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Release Notes > Engage Digital > December 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Digital | December 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Digital.
Version 22.12.12, 22.12.15, 22.12.16, 22.12.20, 22.12.21, 22.12.22, 22.12.23, 22.12.27, 22.12.29
Release Date: December 2022
What's New
This is the December Release Note summary. We may provide updates on features and enhancements for Engage Digital products as we get closer to the rollout date. 
RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.

December Release Note summary

  • Admin
    • Apple Messages for Business
      • Allowed to configure/send form picker.
    • Instagram
      • Added follower/follows count to identity card.
    • Added support for sending the survey in a webview.
  • Agent
    • Auto-complete interactions when setting is enabled (beta).
    • Agents can select Apple Messages for Business forms to be sent to customers.
    • Allowed agents to choose a signature when sending an email.
    • Added an arrow to scroll down to the bottom of a thread.
  • Supervisor
    • Allowed to order users by status and name in Agent Supervision V2 (beta).
      • Filters assigned by the supervisor will be stored locally 
      • Added sticky headers and columns for Agent Supervision V2
  • Various improvements
    • Improved url parameters for Bring Your Own Surveys.
    • Facebook Messenger
      • Supported quoted replies.


Engage Communities Renewal

Extension of support announced. A separate communication will be sent on this matter.

End of support for legacy Engage Messaging Mobile SDK URL

On February 27th we're going to stop supporting the legacy Engage Messaging Mobile SDK URL (, if you have a mobile application that is using an old version of the Engage Messaging Mobile SDK we recommend updating to a recent version (at least to version 1.7.0 for Android and 1.9.0 for iOS).

Reminder Notices

Survey provider change

This June 2023 we are stopping our contract with our current Survey tool provider (Alchemer) and are inviting all concerned customers to migrate to our new, free and completely integrated CSAT offering. Stay tuned for more details soon!

LinkedIn Connector BETA

As our LinkedIn Connector Beta is coming to a close, please don't hesitate to contact your account manager for your last opportunity to participate in the BETA or to enquire about the General Availability (GA) Release. 

Beta features

Contact your account manager if you want to be a part of any beta program.


Apple Messages for Business: Allowed to configure/send form picker

Admins can now configure the Apple Messages for Business forms.

Apple Messages for Business: Allowed to configure/send form picker

Instagram: Added follower/follows count to identity card

The number of followers in Instagram are now added to identity cards. This information is only available if the user has reached out at least once through Instagram messaging.

Instagram: Added follower/follows count to identity card

Admin: Added support for sending the survey in a webview for Engage Messaging

Admins can now configure surveys to be sent as a richlink webview, meaning customers will see a customized survey link and fill out the survey inside the chatbox. Admins will be able to define if a survey opens automatically, add an image, title, subtitle and url text. This improvement is available with your existing survey campaigns (Alchemer) and is not dependent on the upcoming Engage Surveys release.

Admin: Added support for sending the survey in a webview for Engage Messaging


Agent: Auto-complete interactions when setting is enabled

Added a new setting in Admin > Routing > Channel groups that will allow interactions to be auto-completed after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This feature is in beta.

Agent: Auto-complete interactions when setting is enabled

Agent: Agents can select Apple Messages for Business forms to be sent to customers

We added a button in the Apple Messages for Business (AMB) channel that allows agents to select AMB forms to be sent to customers.

Agent: Agents can select Apple Messages for Business forms to be sent to customers

Agent: Allowed agent to choose a signature when sending an email

Agents can now choose an email signature when sending an email.

Agent: Allowed agent to choose a signature when sending an email

Agent: Added an arrow to scroll down to the bottom of a thread

We added a down arrow so agents can instantly go to the bottom of a thread.

Agent: Added an arrow to scroll down to the bottom of a thread

Supervisor Agent Supervision (Beta)

Supervisor: Allowed to order users by status and name in Agent Supervision V2

Agents are now sorted with the following priority: connected to push (routing) globally connected, and name in alphabetical order. Previously, agents were sorted by name alphabetically.

Supervisor: Allowed to order users by status and name in Agent Supervision V2

Supervisor: Fitlers assigned by the supervisor will be stored locally (beta)

Filters are now remembered by the system when supervisors reconnect to the Engage Digital interface.

Supervisor: Added sticky headers and columns for Agent Supervision V2

Headers and the first three columns are now sticky in the supervisor UI.

Various improvements

Improvement: Improved URL parameters for Bring Your Own Surveys

We now add a “?” in Survey SDK only if the URL provided does not have one.

Facebook: Supported quoted replies

Quoted replies from Facebook can now be seen by agents in the Engage Digital UI.

Version 22.12.29
Release Date: December 29, 2022
  • Added an arrow to scroll down to the bottom of a thread
VERSION 22.12.27
Release Date: December 27, 2022
  • Added support for sending the survey in a webview
VERSION 22.12.23
Release Date: December 23, 2022
  • Added follower / follows count to identity card for Instagram
  • Supported quoted replies on FB Messenger
  • Allowed to configure/send form picker for Apple Messages for Business form
VERSION 22.12.22
Release Date: December 22, 2022
  • Allowed to configure/send form select for Apple Messages for Business form
VERSION 22.12.21
Release Date: December 21, 2022
  • Allowed agent to choose a signature when sending an email
  • Added sticky headers and columns for Agent Supervision V2 (Beta)
VERSION 22.12.20
Release Date: December 20, 2022
  • Improved url parameters for Bring Your Own Surveys
VERSION 22.12.16
Release Date: December 16, 2022
  • Allowed filters in url and local storage for Agent Supervision V2 (Beta)
VERSION 22.12.15
Release Date: December 15, 2022
  • Added sending from Agent UI for Apple Messages for Business form
  • Allowed to order users by status and name in Agent Supervision V2 (Beta)
VERSION 22.12.12
Release Date: December 12, 2022
  • Developed auto-completion of interactions when the feature is enabled (Beta)
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