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Release Notes > Engage Digital > December 2023
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | December 2023

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.


New case management feature for conversations

Added the case management feature to conversations. This feature includes:

  • A new setting to enable case management for conversations.
  • A new case number UI added to the Agent view. 
  • Updated APIs with the new intervention_ids parameter.

Updated options for case management in Account Settings

Added the Case management for threads option in settings to manage the auto-generation of case numbers and prevent cases from being altered within threads.

New audit log event for sent surveys

When a survey is sent, the event will now appear in both the Audit log and Activity tracking.

New Rating type condition for Facebook recommendations

Created the new rules engine condition Rating type to separate negative reviews from positive reviews. 

New permission for agents to categorize or recategorize threads and messages

Added a new permission that allows agents to categorize or recategorize threads, messages, or conversations within the UI. This permission doesn’t apply to API impersonation.

New Edit Categories permission for Messages in the Roles & permissions section

Added the Edit Categories permission option as part of agents’ new ability to categorize and recategorize threads, messages, and conversations.

New Teams filter for Customer satisfaction exports

Added the Teams filter to the Customer satisfaction manual and automated export options.

New Channels for Customer satisfaction automated export

Added the Channels filter to the Customer satisfaction automated export sections.

New Channels filter for Messages automated export

Added the Channels filter to the Messages automated export.


Filter by review rating for Facebook recommendations

Agents can now filter by Facebook recommendations in Inbox view using the review_rating_is filter in the search bar.

Added new expand window option for the Compose email popup in Inbox view

Added a new expand/collapse button that opens a larger window so agents have more room to compose emails.

Display improvement to case management for threads

Moved the button for editing threads’ case numbers to the header. Also added a badge counter next to the case number to keep track of multiple cases.

Private reply option for Facebook in Routing mode

In Routing mode, agents can now reply in private Facebook messages to a public Facebook message.

Private reply button for public Facebook messages in Inbox view

Added a Private Reply button for Facebook users’ comments and posts in Inbox view. Clicking the button opens a new Facebook Messenger message window.


We improved the performance and quality of several service-related metrics, attributes, reports, and dashboards.

New metrics:

  • Replies per Agent Login Hours: Productivity of agents with regard to the number of replies sent per hour of total login time.
  • Replies by Closed Interactions: Number of replies within closed interactions.
  • Contact rate: Number of discussion threads with at least one comment from an agent in relation to the total number of discussion threads.
  • Closed Interactions per Agent Login Hours: Number of closed interactions within agent login hours.
  • Closed Successfully Resolved Interactions: Number of closed successfully resolved interactions.
  • Closed Successfully Resolved Interactions per Agent Login Hours: Number of successfully resolved interactions within agent login hours.
  • First Response Time: Time from when the interaction was accepted by an agent, to the time the agent first responded to the interaction. Does not take into account automated responses. Measured for each segment.
  • Replies by Closed Interactions: A number of sent messages within closed interactions out of all closed interactions.
  • Closed Interaction: Number of interactions closed.

New Attributes:

  • First Response Time Buckets: A computed attribute representing first response time buckets with predefined durations.

New Reports:

  • First Response Time Distribution: Shows the distribution of the first response time within predefined time duration buckets as criteria to analyze customer satisfaction.

New Dashboards:

  • General Performance and Quality: Shows a set of performance and quality of service-related KPIs and reports to track agent performance and customer satisfaction.

Date display change for the Italian-language version of Engage Digital Analytics

When Italian is selected as the language in Engage Digital Analytics, users will now see dates in the MM/dd/yyyy format rather than the MM-dd-yyyy format.

New columns in Messages activity report

Added two columns to the Messages activity report:

  • Approval requested
  • Message approved

Other improvements

  • Added a new button to Engage Messaging mobile that permits scrolling to the end of a conversation.
  • Added a compact filter display in Analytics and Supervision (Beta).
VERSION 2023.12.29

Release Date: December 29, 2023

  • Added the case management feature for conversations
VERSION 2023.12.28
Release Date: December 28, 2023
  • Added new options to manage case management feature in account settings
VERSION 2023.12.22
Release Date: December 22, 2023
  • Added a new event for an survey sending in audit log and activity tracking 
VERSION 2023.12.21
Release Date: December 21, 2023
  • Added new "Rating type" condition for Facebook Recommendations in Rules engine
  • Added new button to scroll down to the end of conversation in Engage Messaging mobile
VERSION 2023.12.20
Release Date: December 20, 2023
  • Added filtering by review rating for Facebook Recommendations search queries in Inbox view
VERSION 2023.12.19
Release Date: December 19, 2023
  • Added compact filters display in analytics and supervision (beta)
VERSION 2023.12.14
Release Date: December 14, 2023
  • Improved display of agent's replies to customers in Facebook
  • Added new expand window option to the email compose window in Inbox view
VERSION 2023.12.13
Release Date: December 13, 2023
  • Added "Channels" filter to the Messages automated export
  • Improved UI for case management display in threads
  • Added "Private reply" to public messages in Facebook with direct messages in Messenger in Routing mode
VERSION 2023.12.12
Release Date: December 12, 2023
  • Added "Private reply" to public messages in Facebook with direct messages in Messenger in Inbox view
VERSION 2023.12.11
Release Date: December 11, 2023
  • Added a new permission to allow agents categorize / recategorize thread and messages (UI only)
  • Added "Teams" filter to the Customer satisfaction automated export
  • Added "Teams" filter to the Customer satisfaction export
VERSION 2023.12.08
Release Date: December 8, 2023
  • Added new "Edit Categories" permission under Messages in Roles & permissions
  • Improved date display in Advanced Analytics when Italian is selected a interface language
VERSION 2023.12.06
Release Date: December 6, 2023
  • Removed Unfollow button for X/Twitter as not supported anymore
VERSION 2023.12.05
Release Date: December 5, 2023
  • Added Channels filter to automated export
  • Added "Approval requested" and "Message approved" columns in Messages activity analytics
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