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30-min Automated Exports
We are announcing the upcoming General Availability of a new 30-min frequency of our automated exports.
Survey provider change
Beta features
Admin: Improved messages export for Viber channel
We added the “in_reply_to_author_id” in the messages export for Viber. Previously, these metrics were not captured.
Admin: Released 30 minutes frequency for automated exports (General Availability)
You can now set the frequency of automated exports to 30 minutes.
Surveys: Allowed customization of star rating style and color in Engage Surveys
You can now customize your survey’s rating with stars or smileys.
Surveys: Improved the display of rating labels for a single-line radiogroup question in Engage Surveys
We improved the display of rating labels for radiogroup questions. If column count is set to zero, labels for the radiobuttons are now displayed under the radiobuttons.
Surveys: Allowed image size attributes for rating and radiogroup questions in Engage Surveys
Custom images in rating or radiogroup questions now have uniform sizes.
Surveys: Improved the support of attachments for logos in Engage Surveys
We improved how uploaded logos are handled. This means uploaded logos are now displayed correctly in the designer and preview tabs.
Surveys: Allowed image picker questions as main question for Engage Surveys
You can now set the image picker question type as the main question.
Agent: Improved display of "replying to" in compose form
We improved the UI of the compose form.
Agent: Added display of case number in thread title for Case Management (Beta)
Case numbers are now displayed in the thread title. Hover over it and a tooltip displays all case numbers associated if there are more than one.
Agent: Improved display for AI-generated conversation summary (Beta)
Conversation summaries generated by AI are now editable and automatically resized in the disposition popup.
Agent: Added the Virtual Agent icon next to Virtual Agent names in messages for Folder mode and Task mode. (Beta)
When viewing messages in Folder and Task mode, Virtual Agents will have the Virtual Agent icon next to their names.
Analytics: Added the Virtual Agent icon next to Virtual Agent names in analytics (Beta)
When viewing reports in Analytics, Virtual Agents will have the Virtual Agent icon next to their names.
Analytics: Virtual Agent filters (Beta)
You can now filter for Virtual Agents in the following reports:
Various improvements: Added display of an alert when reaching tags limit in Instagram
Instagram comments cannot exceed 30 tags. We added a display alert if that 30-tag limit is reached.
Various improvements: Added handover feature from an agent to a Virtual Agent (Beta)
When an agent transfers a task or reassigns an intervention to a Virtual Agent, the task or intervention is force-assigned to the Virtual Agent.