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Release Notes > Engage Digital > November 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | November 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
Version 22.11.08, 22.11.10, 22.11.14, 22.11.15, 22.11.16, 22.11.17, 22.11.18, 22.11.24, 22.11.25
Release Date: November 2022
What's New
This is the November Release Note summary. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Digital products as we get closer to the rollout date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.

November Release Note summary

  • Admin
    • Apple Messages for Business
      • Added Apple Pay default fields.
      • Added iMessage default fields in channel settings (beta).
    • Google My Business
      • Added an option to add new locations automatically.
  • Agent
    • Instagram
      • Display username when name is not accessible.
    • Added support for the download of HEIC files.
    • Allowed auto-scroll to the last message in Folder mode (beta).
    • Introduced Customer SLA indicator in Inbox view.
  • Various improvements
    • Updated handling for Postmark inactive recipients error.


Survey provider change

This June 2023 we are stopping our contract with our current Survey tool provider (Alchemer) and are inviting all concerned customers to migrate to our new, free and completely integrated CSAT offering. Stay tuned for more details soon!

Reminder Notices

LinkedIn Connector BETA

As our LinkedIn Connector Beta is coming to a close, don't hesitate to contact your account manager for your last opportunity to participate in the BETA.

Beta features

Contact your account manager if you want to be a part of any beta program.


Apple Messages for Business: Apple Pay default fields

We added Apple Pay as default fields in Apple Messages for Business. This allows the admin to set up a payment gateway. 

Previously, if there was an issue fetching the video, the post was not imported.

Apple Messages for Business: Apple Pay default fields

Apple Messages for Business: iMessage default fields

We added iMessage default fields for Apple Messages for Business, to facilitate the configuration for admins to configure sending iMessages with Engage Digital.

Apple Messages for Business: iMessage default fields

Google My Business: Option to add locations automatically

We added a new setting in Google My Business channel settings. Users can now set if they want to add locations automatically. Previously, locations were added automatically without the option of turning it off. 

Google My Business: Option to add locations automatically


Agent: Retrieve username for Instagram

Engage Digital will use the username of a user if the said user does not have a display name in Instagram. Previously, we displayed users with no name as “Anonymous.”

Apple Messages for Business: iMessage default fields

Agent: HEIC download support

Users can now download HEIC files. Previously, this was not supported. 

Agent: HEIC download support

Agent: Auto-scroll to last message in Folder mode

We added the option in the email channel settings that would allow admins to sort messages from newest to oldest. This means if you have a message thread that is long enough to have a scroll bar, once you enable the “Enable auto-scroll to last message in Folder mode” setting, users will automatically be directed to the last message. 

Previously, users are directed to the top of the message thread. 

Agent: SLA indicator in Inbox view (Beta)

We now have an SLA indicated in the Inbox view. This can be configured in the account settings.

Agent: SLA indicator in Inbox view (Beta)
Agent: SLA indicator in Inbox view (Beta)

Various improvements

Various improvements: Updated handling for Postmark inactive recipients error

Updated the handling of email sent to inactive recipients to be compatible with the updated message format for Postmark.

Version 22.11.25
Release Date: November 25, 2022
  • Use username as screenname when name not accessible for Instagram messaging
VERSION 22.11.24
Release Date: November 24, 2022
  • Introduced Customer SLA indicator in Inbox view
VERSION 22.11.18
Release Date: November 18, 2022
  • Added iMessage default fields in channel settings for Apple Messages for Business
VERSION 22.11.17
Release Date: November 17, 2022
  • Allowed auto-scroll to last message in Folder mode (in Beta testing, available by request)
VERSION 22.11.16
Release Date: November 16, 2022
  • Authenticate message default fields in source settings for Apple Messages for Business
VERSION 22.11.15
Release Date: November 15, 2022
  • Added support for download of HEIC files
VERSION 22.11.14
Release Date: November 14, 2022
  • Updated handling for Postmark inactive recipients error
VERSION 22.11.10
Release Date: November 10, 2022
  • Added an option to add new locations automatically for Google My Business
VERSION 22.11.08
Release Date: November 8, 2022
  • Added Apple Pay default fields in Apple Messages for Business channel settings
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