Engage Digital | Setting conditions for rules

You can specify what conditions must be met to trigger a rule. You configure these conditions in the Conditions section of the Rules engine configuration page. When you specify more than one condition, the rule triggers only if all the conditions are met.
Configuring rules
Certain rule conditions use existing data in the platform to evaluate the rule. For example, the condition may evaluate the identity data in a customer record, or data from an associated channel such as the verification status of a Twitter account. 
Other conditions require that you’ve created certain data structures in the platform, such as custom fields (created via < ), or customer variables (configured in chat). Visit Adding custom fields to learn more.

These options are available for conditions under the Match type setting.
  • Text search: Allows you to search for one or more keywords provided in the rule configuration in a message’s body, title, answers, or sender’s identity. Visit Using a Text search condition to learn more.
  • Category: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the content category. By selecting this condition, the Category field appears with a list of categories.
  • Foreign category: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the external category of content (for example, categories from a Communities forum). By selecting this condition, the fields Foreign categories channel and Foreign category name appear with a list of channels and foreign categories.
  • Message status: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the message status (such as new, assigned, or ignored). When you select this condition, you can choose from a list of the statuses available in the platform in the Message status field.
  • Message type: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the message type. When you select this condition, you can choose from a list of message types available in the platform in the Message type field. The available choices are public messages, private messages, and automated messages.
  • Identity tag: Allows you to trigger a rule based on an identity tag that you create in the platform. By selecting this condition, the field Identity tags appears with the list of identity tags created in the platform.
  • Number of followers: Allows you to trigger a rule based on a customer’s number of followers. When you select this condition, you can enter a value for the Minimum number of followers.
  • Extra value: Applies only to Messaging channels and triggers a rule based on existing extra values (in the community linked to the channel). For example, if the extra value is ‘offer: unlimited package,’ you would enter this information in the Context of the message field.
  • Custom field: Allows you to trigger a rule based on a comparison of custom fields. Visit Using a Custom field condition to learn more.
  • Custom variable (Chat): Allows you to trigger a rule based on an evaluation of a custom variable for an Engage Chat channel. Visit Using a Custom variable condition to learn more.
  • Custom variable (Messaging): Allows you to trigger a rule based on an evaluation of a custom variable for an Engage Messaging channel. Visit Using a Custom variable condition to learn more.
  • Message origin (Messaging): Allows you to trigger a rule based on an evaluation of the origin of a message’s source for an Engage Messaging channel. Possible values are ios, android, or web.
  • Review rating: Allows you to trigger a rule based on a review given on the page/application.
  • Languages: Allows you to trigger a rule based on an evaluation of languages that you want to include or exclude.
  • Email attributes: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the fields that are found in an email (such as the From and To fields), or whether there is an attachment to the email. When you select this condition, you must set an Attribute to examine and a Comparison Operator. Then you can enter one or more Comparison Values.
  • Verified account (Twitter): Applies only to Twitter channels and triggers a rule based on the verification of the client's Twitter account. When you select this condition, you can configure the State field with either Verified or Not Verified.
  • Message body size: Allows you to trigger a rule based on an expression you choose for the message body size.
  • Import date/time: Allows you to trigger a rule based on a time range, the selected days of the week, or the business hours that a message was imported to the platform.
  • Sentiment: Allows you to trigger a rule based on evaluating the sentiment of the message content as either Negative, Neutral, or Positive sentiment.
There are also a number of Identity conditions you can use. Visit Using Identity conditions to learn more.

Using a Text search condition

The Text search condition allows you to search for one or more keywords provided in the rule configuration in a message’s body, title, answers or sender’s identity. A text search is not case-sensitive. Once your rule has been saved, all the keywords that match will automatically be made lower case. 
To support a text search if several languages are used, each must be added in the channel configuration, or the Auto-detect content language option must be enabled. 
When you select this condition, you can configure the Execute action if and Keywords fields.
  • Execute action if: Allows you to specify the message contents that trigger the condition.
    • Contains the exact word/text: Specifies the message contains certain words or text.
    • Does not contain the exact word/text: Specifies the message does not contain certain words or text.
    • Contains words of the same stem: Specifies the message contains any words that stem from a root word.
    • Contains the regular expression: Specifies a regular expression that defines a search pattern. No comma separators may be used for multiple regular expressions. The letter case of regular expressions will be ignored, and global multi-line modifiers will be added.
  • Keywords: Allows you to specify a list of comma-separated keywords for the text search.

Examples of text searches

Execute action if: Keyword Will match Won’t match
Contains the exact word/text Member
Member of the club’
‘Do you remember?’
Cases Member
‘Do you remember?’
Member of the club’
Contains words of the same stem Cancel
Every word beginning with ‘cancel’: cancelled, cancellation

Using Identity conditions

The identity conditions allow you to trigger a rule based on information in the customer identity. When you select an identity condition, you can set the Comparison operator and Comparison value fields. You can choose a comparison operator from the Comparison operator dropdown list, and a value for the comparison to match in the Comparison value text field. 
  • Identity email: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the customer's email address. For example, for email addresses ending with ‘ringcentral.com,’ you would choose ends with in the first list and enter ‘ringcentral.com’ in the second.
  • Identity firstname: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the customer's first name.
  • Identity lastname: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the customer's last name.
  • Identity phone number: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the customer's phone number.
  • Identity screen name: Allows you to trigger a rule based on the customer's last name.
Adding rules identity
The available values for Comparison operator are:
  • is
  • is not
  • is present
  • is not present
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • starts with
  • ends with

Using a Custom field condition

The Custom field condition allows you to trigger a rule based on a comparison of custom fields. You can use this condition only if you have created custom fields for customer records. 
When you select this condition, you configure the Custom field and Comparison operator fields. You can choose a comparison operator from the Comparison operator dropdown list. Once you have selected a custom field and an operator, you can enter a value to match for the comparison in the Comparison value text field. 

The available values for the Comparison operator are:
  • is
  • is not
  • is present
  • is not present
  • is greater than
  • is less than
To match several values, separate them with a comma (as an OR operator).

Using a Custom variable condition

Let’s review the different Custom variable conditions that you can configure.
  • Custom variable (Chat): Allows you to trigger a rule based on a custom chat variable.
  • Custom variable (Messaging): Allows you to trigger a rule based on a custom messaging variable.
These Custom variable conditions allow you to trigger a rule based on an evaluation of a custom variable. You can use this condition only when you have configured custom variables for chat or messaging channels. 
When you select one of these conditions, you can configure the Custom variable and Custom variable value fields. You can select a custom variable from the first dropdown menu. Once you specify a Comparison operator, you then add the value of the variable in the text field, or ‘true’ or ‘false’ for boolean variables. 

The available values for the Comparison operator are:
  • is
  • is not
  • is present
  • is not present
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • contains all
  • does not contain all
  • is true
  • is false
  • is greater than
  • is less than
  • starts with
  • ends with
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