Engage Digital | Configuring channels

When adding a channel, you’ll need to configure the access to the source account. For each channel that you configure, you can specify both general settings and the specific settings for that channel. Adding channels requires the Create a channel permission. If your default administrator role does not have this permission, work with your account representative or customer support to modify your role.
1. Navigate to Channels > Channels via the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Click New Channel at far right to reveal a dropdown menu.
3. Select the channel you want to add to the platform.
4. Configure the appropriate settings for the channel.
5. Click Save.
6. See the Channels table and verify if messages appear in the Messages column for the channel.
Note that to completely configure an Engage Messaging channel, after clicking Save, you must go back to its configuration page to finish setting it up. There will be additional settings that you must configure, and those settings will appear only after you create the channel. Be sure to click Save once you have configured the additional settings.

Channel connection settings

General settings

  • Active: Lets you set the channel as active. This will allow the platform to import messages from this channel.
  • Hide the channel from statistics: Avoids displaying any metrics from this channel in Analytics.
  • Name: The channel name. It is recommended the name include the channel type — such as Facebook, Twitter, or Engage Messaging.
  • Community: The community to which the channel belongs. Set by default when there is only one community configured that can support the channel.
  • Icon color: The channel color. This helps you identify and group channels.
  • Business hours: The business hours that apply for this channel, if business hours are defined on the platform. Each channel can be assigned its own business hours profile.
  • Sender name: The variables that will display an agent’s name when messaging a customer using this channel. The tooltip in the user interface shows the variables you can use.

Message settings

  • Default categories: Categorizes all messages from this channel with default categories.
  • Default categories (agent messages): Categorizes all messages from agents for this channel with default categories.
  • Ignore contents older than: Automatically ignores new messages that are older than the time frame set. The delay is calculated in calendar days. This is set to 2 months by default.
  • Time for thread inclusion: Sets the aggregation interval for private messages. If left empty, each new message from the same client on the same source will result in the creation of a new thread.


A signature is information that is automatically appended to each agent message. For example, you can add business hours, a URL, or the agent's name and role.
  • Language: The language of the signature.
  • Signature: The information itself. You can use variables in the signature to provide additional personalization within the signature.

Automatic Messages

Automatic messages are messages that the platform can send to customers waiting for a response. For example, ‘Thank you for continuing to hold, the next available agent will be with you shortly.’ You can create and use multiple automatic messages at the same time.
  • Language: The language of the automatic message.
  • Context: The type of the automatic message. There are two options:
    • First message: Automatically sends the message when the message is received by the platform.
    • Message out of office hours: Automatically sends the message when a message is imported after business hours.
  • Message: The automatic message itself. You can use variables to add personalized information to the message.
  • Enable answers to first messages: Enables replies to first message automatic messages.
  • Enable answers to messages outside business hours: Enables replies to out of office / after business hours automatic messages.
  • Time between two messages (First message): How long the system will wait before sending the automatic First message after receiving the customer's message. Keep the default value (0s) to disable this setting.
  • Time between two messages (Message out of office hours): How long the system will wait before sending the automatic Message out of office hours after sending the automatic First message. Keep the default value (0s) to disable this setting.

Language settings

  • Default content language: The default language for the channel. This will be used if the original message’s language cannot be determined or was not set by the customer.
  • Auto-detect content language: Check this box to enable automatic detection of the language of the customer’s message. In Routing mode, messages can be assigned to agents with that language skill. In Inbox view, folders can be created based on the support languages for your center.
  • Languages to detect: The languages that you want the system to detect when Auto-detect content language is enabled.

Routing settings

In Routing mode, interactions are tasks that are distributed directly to agents using the prioritization settings that you configure. See Routing strategies for more information.
  • Default priority for interactions: Lets you manually set the channel priority when routing messages to agents. Larger numbers correspond to higher priorities. For example, a channel with a priority value of 2 has higher priority than a channel with a priority value of 1.
  • SLA: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is the target response time for the channel. To manage task priority, an SLA score is assigned and varies between 0 and 10.
    •  0: SLA when the message is imported to the platform.
    • 10: SLA when the service level goal is achieved.
  • SLA expired strategy: The threshold to reset a message's priority after the SLA is exceeded. Messages can be assigned one of the following priorities:
    • Capped at max (10): The message remains at full priority, and will be addressed in the order received unless other channels have greater priority.
    • Half Value (5): Resets the priority of the message to 5. Other messages that have higher priority can be addressed ahead of this message.
    • Back to base priority (0): Resets to the priority that existed when the message was imported. Other messages that have higher priority will be addressed ahead of this message.
  • Priority boost of messages with case: The priority increase for messages within a thread that have had a previous response and customer reply. This priority boost allows the message to be routed to an agent sooner than messages with lower priority.
  • Priority boost of transferred interactions: The priority increase for transferred messages. This priority boost allows transferred messages to be routed to a receiving agent sooner than messages with lower priority.

Email channel connection settings

An email channel can send and receive emails in several modes of configuration, such as Postmark, IMAP/SMTP, or a hybrid configuration. Your organization will choose a mode based on your operational needs, technical constraints, and desired speed of implementation. Depending on your selection, you may need to configure different sections when creating an Email channel.

Postmark settings

  • Enable: Check this box to allow emails to be sent and received in Postmark mode.
  • Email address: The email address associated with this account.
  • API key: The API key generated in Postmark and provided to you by RingCentral. 
  • Enable open tracking: Check this box to let agents see a ‘Read’ indicator when the customer reads the agent’s email reply.

IMAP/SMTP settings

Add the email address associated with this account.

IMAP settings

  • Server host: The hostname or IP address of the IMAP receiving server.
  • Server port: The port number used by the receiving server. The port numbers generally used for receiving emails via IMAP are 993 and 143.
  • Use SSL/TLS: Check this box if your receiving server supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.
  • Use StartTLS: Check this box if your receiving server supports StartTLS (Opportunistic Transport Layer Security) encryption.
  • Folders to synchronize: The names of directories to synchronize for importing emails. As soon as the first synchronization has been done, the list of folders is retrieved and you can choose the folders to synchronize by autocompletion. You cannot manually enter the folder names.
  • Folder for ‘Sent Mail’: The name of the directory that contains sent mail. As soon as the first synchronization has been done, the list of folders is retrieved and you can choose the folders to synchronize by autocompletion. You cannot manually enter the folder names.
  • Authentication type: Select whether the IMAP server uses the basic authentication protocol or Microsoft identity platform OAuth 2.0.
  • Username: The username of this account, for example "john.doe". Some email service providers require the full email address as the username.
  • Password: The password of this account.
  • SSL verification mode: Lets you verify the client SSL certificate. Leave this field empty unless the email channel has errors when using StartTLS or SSL/TLS.

SMTP settings

  • Server host: The hostname or IP address of the SMTP receiving server.
  • Server port: The port number used by the receiving server. The port numbers generally used for receiving emails via SMTP are 465 and 587.
  • Use SSL/TLS: Check this box if your receiving server supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. 
  • Use StartTLS: Check this box if your receiving server supports StartTLS (Opportunistic Transport Layer Security) encryption.
  • Authentication type: Select whether the SMTP server uses the basic authentication protocol or Microsoft identity platform OAuth 2.0.
  • Username: The username of this account, for example ‘john.doe.’ Some email service providers require the full email address as the usernam.
  • Password: The password of this account.
  • SSL verification mode: Lets you verify the client SSL certificate. Leave this field empty unless the email channel has errors when using StartTLS or SSL/TLS.
  • Domain: The domain used for the extended HELO/EHLO command when connecting through Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP). This command has the server identify itself when connecting to another email server to send an email. The default value is ‘localhost’ (optional).

Advanced settings

You may also need to configure these settings when creating an Email channel:
  • Threading heuristics: Check this box to require the platform to check every new imported email for a matching email. If an already imported email has the same recipients and subject, the new email is added to the existing thread. You should not check this setting when implementing a form.
  • Email parser (BBCode): Check this box to interpret BBCode tags. Make sure to check this setting when implementing a form.

    By default, all BBCode tags (including those that are correctly interpreted) are displayed. To display only unrecognized tags, check the Display only unknown BBCode tags field, which you can configure by navigating to Settings > Account Settings in the left-hand navigation bar.
  • Whitelisted emails: The list of whitelisted email addresses. Emails imported from whitelisted email addresses are treated with special rules. Each new email imported will create a new thread (no thread aggregation), and each new email will be associated with an anonymous identity, unless a ‘ReplyTo’ is specified in the email’s raw source.

    Make sure to check this setting when implementing a form.
  • Spam threshold: Lets you configure the spam detection threshold. When enabled, the platform uses the Apache SpamAssassin set of heuristic rules, which assign a score to imported emails based on the email’s content and characteristics. There are three thresholds:
    • Disabled: Disables spam detection.
    • Relaxed: Detects spam with a score less than or equal to 10.
    • Strict: Detects spam with a score less than or equal to 5.

      When the score of an email is greater than the chosen threshold, the message is archived. The stricter the threshold, the greater the risk of legitimate mail being archived. To learn more about how the rules assign a score to imported emails, see the Apache SpamAssassin documentation.
  • Attachments security level: Lets you specify what kind of attachments can be uploaded to and downloaded from this email account. There are three levels:
    • Strict: Allows audio, video, image, text and PDF files to be attached (this is the default value).
    • Relaxed: Allows all the file types that are allowed in Strict, plus Microsoft Office and iWork document files to be attached.
    • Permissive: Allows any type of file to be attached.
  • Exclude from TO/CC: Lets you specify email addresses to exclude from receiving replies.

Smart Conversation Close

Smart Conversation Close is available only for the following channels: Engage Messaging Web (asynchronous), Engage Messaging Mobile, Facebook Messenger, and Apple Business Chat.
  • Enable Smart Conversation Close: Check to enable Smart Conversation Close. When this option is enabled, before an agent marks a conversation as solved or completed, the system will send an automated message asking the customer if they have other questions or concerns. If the channel requires a disposition category, the agent can choose whether to send the automated message immediately or wait for the customer to proactively say if they have an additional question.
  • Customer waiting time: The period within which the system will wait for a customer reply to the automated message. The automated message is followed by two response buttons: Yes and No
         If the customer chooses Yes within the waiting time, the platform will send a second automated message asking the customer for more information. The agent must then continue the conversation.
         If the customer sends another message instead of choosing Yes or No, the platform assumes that the customer does have an additional question or concern. The agent must then continue the conversation. 
         If the customer chooses No within the waiting time or if the customer does not reply within the waiting time, the system will automatically mark the conversation as solved or completed. Enter an integer followed immediately by one of the following letters: h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds. For example, 1h is 1 hour, 2m is 2 minutes, and 30s is 30 seconds.
  • Question to end the conversation: An automated message that asks the customer if they have other questions or concerns. This message must be answerable by ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, because the platform will display those two words in the chat window as response options for the customer. Select the message language in the Language dropdown menu, then enter the question itself in the Question to end the conversation textbox. Click the Add plus sign icon to add another automated message in a different language.
  • Message to resume the conversation: The automated message that asks the customer for more information about their new question or concern. Select the message language in the Language dropdown menu, then enter the question itself in the Message to resume the conversation textbox. Click the Add plus sign icon to add another automated message in a different language.

Facebook Page channel connection settings

  • User Token: The access token of the Facebook account. To get the token, click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the access token into the User Token field.
  • Page ID: The Page ID of the Facebook account. You need this ID and the User Token to grant the platform access to the Facebook API and data. To get the ID, click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the ID into the Page ID field.
  • Get your User Token and Page ID: Click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens to grant the platform access to the Facebook account’s data. The page also contains the User Token and Page ID of the Facebook account.
  • Synchronize public posts: Check this box to allow the platform to import wall posts from the Facebook Page. Note that these posts are public and may not always be related to customer issues.
  • Synchronize dark posts: Check this box to allow the platform to import wall posts that are invisible, targeted ads on Facebook. These posts do not appear on the account timeline, and are also known as unpublished posts.
  • Manage identity assignment manually: Check this box to prevent the platform from automatically assigning the default identity for the channel to agents responding to customers. When this option is enabled, an agent must have a Facebook identity to reply to customer messages from this channel.

Facebook Messenger channel connection settings

  • User Token: The access token of the Facebook account. To get the token, click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the access token into the User Token field.
  • Page ID: The Page ID of the Facebook account. You need this ID and the User Token to grant the platform access to the Facebook API and data. To get the ID, click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the ID into the Page ID field. 
  • Get your User Token and Page ID: Click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Facebook account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens to grant the platform access to the Facebook account’s data. The page also contains the User Token and Page ID of the Facebook account.

Twitter channel settings

To retrieve the information needed to configure the Twitter channel connection settings, you should access the Twitter account for your organization. Under Get your OAuth token & OAuth token secret in the platform’s Twitter channel connection settings, click Continue with Twitter. In the page that opens, click Authorize Application. A setup page opens with the values for OAuth Token, OAuth Token Secret, and the Twitter ID. 

Optionally, you can access this data through the Twitter API here.

Twitter channel connection settings

  • OAuth token: The access token of the Twitter account. To get the token, click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the access token into the OAuth Token field.
  • OAuth token secret: The secondary access key of the Twitter account. To get the token secret, click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens. Copy and paste the token secret into the OAuth Token secret field.
  • Get your OAuth token & OAuth token secret: Click the Continue with Twitter button then sign in with the Twitter account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens to grant the platform access to the Twitter account’s data. The page also contains the OAuth Token and the OAuth token secret of the Twitter account.
  • Whitelisted usernames: The list of whitelisted Twitter accounts. The platform creates a new thread for each message imported from whitelisted Twitter accounts. This makes each message more visible to agents. This feature is useful if your brand has additional Twitter accounts that are not connected to the platform.
  • Synchronize DMs: Check this box to allow the platform to import direct messages sent to the Twitter account.
  • Synchronize mentions: Check this box to allow the platform to import public messages that include @mentions to the Twitter account.
  • Disable public replies from this account: Check this box to disable the public reply button. This forces replies to received messages to be sent as private messages.
  • Manage identity assignment manually: Check this box to prevent the platform from automatically assigning the default identity for the channel to agents responding to customers. When this option is enabled, an agent must have a Twitter identity to reply to customer messages from this channel.

Twitter advanced settings

You will need to configure these settings only if you are going to connect your company’s Twitter app.

Follow-me messages settings

If agents try to send a private message to Twitter users that block direct messages or who are not following the brand, you can send an automated public message asking the customer to follow your account. The private message will be sent automatically when the user follows the brand.
  • Language: The language of the follow-me message.
  • Created from: The source of the follow-me message.
    • Survey: Indicates that the message originated from a survey.
    • Interface: Indicates that the message originated from sources other than surveys.
  • Message: The follow-me message itself.
Click the Add plus button to configure additional follow-me messages.

Twitter (Search) channel connection settings

Configuring a Twitter (Search) channel will let you import customer messages that contain certain hashtags. You can then reach out to the customers that sent those messages using your Twitter channel. As such, you also need to configure a Twitter channel for this channel to work properly.

In the Search queries field, enter one or more hashtags that the platform will detect to select which messages to import. Click on the Add plus sign icon to add more hashtags.

Instagram channel connection settings

To allow the platform to connect to the Instagram API, the Instagram account that you connect to the platform must be an Instagram Business account. If you need to switch your account to a business account, refer to Set up a Business Account on Instagram.
  • Instagram business account: The username of the Instagram account.
  • User token: The user token of the Instagram account. To get the user token, click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Instagram account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens.
  • Get your credentials: Click the Continue with Facebook button then sign in with the Instagram account’s administrator credentials in the webpage that opens to grant the platform access to the Instagram account’s data. The page also contains the account’s user token.

WhatsApp channel connection settings

There are certain details that you must enter when configuring a WhatsApp channel that you cannot acquire on your own. Contact your CSM for help with connecting your company’s WhatsApp Business account to the platform.
  • Country code: The country code for the phone number of your company’s WhatsApp Business account.
  • Phone number: The phone number of your company’s WhatsApp Business account.
  • API URL: The API’s AWS host URL. 
  • HSM Messages: WhatsApp lets you create Highly Structured Messages (HSM) as message templates. These message templates are the only messages that your company’s WhatsApp Business account can send to a customer if at least 24 hours have passed since the customer’s last message. 
    • Language: The language of the HSM.
    • Message: The message itself.
    • HSM namespace: The environment in which the HSM belongs. This is specified in your company’s WhatsApp Manager.
    • HSM element name: The identifier of the HSM. This is specified in your company’s WhatsApp Manager.

Engage Messaging channel connection settings

Engage Messaging is RingCentral’s implementation of a chat app that can be built into your website, mobile app, or both. Contact your CSM for help with the implementation.

General settings

Beside Avatar, click Choose file to upload a profile image that customers will see in the chat window when agents respond. For best results, use an image with a 100 x 100 resolution.

While the uploaded image has a square border in the Avatar field, please note it actually has a circular border when it appears in the Agent interface and in the customer’s chat window. Finally, there is no default or placeholder avatar, which means if you don’t upload an image, the agent will have no avatar at all.

Scope configuration

Check the corresponding option to activate the chat mode or modes that your company is using to connect those to the platform.
  • Enable Android messaging: Check to enable asynchronous messaging in your Android app. 
  • Enable iOS messaging: Check to enable asynchronous messaging in your iOS app.
  • Enable Web messaging: Check to enable asynchronous messaging in your website.
  • Enable Live Chat: Check to enable real-time messaging in your website.

Chat customization

  • Custom CSS colors: Lets you adjust the colors of the various elements in the chat window as needed. It accepts CSS and SCSS code.
  • Messaging window title: The chat window title.
  • Company message title: The company message title. This appears only if the chat window is in floating mode.
  • Company message subtitle: The company message subtitle. This appears only if the chat window is in floating mode.
  • Messaging window CSS: Lets you adjust the attributes of the various elements in the chat window as needed.
  • Custom languages: Lets you add languages or modify the text in existing languages. (optional)

Advanced settings

These settings let you toggle or adjust optional Engage Messaging features. These settings are not visible when creating a new Engage Messaging channel. To see the Advanced settings of a newly created channel, save your changes then reopen the newly created channel’s configuration page.
  • Enable navigation contents: Check to show the agent the list of pages within the company website that the customer has visited. If this option is disabled, the agent will see only the name of the current page that the customer is viewing. 
  • Enable web notifications: Check to enable native browser notifications.
  • Enable debug mode: Leave this option unchecked. Debug mode is used during the implementation phase to solve issues.
  • Enable automatic request for email: Check to display an automatic message in the chat window that asks the customer for an email address where the platform can send notification emails. If this option is enabled, the automatic message will appear after the customer’s first message in a new conversation. This feature is available only in Engage Messaging’s Web messaging mode.
  • Allow multiple conversations in parallel: Check to enable the New conversation button. The button allows agents to start up to two more conversations alongside the current one. This feature is available only for mobile messaging modes and the asynchronous Web messaging mode.
  • Back to chat link: The text that will be displayed for the link that will take the customer back to the chat and the last page on the company website that they visited. The platform will automatically send this link to the email address that the customer provided if the customer does not read the agent’s messages within 15 minutes. This feature is available only in Engage Messaging’s Web messaging mode.
  • Queueing factor: A modifier to allow and adjust the number of queueing slots. Leave this at 0.0 to disable queueing. 

    The number of queueing slots is determined by multiplying the number of busy agents assigned to the channel by the default capacity for the asynchronous channel group as well as the queueing factor. For example, if you have four busy agents, the default capacity for your asynchronous channel group is 2, and you set the queueing factor to 0.25, the number of queueing slots will be 4 x 2 x 0.25, which is equal to two slots.


Integration allows Engage Messaging to send records of events to Google for analytics purposes.
  • Google Analytics Classic (ga.js): Check to enable Google Analytics Classic integration.
  • Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js): Check to enable Google Universal Analytics integration.


Multi-domain allows Engage Messaging to share local storage across domains.
  • Enable multi-domain: Check to enable multi-domain.
  • Allowed domains: The list of domains for which local storage sharing is enabled.

Greeting messages

Use these fields to add welcome messages for new conversations.
  • Language: The language of the message. 
  • Message: The greeting message itself. For example, “Hi! How can we help you today? Our agents normally respond within 30 seconds.” You can use variables to customize the message. Click Show available variables to see a list of variables that you can use.
Click the Add plus sign icon to add greeting messages in other languages.

You also have the option to create custom messaging variables for Engage Messaging channels. These variables indicate a variety of information regarding the customer’s actions on your company website or app, such as whether they’re logged in or the product that they are viewing. You then have the option to display this information in the Agent interface in Routing mode when the customer reaches out. You can also relay these variables to your company’s website or app developer for use as triggers for the Engage Messaging chat window to appear. See Messaging variables for more information on this feature.

Engage Digital channel SDK connection settings

The Engage Digital channel SDK lets your company connect your existing channel to the platform. There are certain details that you must enter when configuring an Engage Digital channel SDK channel that you cannot acquire on your own. Contact your CSM for help with your company’s implementation of Engage Digital channel SDK. You can also find more information about using the Engage Digital (SDK) in the RingCentral developer guide.

When you create an Engage Digital channel SDK channel, the platform will generate an access token, which your company’s app will need to connect to the platform. Enter the endpoint to which the platform will connect in the Base URI field.

RingCentral SMS/MMS channel connection settings

A RingCentral SMS/MMS channel imports SMS and MMS from your company’s RingCentral phone number. Both P2P and A2P SMS phone numbers are supported by the platform. Contact your CSM for information about enabling A2P SMS support for your account.
  • Refresh token: An authentication key that lets the platform automatically request for a new access token when the original one expires. Paste the refresh token shown in the RingCentral Admin Portal into this field.
  • Attachments security level: Lets you specify what kind of attachments can be uploaded to and downloaded from the RingCentral SMS/MMS account. There are three levels:
    • Strict: Allows audio, video, image, text and PDF files to be attached. (default)
    • Relaxed: Allows all the file types that are allowed in Strict, plus Microsoft Office and iWork document files to be attached.
    • Permissive: Allows any type of file to be attached.
  • Get your refresh token: Click the Continue with RingCentral button to open a window to the RingCentral Admin Portal login page. Log in with your company’s RingCentral admin credentials. A page will appear that contains the refresh token.

Apple Business Chat channel connection settings

Apple Business Chat lets your company add a button to your website, app, Apple Maps, Safari, or Apple’s iOS Search feature. Clicking or tapping the button lets customers talk to your agents using Apple iMessage. 
  • Avatar: The agent profile image that will be shown to customers when agents respond. (optional)
  • Business ID: The identifier of your company’s Apple Business account. To obtain this, login to your company’s Apple Business Register account. Navigate to the Business Chat Accounts section and select the account you want to connect to the platform:
    • Internal Test account: Go to the Customer Service Platform Configuration section then click on the Get your Business Chat ID button to obtain your Business ID.
    • Commercial Account: Go to the Manage Access & Entry Points section. Your Business ID will be shown in the Business ID to enable Message buttons section.
  • Intent secret key: Your website or app developers will need this key to accept messages from the platform. You do not need to configure this field.

YouTube channel connection settings

This channel imports posts and comments from your company’s YouTube channel. Configuring this channel requires administrator access with the Customer Service role in your company’s Google Play account.
  • Get your Refresh token: Click on the Connect to source button to open a window that will take you to YouTube’s administrator login page. Enter the administrator credentials on the login page. A page with the refresh token will appear.
  • Refresh token: An authentication key that lets the platform automatically request a new access token when the original one expires. Paste the refresh token shown in the YouTube administrator page into this field.

Google Business Messages channel connection settings

Google Business Messages lets your company embed a MESSAGE button on the Google search engine and Google Maps results for your business. Clicking on the MESSAGE button will let the customer contact your agents. Contact your CSM for help with configuring Google Business Messages entities.
  • Agent UUID: The identifier for the Google Business Messages agent assigned to the channel. Your company should obtain this when they set up your Google Business Messages entity.
  • Brand UUID: The identifier for your brand or company. Your company should obtain this when they set up your Google Business Messages entity.
  • Secret key: A JSON Web Token (JWT) that provides identity and context data from Google Business Messages. For example, you generate a special link and a customer opens that link to launch a Google Business Messages chat session. When a client then sends a message, Engage Digital receives the additional information about the client, which populates the identity information in the identity profile, and the context information in the message.
  • Test URL (Android): A URL to test the Google Business Messages agent experience on Android devices.
  • Test URL (iOS): A URL to test the Google Business Messages agent experience on iOS devices.
  • Welcome message: The first message that customers see when they contact you via Google Business Messages. This is a mandatory field. The Welcome message should state what the customer can do (such as checking business hours), and end with a question that encourages the customer to type in their question or concern. You can configure the Welcome message as either simple text, or as simple text and a number of quick replies.

    When composing a Welcome message that contains one or more quick replies, each quick reply should start with a new line and the # (pound) symbol. The # symbols that are inside welcome messages or quick replies are considered as a part of the welcome message or quick reply.

Google My Business channel connection settings

Google My Business lets your company add a business profile to search results on Google’s search engine and Google Maps. Among other things, the profile adds a button that customers can use to contact your company. Configuring this channel requires administrator access with the Customer Service role in your company’s Google Play account.
  • Locations to synchronize: The locations of your company’s branches whose details will be synchronized to Google My Business.
  • Refresh token: An authentication key that lets the platform automatically request for a new access token when the original one expires. Paste the refresh token shown in the Google Play administrator page into this field.
  • Get your Refresh token: Click on the Connect with Google button to open a window that will take you to the Google Play administrator login page. Enter the administrator credentials on the login page. A page with the refresh token will appear.

Tapatalk channel connection settings

  • URL: The Tapatalk-compatible XMLRPC URL of the forum. 
  • Watched forums: The forums to be synchronized.
  • Post offset: The offset applied to every post imported to the platform. This value can be positive or negative. Posts will be imported to the platform only if the value of this offset is not zero.
  • Message offset: The offset applied to every private message imported to the platform. This value can be positive or negative. Private messages will be imported to the platform only if the value of this offset is not zero.
  • Conversation offset: The offset applied to every conversation imported to the platform. This value can be positive or negative. Conversations will be imported to the platform only if the value of this offset is not zero.

Viber channel connection settings

  • Auth token: The authorization token of your company’s Viber bot account. To get the authorization token:
1. Log in to your company’s Viber Admin Panel.
2. Create a bot for your company’s registered phone number. You will also need access to that phone number for authentication purposes.
3. The authorization token will appear. Copy and paste it in the Auth token field.
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