Engage Digital | Managing agent identities

Agents must be assigned with an identity that is linked to a channel before they can send messages on that channel. Typically, these identities are based on the channel and take one universal name on behalf of the company. 
For example, on Facebook and Messenger, the identity is the name of the page. When the agent replies to a message on that channel, the reply identity is the name of the page. If messages are posted on the Support page, the identity used to reply will be Support.

Assignment of identities to agents

For channels that only have one possible identity (all channels except forums and the platform’s SDK), the identity will be automatically assigned to the agent if they have permissions to reply on these channels, meaning that no further configuration is needed.
For channels with multiple identities, the identity needs to be created and then added to the agent’s account.

Controlling identities

The identity for most channels in the system is automatically controlled and no action is required. However, certain channels, currently only the Engage Digital channel SDK, need configuration before agent assignment.
1. Navigate to Digital > Identities in the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Click Filters in the search bar.
3. Click the Communities drop-down and make a selection.
4. Click the Identities drop-down and select Only Controllable Identities.
5. Click the Edit button for the channel.
6. Check Controlled Identity.
7. Click Save.

Updating agent identities

1. Navigate to Users > Agents in the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Locate or search for the agent.
3. Hover over the agent and click the Edit Identities or the person icon that appears at far right.
4. Select a channel from the channel dropdown list.
5. Select an identity associated with that channel.
6. Click the Add plus icon to assign the identity to the agent.
7. Add additional identities as needed.
8. Click Save.
View of Edit Identities configuration page
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