Engage Digital | Adding custom fields

When adding a custom field, you specify the type of data that is expected for the field. You can specify that the data may be a character string, text, a single or multiple choice value, a checkbox, or an integer or floating point number. Depending on your data type, you can configure additional options to validate the data format.

Adding a custom field

1. Navigate to Digital > Custom fields in the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Click Add at upper right.
3. Under Associated type, select a type to associate with the custom field.
4. Provide a Label for the custom field.
5. Enter a Key or leave the field empty to allow it to inherit the label.
6. Under Type, select the data type expected for the field.
7. Depending on the data type selected, configure remaining fields as desired.
8. Check the Used for Identity merge box if you want to check the field during an identity merge.
9. Click Save.

Configuring the custom field settings

  • Associated type: Associates the custom field with an identity or a case.
    • Case: Associates the custom field with a case type. The information that populates this custom field will be received via API only and is not visible from the interface. This type of custom field can be used for CRM integrations.
    • Identity: This option associates the custom field with an identity. The custom field will be visible and may be populated in the customer record.
  • Label: Specifies a label for the field. 
  • Key: Stores information from an identity. If you leave this field empty, the key will be automatically determined from the Label you entered. This field is required to be populated for API use.
  • Type: Specifies the data type expected for the field. Options vary by specified field type.
    • Character string: Specifies that you expect a character string.
    • Checkbox: Specifies that you expect a checkbox.
    • Text: Specifies that you expect text data.
    • Integer: Specifies that you expect an integer, such as 5.
    • Floating point number: Specifies that you expect a floating-point number, such as 1.2.
    • Single choice: Specifies that you expect single choice data. For example, you can specify one of VIP, regular, or new for a single choice type.
    • Multiple choice: Specifies that you expect multiple choice data. For example, you can specify one or more of VIP, regular, or new for a multiple choice type.
  • Multiple: When checked, the field will accept multiple values (this field is configured only for character string, text, and number data types). If the identities you want to associate have different values for the same custom field, and if the field is not multiple, a conflict resolution will be shown.
  • Validation with regular expression: Allows you to enter a regular expression to evaluate against the data (this field is configured only for a character string data type). The expression you enter must be verified before you can save.
  • Used for identity merge: Enables the value for this field to be used for suggesting similar identities.
  • Choices: Configurable for a type that uses semicolons or line breaks as separators (this field is configured only for single or multiple choice.
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