scrolling down in Engage Messaging for Android.
    • Added the ability for the end-users to paste a screenshot with a keyboard shortcut in Engage Messaging Web.


Send message shortcut

We have added a "My settings" menu for keyboard shortcuts. Agents will now be able to choose one consistent behavior of the Enter button regardless of the channel (send message or insert a new line). As this is a highly impactful feature, we are letting you know in advance to brief agents and join the beta program.

Reminder Notices

Engage Communities Renewal

Extension of support announced. A separate communication will be sent on this matter.

End of support for legacy Engage Messaging Mobile SDK URL

On February 27th we're going to stop supporting the legacy Engage Messaging Mobile SDK URL (, if you have a mobile application that is using an old version of the Engage Messaging Mobile SDK we recommend updating to a recent version (at least to version 1.7.0 for Android and 1.9.0 for iOS).

Survey provider change

This June 2023 we are stopping our contract with our current Survey provider (Alchemer) and are inviting all concerned customers to migrate to our new, free and completely integrated CSAT offering.

LinkedIn Connector BETA

As our LinkedIn Connector Beta is coming to a close, please don't hesitate to contact your account manager for your last opportunity to participate in the BETA or to enquire about the General Availability (GA) Release.

Beta features

Contact your account manager if you want to be a part of any beta program.


Identity management: Added bulk import of email identities

Users can now bulk import identities.

Identity management: Added bulk import of email identities
Identity management: Added bulk import of email identities

Identity management: Added new filters on the identity page

Filters and columns for identity tags are added to the identity management page.

Identity management: Added new filters on the identity page

Identity management: Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest

Added an option to exclude emails from auto-suggest. This option is available for users that have the “Edit an identity” permission.

Identity management: Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest

Instagram: Added engine rule condition for the number of followers

We added a new match type condition in the Rules engine to categorize messages based on the number of followers.

Instagram: Added engine rule condition for the number of followers

Twitter: Added “Main Twitter channel” selection when creating a Twitter Search channel

We added a new field in the channel configuration page for Twitter Search. Previously, when creating a Twitter Search channel, the “main source” is automatically populated when selecting a community.

Twitter: Added “Main Twitter channel” selection when creating a Twitter Search channel

Admin: Added option to auto-open survey in webview

We added a new configuration option in Survey campaigns that will allow surveys to open in a richlink webview (Engage Messaging channel). The admin can configure if the survey webview is launched automatically or if the visitor needs to click the richlink to start the survey.

Admin: Added option to auto-open survey in webview
Admin: Added option to auto-open survey in webview

Admin: Auto-complete interactions now use Smart Conversation Close sending delay

When an interaction is auto-completed with Smart Conversation Close enabled, the smart closing message will be sent only after the specified delay in the “Waiting time before sending” field. Previously, the activation of Smart Conversation Close will send the message right away after an interaction is auto-completed.

Admin: Auto-complete interactions now use Smart Conversation Close sending delay

Admin: Added threshold setting for SLA Indicators in channels and channel groups

We added new setting fields for SLA threshold configuration in the Channel groups and Channel configuration pages.

Admin: Added threshold setting for SLA Indicators in channels and channel groups
Admin: Added threshold setting for SLA Indicators in channels and channel groups

Admin: Added “Last modified” column on the survey forms for Engage Surveys 

We added a new column (Last modified) in Engage Surveys forms.

Admin: Added “Last modified” column on the survey forms for Engage Surveys


Identity management: Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest

Added an option to exclude emails from auto-suggest.

Identity management: Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest

Agent: Conversations scroll down to show new messages when using Reply assistant

Previously, when agents are using reply suggestions and a new message from the customer arrives, the conversation won’t automatically scroll down to show the new message. We improved this by allowing the conversation to automatically scroll down to show new messages.


Agent Supervision V2: Added channel groups statuses to status filter

With the release of the new version of the agent supervisor, we added channel groups to the status filter.

Agent Supervision V2: Added channel groups statuses to status filter

Agent Supervision V2: Added additional sorting columns

We added three new sorting columns:

  • Presence time
  • Completed interactions
  • Missed interactions
Agent Supervision V2: Added additional sorting columns


Analytics: Improved indicators for “Interaction activity” analytics when interactions are auto-completed

We added a new “Auto-closed” column in the Interaction activity report. Previously, manually and automatically closed tasks were all tracked under the “Closed” column.

Analytics: Improved indicators for “Interaction activity” analytics when interactions are auto-completed

Various improvements

Various improvements: Added webview support for Android

When enabled by the admin, surveys will open automatically in a richlink webview for Android users.

Various improvements: Added webview support for Android

Various improvements: Saved the carousel position after scrolling down in Engage Messaging for Android

Previously, when a carousel is sent to a customer and a customer scrolls through the carousel and browses the conversation, the carousel’s position will be reset. We improved this by making sure the position of the carousel is kept even when the customer browses the conversation.

Various improvements: Added the ability for the end-users to paste a screenshot with a keyboard shortcut in Engage Messaging Web

Customers can now paste images using keyboard shortcuts in Engage Messaging. They can also drag and drop.

Various improvements: Added the ability for the end-users to paste a screenshot with a keyboard shortcut in Engage Messaging Web
VERSION 23.01.25
Release Date: January 25, 2023
  • Added additional Sorting columns for Agent Supervision V2.
VERSION 23.01.24
Release Date: January 24, 2023
  • Improved indicators for "Interaction activity" analytics when interactions are auto-completed
VERSION 23.01.23
Release Date: January 23, 2023
  • Allow api to create "auto_submitted" messages
VERSION 23.01.20
Release Date: January 20, 2023
  • Added "Main Twitter channel" selection when creating a Twitter Search channel
VERSION 23.01.19
Release Date: January 19, 2023
  • Added the ability for the end-users to paste a screenshot with a keyboard shortcut in Engage Messaging Web
VERSION 23.01.17
Release Date: January 17, 2023
  •  Added support for webview auto-opening for structured messages in Engage Messaging for Android
  • Saved the carousel scrolled position after scrolling down in Engage Messaging for Android
VERSION 23.01.13
Release Date: January 13, 2023
  • Added channel groups options to status filter for Agent Supervision V2 (Beta)
VERSION 23.01.12
Release Date: January 12, 2023
  • Added "Last modified" column for Engage Survey forms
VERSION 23.01.11
Release Date: January 11, 2023
  • Improved UX for last client message when using Reply assistant
VERSION 23.01.10
Release Date: January 10, 2023
  • Added engine rule condition for number of followers on Instagram
  • Released Identity management: 
    • Added Bulk-import email identities (Admin)
    • Added new filters on identity page (Admin) 
    • Added an option to exclude identity from auto-suggest (Agent)
  • Added threshold setting for SLA Indicators in channels and channel groups
  • Released Agent Supervision V2 (Beta)
VERSION 23.01.09
Release Date: January 9, 2023
  • Auto-complete interactions now use Smart Conversation Close sending delay
VERSION 23.01.03
Release Date: January 3, 2023
  • Added option to auto-open survey in webview
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