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Release Notes > Engage Digital > August 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | August 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
Version 2023.08.29, 2023.08.28, 2023.08.24, 2023.08.23, 2023.08.22, 2023.08.21, 2023.08.16, 2023.08.11, 2023.08.04, 2023.08.03, 2023.08.02, 2023.08.01
Release Date: August 2023


Business hours for SLA indicators 

We’ve added an optional checkbox in Account Settings called Take into account Business Hours in SLA indicators. When the box is checked, SLA indicators pause outside business hours. When it’s not checked, SLA indicators will work normally for Routing mode and Inbox.

Business hours for SLA indicators

Rule creation to mask personally identifiable information (Beta)

We’ve added the option to create a rule that will mask customer’s personally identifiable information (PII) in conversation transcripts.

New “First message in thread” condition

We’ve added a new condition to the Rules Engine, where any actions trigger only when the first message is received in a thread.

New “First message in thread” condition

Default text for survey expiry in Engage Surveys

We’ve added default text in the survey campaign that you can copy and paste into the survey expiry field.

Default text for survey expiry in Engage Surveys

Structured messaging support

We’ve added the ability to send structured messages (rich links, carousel, templates, and quick replies) when using Engage Messaging Outbound API.

Exported conversation display improvement

We’ve improved how conversations with line breaks appear when exported.


Engage Surveys in Instagram messages

We’ve added the ability to include Engage Surveys rich link webviews in messages sent through Instagram (mobile only).

Engage Surveys in Instagram messages

Engage Surveys in Twitter (X) messages

We’ve added the ability to include Engage Survey rich link webviews in Twitter (X) direct messages.

Engage Surveys in Twitter (X) messages

Display improved for printed threads as PDF in Google Chrome

We’ve improved the PDF thread printing in Google Chrome, where the last messages wouldn’t appear in the printed copies even though they did appear in the preview.

Minutes selection improved for sending a message later

We’ve improved the display in the Compose Message dialog when clicking the arrow for selecting minutes.

Minutes selection improved for sending a message later

Using keyboard to select attachments

We’ve added the option to open file explorer and select attachments by pressing Enter or Space.

Auto-scroll for threads improvement

When Enable auto-scroll to last message in Folder mode is checked in Account settings, threads automatically scroll down to the last message.


New tooltip for survey usage filters

We’ve added a tooltip to help users find the campaign they want to filter by in Analytics > Quality > Survey usage. They can select a campaign from the dropdown, then hover over the campaign to view the tooltip.

Display change in Analytics interface for US customers

We’ve changed the time display in Analytics to a 12-hour format (AM/PM) and dates to mm/dd/yyyy for users with the English (US) language interface.

Display change in Analytics interface for US customers
Display change in Analytics interface for US customers

Advanced Analytics

New Advanced Analytics dashboard

We’ve added a new dashboard with metrics and reports options including:

  • Metrics
    • Assigned Interactions 
    • Accepted Interactions 
    • Ignored Interactions 
    • Responded Interactions 
    • Refused Interactions 
    • Deferred Interactions 
    • SLA Interactions 
    • Escalated Interactions 
  • New Reports
    • Interactions Overview 
    • Interactions Distribution by Day 
    • Interaction Distribution 
    • Agent Login Time 
    • Responded Interaction Details

Other improvements

  • We’ve improved the image size of photos taken by a camera using the Android Engage Messaging SDK app.
  • We’ve improved the max allotted characters for Instagram Messaging so the virtual agent indicator displays the count correctly. 
  • We’ve added a new “ids” parameter to categories API for filtering by IDs.
  • We added a new error for when WhatsApp’s allocation API legal terms aren’t accepted.
VERSION 2023.08.29
Release Date: August 29, 2023
  • Added optional support of Business Hours for SLA indicators
  • Added support of Engage Surveys richlink webview for Instagram Messaging (mobile app only)
VERSION 2023.08.28
Release Date: August 28, 2023
  • Added "first message in thread" condition to Rules Engine
VERSION 2023.08.24
Release Date: August 24, 2023
  • Add default value with copy button for survey expiry template in Engage Surveys
VERSION 2023.08.23
Release Date: August 23, 2023
  • Improved size of photo taken by camera in Engage Messaging SDK app for Android
VERSION 2023.08.22
Release Date: August 22, 2023
  • Added support of Engage Surveys richlink webview for Twitter (Direct Messages)
  • Improved the list display of survey campaigns in Survey Usage filters
VERSION 2023.08.21
Release Date: August 21, 2023
  • Improved consistency for maximum allowed characters for Instagram Messaging
VERSION 2023.08.16
Release Date: August 16, 2023
  • Improved auto-scrolldown to the last message for threads in Inbox view
VERSION 2023.08.11
Release Date: August 11, 2023
  • Added a new Interactions Overview dashboard to Advanced Analytics with the following:
  • New metrics
    • Assigned Interactions
    • Accepted Interactions
    • Ignored Interactions
    • Responded Interactions
    • Refused Interactions
    • Deferred Interactions
    • SLA Interactions
    • Escalated Interactions
  • New reports
    • Interactions Overview
    • Interactions Distribution by Day
    • Interaction Distribution
    • Agent Login Time
    • Responded Interaction Details
VERSION 2023.08.04
Release Date: August 4, 2023
  • Changed display of time to a 12-hour format (AM/PM) and dates to mm/dd/yyyy format in Analytics, for users with English (US) interface language
  • Changed display of dates to mm/dd/yyyy format in Admin and Agent view for users with English (US) interface language
  • Added a new "ids" parameter to categories API to filter by ids
VERSION 2023.08.03
Release Date: August 3, 2023
  • Added new configuration error when WhatsApp allocation API legal terms not accepted
VERSION 2023.08.02
Release Date: August 2, 2023
  • Added rule creation for masking personally identifiable information from certain API calls
  • Improved display of a printed thread as PDF in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox 
  • Improved selection of hours for delayed sending in the compose message dialog
  • Improved display of conversation exports when exporting messages with line breaks
VERSION 2023.08.01
Release Date: August 1, 2023
  • Added support of structured messages for Engage Messaging outbound API
  • Allowed "Enter" button to open file explorer to add an attachment
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