Engage Digital | Navigation and layout for Agent

The agent interface provides all the tools you need in a unified platform to juggle a wide variety of high volume messages from digital channels. You can switch instantly between digital channels to reply to your customers’ inquiries without leaving the primary interface. It centralized the social media, email, and chat message flows from your customers.
All configurations for the agent interface are performed by administrators in the admin interface. Admins create and configure the functionality of the agent interface such as creating mailbox folders, routing messages to agents and setting agent permissions. 
As you handle these interactions, the agent interface offers several tools that enhance your experience. Let’s take a look at how you can interact within the platform to best utilize these tools.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can navigate the agent interface and select all of its features and options using the mouse, but you can also use keyboard shortcuts for some of the commonly used actions. From anywhere in the Agent interface, press Shift + / to reveal the keyboard shortcuts window, which shows the list of available keyboard shortcuts. Click Enable/Disable to toggle the use of shortcuts.
Keyboard shortcuts

Top header bar

The top header bar is one of the first interface elements you’ll see when you first log in to the interface, and it’s always located at the top of your screen, no matter where you are.
In the center of the top header bar, you’ll find links to the following: Agent, Analytics, and Admin. Use these links to quickly switch between the main interfaces. Depending on your role and permissions, you may have access to one or all of these options. For the purpose of this article, we will focus only on the components that make up the agent interface.
Located at far left of the top header bar is the hamburger menu signified by three stacked lines. Clicking on the hamburger menu will expand the left hand navigation bar and will reveal the names associated with each product menu icon.
Finally, at far right is your profile menu, indicated by your initials inside a circle. Let’s review what you’ll find under your profile menu first. 

Profile menu

If you select your profile menu, a menu will drop down, providing your name and email address as well as several links related to your user settings. Let’s discuss each of the options you’ll find under your profile menu.

Configuring notifications

The Configure notifications option from the dropdown will open the Configure notifications modal window.  TThere are two types of notifications: email notifications and interaction notifications. Email notifications pertain to the work item alerts in Routing mode and Inbox. Interaction notifications are configurations for your browser pop-ups and sound alert preferences. You can enable notifications according to your preference.
Please note that another way to configure your notification is through your desktop browser settings (i.e., notification settings in Google Chrome). This pop-up alert comes directly from your browser and is helpful when you’re looking at a different window or screen so that you don’t miss a work item alert. 
Configuring notifications

Impersonate agent

The Impersonate agent option from the dropdown menu will open the Impersonate agent modal window, where you can select the agent you would like to impersonate. This feature lets you impersonate another agent and respond to a customer using another agent's identity. Please note that if you are impersonating another agent, your name will display as ‘John Doe, as Agent Jane’ in your profile menu. 

View my audit log

You can select View my audit log from the profile menu dropdown to open the Audit log page. In this window, you can find a summary of your interactions in the platform. Audit logs take note of just about every change within the system, providing a complete track record of your activity, organized by date and time. 
View my audit log

Need help?

Click on Need help? to open a tab in your browser that loads the RingCentral Engage Digital product documentation page on the RingCentral Support website. You can use the search bar near the top of this page to search the entire website for a help article, or you can manually browse Engage Digital product documentation using one of the tiles in the next section of the page below the search bar. 

Left-hand navigation bar

The left-hand navigation bar, also called the left nav bar, is the blue sidebar that you can always find on the left-hand side of your screen. When expanded, the list of names associated with each product menu option will appear. 
Inside the left nav bar, you’ll find the Inbox (folder icon), Routing mode (checkmark icon), and the Supervision menu (person and clock icon). Please note that it’s possible that not all menu options will be available for you depending on your permissions.
View of the left-hand navigation bar of agent


The first thing you’ll see in the left nav bar is the Inbox. The Inbox is one of the operational modes that agents can use to respond to customer messages from different channels and various social media platforms. To learn more, visit Intro to Inbox.

Mailbox folders

When you navigate to the Inbox, your mailbox folders will appear in the left pane. The mailbox folders you’ll find under the Inbox are customized by your admin and can be sorted according to their channel, theme, status, or categorization. 
The Inbox allows you to manage your messages by grouping them into folders so you can search, respond, and organize messages from customers efficiently. When you click on a mailbox folder, the messages inside that folder will appear in the middle panel.

Search bar

At the top part of your mailbox folders in the left pane, you’ll find a search bar that you can use to look up messages. To learn more, visit Managing messages in Inbox.

New message button

The New message button is located underneath the search bar. This acts as a shortcut for sending out new messages to customers. Depending on how it’s configured for you, you can easily choose from the dropdown which digital channel the message will be sent to.

Message thread

Now let’s take a look at what's inside your mailbox folders. At the top of the middle panel, you will see the total number of messages inside the mailbox folder you’re in. You can click on a message inside your mailbox folder to open the message thread, which will open in the fourth panel at far right. The message thread displays all messages and replies between customer and agent. 
You will notice that each message displays icons that give you a quick visual indication of where it came from, like the name and the avatar photo of the customer, the message categorization, the initials of the agent to whom the interaction is assigned, the date and time the message was sent, and the channel from which it came.
View of message thread info

Message action items in Inbox 

Now let’s discuss the message action items available for you in the message thread window. You can use message action items to respond to customer messages, transfer interactions, edit replies, and more. 

In Inbox, to access the action items for a message, simply hover over the message in the message thread panel and the action items will appear. You can also hover over the top right corner under your agent initials and the action items will appear. To learn more, visit Message action items in Inbox
Message action items in Inbox view

Replying to a message in Inbox 

You can find the reply text box at the bottom of the message thread panel. When replying to a message, there are a couple of icons under the reply text box next to the Send button that you can use to add an emoji to replies, attach a file, or request supervisor approval before sending out a message. For more information, visit Engaging with a message.

Routing mode

The Routing mode appears below the Inbox in the left nav bar. Routing mode is where an agent can toggle between interactions nested in three different workflow folders: Ongoing, Deferred, and History. You can access these folders via the three tabs at the top of the left panel. For more info, visit Intro to Routing mode.
Task view

Message action items in Routing mode

In Routing mode, to access the action items for a message, simply hover over the message to reveal the action items. While some elements of the Inbox and Routing mode may differ, some message action items you see in Inbox are available in Routing mode. To learn more, visit Managing interactions in Routing mode.

Replying to a message in Routing mode

Similar to Inbox, you can find the reply text box at the bottom of the message thread panel. When replying to a message in Routing mode, you can use the same reply features in Inbox, except for the reply assistant. 
You can find the reply assistant below the reply text box signified by a feather icon. The reply assistant allows an agent to reply quickly to a customer with knowledge base replies and similar question replies. To learn more, visit Reply assistant in Routing mode.

Customer Information

The customer information section houses all the information about the customer’s record and activity. When you’re engaged with a message, the customer’s information will appear at the far right panel. 
Under customer information, you will see icons from left to right which acts as a shortcut for the information you might be able to view. To learn more, visit Managing customer information

Agent states

Located at top right next to your agent initials, are your agent states. Agent states are status notifiers that allow supervisors and admins to see what an agent is doing. 
You can click on your agent states dropdown to view the agent states available for you. Please note that your agent states are fully customizable by your administrator. To learn more about agent states, visit Updating your agent state.
Agent states


If you’ve been assigned a supervisor role, in addition to Inbox and Routing mode, you can also access the Supervision menu option via the left nav bar. The Supervision menu allows supervisors and administrators to monitor agent activity in real time. Supervisors can access metrics including an agent’s average presence time, average interaction duration, number of interactions waiting, and more. To learn more, visit Intro to Supervisor
When you click on the Supervision menu in the left nav bar, the sliding tray will appear, revealing two options: Agents and Channel modes. Let’s discuss these options below.
View of Supervision Agents


The Agents view in the Supervision console lists every agent that is logged into the system. It allows supervisors to monitor agents and quickly route interactions to available agents to maximize productivity. For more information, visit Monitoring agent activity.
Here, you can monitor agent activity via dashboards which you can customize to show the stats and criterias you would like to monitor.

Channel modes

In the Channel modes page, you can see a dashboard displaying insights of all activity by channel mode. The data shown is indicated for the current day and is reset at the end of each day. 

In addition, you can refine your monitoring results in the Channel modes view by filtering by channel, team, agent, or category. To know more, visit Monitoring channel activity.
View of Supervision Channels
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