Engage Digital | Viewing an agent’s audit log

An audit log contains records of all events performed on the platform. Supervisors will have access to the Audit log page if their assigned role grants them the View all events permission. The Manager role contains this permission by default. By viewing audit logs, you can monitor agent’s actions, authentication failures, invalid login attempts, and other activity done on the system.

Viewing an agent or a team’s audit log

You can use the audit log reports to help determine who is taking what actions on the platform. Follow these steps to view an agent or a team’s audit log:
1. Click Admin from the main menu bar
2. Navigate to Settings > Audit log via the left-hand navigation bar 
3. Refine the result by filtering according to agent, team, or event type. You can also use the date picker to narrow down your search results 
4. Click on a specific log to see more details about the activity
Viewing an agent’s audit log
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